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Posts posted by Blarghagh

  1. Inheritance is one of these things that can be easily made to benefit the largest part of society while maintaining a good tax income for the state. Say, no tax on the first million and 85% on every further cent. Not just cash; total capital.

    So you support throwing families to streets because Grandpa who owned the house died.

    How German of you.

    Quoting someone is now making stuff up. r00fles
    To be fair the idea that someone with a multi-million dollar property could become homless by any form of inheritance tax after the first million is made up. ;)
    A family home magically becomes multi-million dollar property. The strawman keeps getting bigger and bigger when losers see opportunity to rob a hard working people from their hard earned money.

    Stop crying over the rich. They are increasing their wealth at a tremendous clip right now while the average tax payer is struggling to make any gains.

    So a family with a house and a car is top 1%? You have no idea, as always, what you talk about.

    Another example of why US education is tanking.

     What in the world are you talking about? We were discussing million dollar inheritances.

    I absolutely love these exchanges.

    Step 1: Make a strawman where post-million+ properties are the average old grandpa's house.

    Step 2: Accuse others of making a strawman where the average old grandpa's house is a post-million+ property.

    Step 3: ???

    Step 4: Profit :lol:

    • Like 2
  2. Well.. lookie here lol Looks like that classic arcade machine game "Rampage" got some sort of AAA budget movie adaptation. Yes, it's real...



    I actually had hopes for this when the cast was announced and such, but I thought they were making an action comedy! This would have been perfect for a similar blast of color, hilarity and kinetic energy as Thor: Ragnarok. But they're PLAYING IT STRAIGHT? Holy hell someone at that studio didn't get the source material.



    Masculinity depends on the context of culture and time, if John Wayne were to imported from his prime he'd be called a skinnyfat and told to do starting strength. It could absolutely be toxic, just consoder the example of Wayne being a possible homosexual, such a thing is today considered feminine and would have been even worse back then. If this was the case, it would have caused Wayne a lot of grief. For a more modern example consider the toxic effect virginity has on men over 16, I challenge you to look at various incel forums or /r9k/ and then make an argument that failing to meet percieved standards of masculinity is not harmful.

    My favourite subversion of expectations of masculinity and the homophobia it sometimes comes with was a joke I heard Brian Posehn make in a stand-up bit. "Really, they're the weak ones? We need soft, small women with round shapes! They **** MEN!"

    Sounds like he's stolen Steve Hughes' bit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5VliEjyohM
    I dunno, it could be possible. how old is that show? I saw Brian Posehn in 2005 at the Comedy Factory Festival in Holland. It's hard to say, they're both active as comedians since 1994. I'd go and guess it's not clever enough that only one person could come to the same conclusion.
  4. Masculinity depends on the context of culture and time, if John Wayne were to imported from his prime he'd be called a skinnyfat and told to do starting strength. It could absolutely be toxic, just consoder the example of Wayne being a possible homosexual, such a thing is today considered feminine and would have been even worse back then. If this was the case, it would have caused Wayne a lot of grief. For a more modern example consider the toxic effect virginity has on men over 16, I challenge you to look at various incel forums or /r9k/ and then make an argument that failing to meet percieved standards of masculinity is not harmful.


    My favourite subversion of expectations of masculinity and the homophobia it sometimes comes with was a joke I heard Brian Posehn make in a stand-up bit. "Really, they're the weak ones? We need soft, small women with round shapes! They **** MEN!"

  5. ----Watched Guardians of the Galaxy 2 the other day. I'd agree with most critic reviews that it's entertaining/good but felt a bit forced in spots. "Trying too hard" or something. But still had plenty of hilarious/fun moments and the ending got to me a tiny bit. Mostly because I like Michael Rooker (I still think he was one of the best things of The Walking Dead).


    Agreed. There are so many moments in Guardians 2 where they just have to hammer something in. I liked the movie a lot but those moments really take me out of it because it's trying so hard.


    - Aww, Rocket pushes everyone away because he doesn't want to be vulnerable "you push away anyone who's willing to put up with you 'cause just a little bit of love reminds you of how big and empty that hole inside you actually is." Um, okay. Yeah, that's what I thought.

    - Haha, Taserface is a dumb name. Hah, there it is again. Hm, it's not that funny the third time. Oh come on!

    - Damn, I think Nebula's mad because Gamora was supposed to be her family - "I JUST NEEDED A SISTER" that's a bit on the nose...

    - Aww, Peter just threw that little energy ball - he's finally playing catch with his dad! Oh, now they're actually PLAYING CATCH. IN SLOW MOTION.

    - He does care! Yondu's hard on Rocket because he doesn't want him to turn out like him - oh wow that's a long speech about Yondu and Rocket being the same.

    - Hah, Drax is so disgusted by Mantis. He really has no filter! I can't believe he said that. Okay, now he's just being mean. Okay Drax, you can stop telling this poor woman how ugly she is now!

    - Oh **** Star-Lord's special powers aren't working because he's overthinking it. "I DONT USE MY HEAD, I USE MY HEART."

    - Aww, Peter realizes he had a father all along - "BUT HE AIN'T YOUR DADDY SON" "I guess I had a cool dad all along!"


    It's like, movie, please, STAHP. We were already on board with this! You're ruining it by going "didya get it? didya get it?"

  6. I didn't read all the responses so maybe I'm treading old ground, but can I just say something?


    I think the term "toxic masculinity" is misused constantly by almost everyone who uses it. Somehow it has morphed into a single term when it is and has always been meant to be taken the way it is written; an adjective and a noun. Toxic masculinity shouldn't mean that all masculinity is toxic just as "broken machinery" doesn't mean all machinery is broken.


    I know this definition as a single term came from crazy tumblr feminists originally misusing the term and the subsequent pushback, but it irritates me to no end when someone says "now we're told masculinity is toxic" and defends the concept of masculinity from something that was never meant to be an attack on the entire thing. This isn't entirely sparked by this thread, just if I see one more response to a mention of toxic masculinity that proceeds to bitch that men have it much worse because look at the young male suicide rate, I might freak.


    There are many positive traits that are traditionally seen as masculine. Courage, strength, ambition, competition, rationality, assertiveness and protectiveness are fantastic masculine ideals men are expect to aspire to. But in some ways they are also mandatory. You can't lose so you must win, you must not avoid risks whether they're dumb or not, you must ignore emotions in favour of indifferent rational thought, protectiveness becomes obsessiveness, assertiveness become domineering and you must not show weakness. These traits are not inherently toxic but societal pressures and expectations can warp them and when this happens they become toxic masculinity. This can lead to men viewing these traits as having more rights than others, ignoring mental and physical health problems and not accept it when their ambition and competition for social status isn't rewarded to their expectation.


    It's easy to forget in the world of 4chan, reddit and tumblr that these buzzwords like "toxic masculinity" or "patriarchy" exist for a reason and merit consideration despite their dogmatic followers. Patriarchy exists and it hurts men too. That rise in young male suicide rates? That's the work of toxic masculinity right there.

    • Like 3
  7. And here me and my friends make each other laugh by randomly yelling Multipass at each other.


    But yeah, that's fair. I have some movies whose following I don't understand. Like Labyrinth. That movie has nothing going for it except the designs. The most likeable character is the pedophile baby-napping villain! And how did you make David Bowie write such bad songs? FOUR of them?

    • Like 1

    *tosses cat a few pieces of buttered popcorn*

    *tosses cat some cheddar cheese bits*

    *tosses cat small pieces of raw chicken as I'm slicing it up*

    *plates a mound of lightly cooked chicken for cats lunch*


    ...my cat is not spoiled. :biggrin:


    ...although in truth, a lot of it is extra efforts to get him to gain or at least not lose weight. His hyperthyroidism = it's hard to keep him even around 8 pounds (when he should be around 11-12pounds).

    The biggest of our three cats, an orange tabby (what else?) carries an impressive 18 lbs considering our farm life out here.

    And our oldest, a grey-toned tabby, well his diet is more or less that of a goat's. In fact, he was born in a sheep barn.

    Here's a taste of what he finds yummy:



    -French fries

    -All kinds of beans


    -Horse radish

    -Chilli peppers (I'm not kidding. This could make us rich on Youtube one day. His record is chilli rated like 5,000 Scoville == jalapeño

    -The weirdest of sauces

    -Pizza, including the hard crust, which he loves to crunch on like mouse bones


    -Chocolate (which would kill a dog)

    -An assorted collection of candy

    -And in the wild, he goes for mice, small birds, lizards, and insects, mainly. (One sad day, he plundered a nest, undeterred by the poor screeching jay couple. It took years before we got those beautiful birds back in the clump of trees near our house.)

    Chocolate's terrible for cats too. Also, as predators cats lack the taste sensors related to spicy heat, so the scovilles won't bother them going in. Dunno about going out.


    Just make sure never to give 'm raisins.

    • Like 1
  9. Yeah, Disney's Service is likely going to be the biggest competitor considering that includes all Disney, Pixar, LucasFilm, Miramax, Touchstone, Henson, ABC, ESPN and Marvel products and if the rumors are to be believed, will include 20th Century Fox soon. I mean, Disney dumping Netflix means no more Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Avengers, Pirates, Muppets, no Lion King, Jungle Book or Toy Story. At least for films Netflix would essentially lose all of its appeal for the general consumer.


    What are you talking about? Legion added MUCH more than they announced.

    Oh, nothing. I'm just a bitter former WoW player who really enjoyed the game's aerial combat, the underwater raid and the Path of the Titans progression system... ;)


    Granted Blizz has gotten better by simply promising less, in the past the game boxes had screenshots of features on them that didn't make it into the game.

    Those seem minor to me. Not just for WoW (WoD infamously got cut in half and redesigned) but for games in general. Minigames and glyphs-under-a-different-name aren't much compared to the stuff most devs pull, especially since cut stuff is generally compensated for i.e. Abyssal Maw/Firelands raids being consolidated into a larger Firelands Raid. Certainly not enough to hold a Molyneux style grudge IMO. Saying you quit Pandaland after launch because of it makes little sense to me because that had the best post-launch support of all expansions, at least up until WoD got delayed. Now, if you'd experienced WoD... Then I'd get it.



    WoW Classic - official vanilla server and F2P StarCraft 2

    Also a new Overwatch hero

    and this..



    Putting the "War" back in Warcraft... again? Much original, such wow, something something or however that meme goes. ;)


    I'd be more excited for the expansion if Blizz had not made a habit out of quietly dropping half of the features announced for a new expansion. But yay, they now can morph terrain in real time now. That'll be all over the expansion, like rushing rivers were all over the Broken Isles in Legion.


    I think I'll sit this one out like I did with WoD and everything on Pandaria after the launch.



    What are you talking about? Legion added MUCH more than they announced.

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