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Posts posted by Blarghagh

  1. IT


    It didn't scare me, and it's not a great horror movie. But it is a great movie, one of the best this year. It did occassionally unsettle me with its coming-of-age style revelation that the monster under your bed will never compare to the horrors real life can throw at you but I was never really scared.


    That didn't matter though, because while I wasn't scared I did truly believe in the fear of these kids. This film was awesome. Well made, suspenseful, heartfelt and featuring some of the coolest and most creative creature feature visuals I've seen in a long while, I was emotionally invested and visually arrested.


    Pennywise isn't terrifying but incredibly intimidating and fascinating. He was played perfectly and lives up to Tim Curry's iconic portrayal while standing on its own at the same time. However, the real standouts are the child actors, especially the fearless Sophie Lillis and a hilarious turn by Finn Wolfhard.

    • Like 2

    It's possible. I did always say I would die at 30, I've only got half a year left. Maybe that's how. :p

    But if you die then who will operate your alts?

    My will specifies that my password be given to Prosper.

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  3. And what if he got impeached and you got someone worse? I know you can say that's impossible but you've been wrong before.

    If you'd asked me a couple of months back, I'd have said impeach him before he does more damage. At this point I think most replacements from the Republican side, especially the vice-president, would be worse. Possibly most replacements from the Democrat side too. They'd know how to get their plans through whereas Trump has proven too incompetent to get his evil schemes to hatch. Better the devil you know to be useless and all that.
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  4. I lol'd at the assertion that Clown phobia started with the original IT miniseries. Nothing to do with it or the book it was based on and everything to do with them painting themselves with corpselike pale faces, screaming eyes and red gaping mouths. If that is the face you paint for children, how bad is the one you had to hide under all that? Their very image is an inhuman monster packed in garish colors trying incredibly hard to be friendly. To children.


    Fear of clowns signifies that your child knows enough not to trust the stranger offering candy from a van. Encourage it. The more trouble clowns get from this, the better. Drive some more of them out of business.



  5. Yeah, the 'moderate' muslim who reveals she wants to kill all. Just like Bruce, the obnoxious SJW who slowly turns conservative when exposed to 'logic'. Yeah, those people aren't real, actual people don't correspond 100% to tea party figments of imagination. It's not hard to figure out which members are most desperate to create fake proof and strawmen for those views. ;)

    • Like 2
  6. GoT is pretty dang heavy on the incest.


    But so far it's been on the side of either villains or side characters. Two major "heroes"? Feels significantly more icky to me somehow - when Cersei does it, well, she's done more awful crap. But these are people we're supposed to root for?


    OK, I ****ing give up what does E50HW stands for?

    It doesn't mean anything, that's the normal (random) plate she received to replace the unfortunate (random) plate she received the first time.

    I dunno, it looks like someone mirrored a word for prostitute to me.

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    Maybe I'm less critical than you guys because I've always viewed the series as 'full Hollywood'


    And I just hate when TV writers **** up the source material.



    There is no source material. They were adapting a series, not writing a new one. But since George decided to never finish the series ever (my interpretation of his behavior), they had to do something.

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