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Posts posted by Blarghagh


    Hah, it looks like people accepted that terrorist attacks are mundane daily occurrence - no one on the forum made any comment on this yet?



    Not sure that indicates much of people getting used to it, don't overstate this forum's role in people lives, heh. Surprised he lived, given the NYPD shooting. Then again maybe they missed a lot like the Empire State Building shooting :lol:

    Shot in the stomach, so he'll probably go through a lot of pain. Seems better than dying while looking forward to some virgins, IMO.

  2. Honestly I loved it. It wasn't as good as season 1, but I still binged it by accident because my wife and I kept up pingponging the sentence "just one more episode" to each other until we ran out at 4 AM on sunday. I loved Dustin and Steve's bromance (and Dustin's character in general), El and Hopper's relationship and both Paul Reiser and Sean Astin, who suprised me by both not being the secret bad guy and being super likeable.


    I did have some problems, like the reveal that Dart wasn't a cute thing coming too fast and El's big city adventure feeling forced (and like it was a different show). As someone mentioned, the conspiracy theorist also didn't seem neccesary although it was funny enough for me to forgive it. That, and Mike having next to nothing to do this season despite Finn Wolfhard being awesome. His one good scene was the one with him and Hopper alone. Hope Mike gets more to do next time.

    • Like 2

    The worrying part is not the number of Nazis, but how emboldened they seem recently. I’m not looking into US politics for that long, but it seems to me that the public existence Nazis being straight out and honestly Nazis has seen a sharp increase. And that I find worrying.

    "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction."

    When u get to a point where it's "okay" and pushed socially to call and treat someone who disagrees with you as a "Nazi"....well what do u expect? Think of the N word and how alot of Americans call themselves that even though it's a horrible word, they spun it around and tried to wear it with pride. You keep accusing your mate of cheating, eventually they ain't gonna give a **** and own it.

    If ur wondering why there seems to be more "open" lately.


    I'm not sure if a derogatory insult for someone of a particular skin color and a descriptory term for someone who behaves like a ****head in a very specific way are comparable. If someone is a Nazi, then someone is a Nazi. This politically correct bullcrap having to tiptoe around the feelings of snowflake racists needs to end. That's how you get watered down video games for snowflakes, because apparently this is already too far:




    Keep politics out of gaming!

    • Like 2
  4. Nah, skinhead is a term long associated with Nazism by most people who don't know more about the subculture. I don't know if they're a vocal minority or majority but that's their widely known image to the genpub in the US and Europe. UK slightly less so.

  5. Hah! Airconditioning is for servers, not puny game devs! And offices are optional for QA at least. I knew people in QA who worked in temporary cubicles in empty warehouses with porta-potties instead of indoor plumbing. If that's how game devs are treated now, maybe I'll go back to it. I worked in everything from basements to "refurbished" apartments sitting next an old bath tub myself. Another local company that I haven't worked for so I can name them, Grendel Games, built up their offices in a former century-old prison.

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    "African American MALES only making up 9% of the industry"


    I know this isn'ty an Ameirkan company... but what % do you think AA MALES make up in the US or this country's population?  AA totally make up approximately 13% of the US population for example so I am going to hazard a guess that AA males more than have their share of representation. Other minorities likely not so much...


    What are you responding to?



    The OP said this. It's not wrong, but Volourn is also not wrong. I think African American (male) representation in the games industry is pretty good comparatively. Any kind of woman... not so much although that's getting a lot better.

  7. Eh, Upper Management of one company can't fix the industry. Don't get me wrong, they're douchebags, but at this point if you don't crunch you can't keep up. I've worked on projects where the deadline crunch started before the contract was even signed. It's also become a bit of a cultural problem. This industry attracts young, passionate creatives who WILL crunch to get their projects done and if you don't comply with them, you are a traitor.

  8. Some interesting numbers and new labels

    -- Bigger picture: The center is not holding. There is much less overlap in the political values of Republicans and Democrats than in the past. In 2004, 49 percent of Americans took a roughly equal number of conservative and liberal positions on a scale based on 10 questions. That was the same percentage as in 1994. Then, three years ago, 38 percent had a mix of liberal and conservative views. Now it’s dropped to 32 percent.


    And here's a quiz because those are fun


    Jesus, you're either Ron Swanson or Leslie Knope.

  9. Is Schadenfreude your biggest hobby or something?


    I'd continue to argue but clearly we don't give weight to each other's arguments so there'd be little point. Plus I realized that in the same way that a trigger warning wouldn't affect you in the slightest, you voicing your opinion, as much as I disagree with it and think it's quite frankly disturbing, doesn't affect me in the slightest.

  10. You know what annoys me about the Wallking Dead? Poor marksmanship. So many unproductive rounds fired every week. If I was the leader of a group I'd have two rules:


    1) No guns for you unless you can hit the center of the target 8 of 10 times from 100 meters.

    2) Use semi auto fire for crying out loud. Unless you are laying down supressing fire to cover movement you are wasting ammo. Battles are won with aimed shots.

    You would restrict their rights to bear arms? Gasp!

  11. That's true.


    I think there's a subtle difference between a warning for those that will cause physical harm to someone and a warning for those that MAY feel uncomfortable.
    Physical harm there is more sympathy because of physical evidence of the harm. The trigger warnings have less sympathy because even though mental trauma is a real thing, mental trauma was always taught to me and many others that except severe cases, it's more of a barrier to overcome. It's something that people may accept, but to constantly strive to overcome because they do have consequences socially and physically.
    The main opposition I believe is that it's not of making people uncomfortable, it's the mentality to not strive to overcome and the consequences shouldn't be on the person but instead the consequences lay on everyone else in that they are forced to deal with you in the context of acceptance in that it will never change.


    The problem is that all these views are outdated as hell. They're finding most traumas and mental disorders have physical effects and marks in the brain, for one. The assumption that someone with mental problems is capable of making that choice and being in control is completely faulty. Many of them WANT to but can't. Here's why this subject makes me pissy:


    My wife is diagnosed by mental health professionals as having PTSD and she's currently discouraged from watching things that could trigger her because she gets PTSD flashbacks where she mentally regresses to the exact moment she was abused as a child and the rest of her brain literally shuts down. She simply CANNOT make any reasonable choices at this time. One time she nearly jumped out a four-story window because of a flight response to what was essentially a repeating lifelike hallucination after some all-ages cop show had a sudden rape scene and no disclaimer. We're working with therapies such as EMDR to solve this, but it's not her CHOICE. What's worse, every time this happens it's essentially several steps back in her MEDICALLY PRESCRIBED TREATMENT and half the time, there's no way to avoid it.


    Trigger warnings would be extremely helpful in her recovery to get her to that point. But no, because some empathy-deprived **** on the internet are mad at a bunch of overdramatic misandrist **** on the internet, something that is as simple as a short freaking "may contain traces of rape" message becomes this huge deal to everyone because ****ing internet. Because mental trauma is a good enough reason to not go to jail if you killed someone, but it's not enough of a reason to put everyone through a bit of text they can safely ignore and doesn't even ****ing affect them in the slightest. To that I say, **** those people. And if they can't deal with that bit of text without getting triggered, maybe they shouldn't be the one throwing stones.

    • Like 1
  12. Hey Sharp_One, you say CD Projekt was checked. Do you know what such a check entails in Poland? Genuinely curious.


    I ask this because when I worked in Game Dev, unpaid overtime was the norm but generally denied by the workers since that unpaid overtime meant the projects got finished, the contracts got fullfilled, the people got paid and kept their jobs in a highly competitive field whereas admitting to unpaid overtime was a good way to get your company to go out of business and have everyone lose their jobs. Workers and management denying it was pretty much mandatory to survive, and with server technology a lot of that crunch was done by taking your files home and committing them to the servers. Especially in places that have maybe one or two big companies and the rest struggling to survive, and I believe Poland's industry is similar. Like the Netherlands has Guerilla, some mid levels and then tiny companies popping up and going bankrupt at enormous rates. Poland's got CD and then about the same, I believe?


    Anyway, I'm not sure if the number's still the same but the average time spent in the game industry was 4 years. Including life-long game designers, this means a lot of people get burnt out on it within the first few years. It's a concern, and it's hard to fix because as stated it attracts "dreamers" who are just happy to be there. They won't fight for unions, they're already amazed they're even getting to do it. I was one of them. And there's companies that exploit this, with EA (check EA spouse) and that company who made LA Noire being the most publicized.


    (Also, the complaints about a lot of the western game industry being -- generally unintentionally -- insensitive to minorities to a certain degree are true in my experience, but my experience is limited and I got burnt out as a cis white male just as soon as anyone else.)

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  13. I think trigger warning just has a negative connotation to some at this point so they may reflexively rail against it


    I think you may give people too much credit :p


    Call it something else and I'd wager you'd get a better reaction

    Maybe you're right, because I can't think of any other reason people don't get up in arms about dryer instructions stating not to use it on babies but this is the one they can't handle.

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