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Posts posted by Blarghagh

  1. It's his wife writing messages now. I don't know what has happened to TrueNeutral. I can only pray for him.



    Look at me. I'm the moderator now.



    I'm alive. Days of married life survived: 1. Thanks for the congratulations earlier, guys. :)

    You're wife should join these forums. I don't know how that could ever possibly go wrong.

    Yeah, no. Linking to something she made in my signature (where I didn't even mention she was my girlfriend) already got her a bunch of harrasment once, and I wasn't even a moderator yet then. Lesson learned that even here the angry grognards can be horrible crazies.

  2. I would like you to use same harsh words during Barkley, should I try to search if you actually condemned them as 'deformed inbreds' as well? Was it good job of left there? You really sounds like UUUghe hypocrite here :/


    You know I live in country where 'left extremists' ruled for quite long time. Your view of 'mild left' and 'evil right' is astonishing

    If it wasn't clear, I'm making fun of the narrative that the mystical "the left" caused the Nazis to rise up and it's therefore their fault. IF that were true, the left did a great job ruining and destroying the alt-right entirely. The premise is clearly wrong, though. (And you've seen the Tiki-torch pictures and videos, deformed inbreds is an absolute objective observation and not an opinion.)


    Also, what's Barkley? If you mean those Antifa [banned-word-for-female-genitals]s then screw those guys. They clearly needed someone to tell them how "sinking to their level" works.

  3. A statue isn't history, it's art based on history and any city or private landowner has the right to remove or place art as they see fit. Protesting is a way to get your displeasure heard, but who the hell is going to listen to THESE protesters? A bunch of Nazis saying "don't take it down" is the quickest way to make sure people take it down because they don't want to be associated with them. So good job, racists.


    Alternatively, I've seen a narrative that leftists MADE these Nazis show themselves. And now everyone is aware of them, some of them are losing their jobs over this, they're literally outed as violent murderering rednecks and deformed inbreds confirming what the left has always said about the alt right, pretty much destroying the little alt-right credibility there was while making sure those statues and southern slave trade art gets taken down like they wanted. So, not sarcastic, good job left. ;)

    • Like 2
  4. Getting married tomorrow! Going dark for the next week because I'll be busy, on vacation and have limited internet access. If anyone congratulates me and I don't reply, that's why. Thanks in advance guys, hope you're all well! :p

    • Like 12



    :lol:  :lol: .....this sounds like a term created in some misplaced SJ discussion 



    It's a play on "radical islamic terrorism".



    It's also horrendously accurate.




    Of all recored violent extremist incidents that resulted in death since September 12, 2001, far right wing violent extremist groups were responsible for 73 percent. Your friendly neighbourhood bigot is far more likely to be a radicalized terrorist than your local muslim refugee.

  6. Re: IT the new film


    The trailer would have me believe the movie will have better creepy atmosphere than the mini-series (not hard to do, really). I liked the mini-series ok (the spider-IT was poorly done, tho), especially the children's sections, but I don't mind new adaptations of it either. That said, I always have reservations about King film adaptations of his long novels, simply because of length. King's short stories or novella's usually transfer to film better. Maybe if they made it a two-movie type of film thing. I'd rather wish for a new mini-series, like Netflix doing it, or HBO, or Amazon, or whoever.


    And for me, young Stuttering Bill will always be Jonathan Brandis (RIP). I thought he was perfect casting back when. The kid in the film trailer doesn't appeal to me at all.


    The producers said the trailers mostly used takes of Stuttering Bill unused in the film, because the stutter could ruin the flow of the trailer. Weird, but that's what they said.


    Jaeden Liebenher's actually a pretty good kid actor though. I saw him in Aloha (**** film) and Playing it Cool (an actually good romcom) and he was good in both. I'm more excited about Finn Wolfhard as Richie though - perfect casting. That kid is hilarious.

  7. Not to glorify drugs or anything but


    The hell? That's not how adderall works. At most it'll give you an energy boost or a minor feeling of euphoria because of the increase of dopamine and norepinephrine. If you don't have ADHD it won't even help you focus, it'll do the opposite (sorry college students). There's nothing in adderall that would make you do this.

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