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Adam Brennecke

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Adam Brennecke last won the day on February 20 2015

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About Adam Brennecke

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    (5) Thaumaturgist

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    Orange County, CA

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  1. Awesome! Thank you so much. This helps tremendously. Can you upload your save files anywhere? By any chance to do you have Discord running? Also if you have time - try doing the debug jump test to a map from the main menu to see if you can reproduce the problem.
  2. YouTube upload preferred. You can also upload video to Steam. It helps me to see the video of the issue to diagnose what's going on and to make sure we are on the same page with what the problem is. I'm still curious if you see the problem with jumping to an area from the main menu. Could you please try this if you have a chance? The problem may not be related to your video card - it might be an issue with your save game. Thanks so much!
  3. Hey Mr. Nightmare, The developers are still looking into fixes for it. Do you experience the same stuttering if you jump straight into a map? You can do this by typing "iroll20s" in the console and then hitting F-11. From the list of maps, you can go to Fort Deadlight or Neketaka and see how the performance is without loading a save game. Getting a video from you would also be very helpful if you have the ability to capture and upload footage. Thank you!
  4. This is correct. All of Unity's scripting is run on a single thread - so we are only using one of the many cores in modern CPUs. In some of the larger areas of the game the vast majority of the frame time is spent running scripting on that thread. Unity has recently added a job system and some more multithreading capabilities - but unfortunately, the version we are using can't take advantage of it.
  5. Hi everyone, We are still looking into the Nvidia issue, but we haven't been able to reproduce it on our end with a wide variety of hardware. Today, I ran through some tests on a 1070 and I was getting around 40-50fps in the Neketaka Docks. It's not an ideal framerate, but it's fairly stable while moving the party and camera around. Occasionally the frame rate drops or stutters briefly, but it doesn't seem as frequent or severe as what is reported. Our profiling investigation shows that the game is heavily CPU bound. Most of the frame time is taken up by the ability, AI, and status effect systems. This means that the CPU is the bottleneck and not the GPU. As a second test, our IT department swapped a 2080 into my rig (nice! ), and I ran through the docks and got similar framerate and performance. This lines up because we are CPU bound. As a side note, lowering the resolution is also a good test to see if the game is GPU or CPU bound. If a lower resolution gives more frames then the GPU is the bottleneck. The 2080 confirms we are CPU bound on the upper end of hardware, and unfortunately, even with the 2080 I'm still unable to reproduce the massive stutter/locks that some are experiencing. A few things moving forward: I would like to continue to look at CPU performance and see if we can get any gains by optimizing some of the above systems (abilities). I have a few ideas in mind that may work, but optimizations to key systems are risky because they can introduce bugs. We will see what we can do, and I'll keep everyone updated on if we made progress in this area. The big problem is that we just have too much stuff. In the city, we can have hundreds of active abilities and status effects, each unique with custom scripting. Many of these need to be updated each frame. It's a problem, and one that can be solved. As an ask to the community: can anyone please record a video on the NVidia stuttering or find one that's already been made? It will be immensely helpful to take a look at it. Thank you! Also, can anyone supply a new save game with this issue happening? Does this issue happen if you jump straight into a low performance area? (iroll20s on the main menu console. F-11 to jump to a map). There's also a reported performance problem that could be save game or achievement related. I would also be interested in getting save games from people experiencing that issue to see if we can see what's causing the freeze. We are aware of the Special K mod and fix. (You can view the thread here on Steam). A few programmers here looked into this last year when it was first reported, and we were unable to do anything on our end because it would require us to modify the Unity source code (which we aren't doing for Deadfire). Another unfortunate circumstance is we are running on a old version of Unity (5.6) and upgrading the engine to get the potential fix would be a significant undertaking. We are well aware this is still a problem, I'm discussing solutions with everyone to see if we can find a resolution. Hopefully we can tackle some of these issues and make the game as best as it can be.
  6. If someone has a save game with this problem, can you please upload it so we can take a look at it? You may need to zip up your achievements into this as well since it sounds like it might be tied to the achievement system. Thank you very much! We are aware of some of these performance issues and looking into if we can fix them.
  7. Thanks for bringing that up. I'll contact GOG to fix.
  8. FTFY Hmph. Mask of the Betrayer Storm of Zehir Dead Money Honest Hearts Old World Blues Lonesome Road Treasures of the Sun White March: Part 1* White March: Part 2* Beast of Winter* *contains ice and snow You remembered Treasures of the Sun!
  9. Yes, both PoE1 and Tyranny run without problems. Hmm. Unity technically only supports Ubuntu - but with that said, it doesn't look like it's a Unity issue. Based on the callstack, it could be a problem with the SDL library that we have included, which is used by our third party middle ware package. I'll see if they have a more updated version that we can try for the next release. Please report this bug in the bug thread if you can. Thanks!
  10. Does the first Pillars of Eternity run on your system?
  11. Good news. If you are in the BB, you can try out the Linux version. Sorry for the delay!
  12. We've been discussing changing resolve for a long time internally, and will have some changes to the a few of the attributes in the next beta update.
  13. Shouldn't you first state you opinion? Why do you think it feels like a console game? Else it seems like a provocative post It is faster, more streamlined, less clean and you lose some freedom around ( like the ability to attack anything and anyone, even in towns, small things that probably you will never do, but i like to be able tu do if i like) You should be able to attack almost everyone in the game afaik. I don't think there's anyone in the beta that you can't kill.
  14. A rough guess is 5% of the total size. The ship features makes the map feel way larger too, since there's more things to think about while exploring.
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