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Posts posted by Blarghagh

  1. I'm hesitant to let the government step in due to their history with media censorship (Hayes Code etc.) but do think the threat of this happening is a good way to get them to self-regulate and drop the predatory practices towards minors and the addiction prone.


    Let's be fair here, I respect the view of 'people should make their own choices and doesn't need the government to tell them what's good for them,' but this applies to those who are accountable and capable of making healthy, rational decisions which significant portions of the population are not. Minors, mentally ill, even the poorly educated generally do not have the capability of making an informed choice and often this has impact on everyone else.


    If all drinkers were allowed to drive, their choices could kill. The obesity epidemic affects insurance premiums. Rsise your kids the way you want? Fine, but for some people that's tying them up in the barn. Second-hand smoke. Drugs. Anti-vaxxers do what they think is best, and in doing so put not only their child but others at risk by screwing with herd immunity. And gambling addictions cause moneysinks of debt, crime, mental problems etc. that affect others and require tax money for cops and take money away from that previous free capitalist economy.


    I'm hesitant to have government step in not on principle but because they often **** it up, but ideally the government exists to tell people what they can or cannot do because people are dumb cattle. Call me a cynic, but the only problem with getting regulation is that sometimes it's made by that cattle. Get more independent research done and bring the right information to the table, if that clearly states this lootbox stuff is bad for those who can't be held accountable then it needs regulation.


    I'm not saying this as someone who thinks he's always accountable and capable of making decisions. My personal lingstanding history with mental illness makes me acutely aware of the many times I did things that someone should have stopped me from because I wasn't capable of making rational decisions. Regulation's great, as long as it helps the weak and abused and if you run into issues with that, either the government ****ed it up again or just maybe you're a dumb cow.


    But then, maybe I'm just too cynical. Either way, in the real world right now the cattle's putting people like Trump or May in charge. So yeah, more research and qualified people in office before someone enforces regulation please. Because my faith in government, civilisation and democracy is severely shaken, and I thought humans were cattle before that...



    • Like 1
  2. I played Octodad again this weekend, but then as a 4-player co-op experience. It was by far the most hilarious thing I've ever done. Highly recommend it for a fun evening with friends.


    For anyone not familiar, Octodad is a game about an octopus pretending to be a boring middle-aged man. The gameplay lies in him having trouble moving like a person and you have to control his limbs individually. This is difficult and by yourself it's a bit of a rage game. However, co-op mode gives each player one arm or leg to control and hilarity ensues.

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    I mean, Marco Rubio (a Republican senator) revealed a few days ago that the end-game of increasing the deficit was so that they can cut medicare and social security. 


    Uhh... source? Because that sounds suspiciously like some Cobra Commander level bull****.





    I do not believe those were the exact words, but that seems about right.

  4. Siamese "Fighting Fish" are calledthat exactly why you think and are regularely used for team names and such for martial arts schools. Couple of martial arts flicks under that name from different countries too, including an awful dutch martial arts flick that was heavily advertised here being the first and thankfully so far only martial arts film from the Netherlands, which is how I learned this crap in the first place. :lol:

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    I don't see any liberals being confused or melting down.

    Really? I can count at least three just on this page alone.


    Trump 2020!



    Well, that explains a lot, since I see snarky debates that you couldn't even call "heated" when you're talking about leebruls being sensitive. Really, meltdowns?

  6. "Did anyone ever tell you you're an expert at "yes, but they're evil nazis TOO!"?"


    The point is a lot of people cry about how history in NA has been covered up and hidden to to make the European evil and monstrous even though everyone knows the horrible stuff they did. There is this myth that pre European invasion that Indiians were living on the land and with each other in peace and harmony. That simply isn't the case. For me, it dehumanizes people when you don't share the FULL picture of their history both good and bad.

    Oh, that's entirely true but it doesn't cover the first part: "yes, but"


    True as your statement is it does not deflect or mitigate those things everyone knows teh evil yuropeons did which makes it pretty much entirely irrelevent information in this situation. Bringing it up changes nothing, whether the people you're informing know it or not.


    Going 'indians killed each other too' in response to 'gosh, the US is a bit racist to induans' or 'gosh, imperialists killed a lot of indians' doesn't affect anything. It's a non-argument. Those imperialists still killed a lot of indians. The US is still a bit nasty to native Americans. Gosh!


    It's like when you watch American History X and Edward Norton makes a black guy put his face on the curb and stomps down and then you go 'well, you guys better remember that in Africa black people killed blacks too'. What's it change? It's not really relevant to the point being made.


    Yes, it's important to know real history and it's freaking annoying when people ignore shades of gray for sake of outrage and blame. But right now the only way I can respond to your 'yes, but how 'bout dat native american autogenocide!' is: Yeah? So? What about it? At best, I guess it's a piece of tangentially related trivia?


    Edit: Not actually why I went here. I was gonna go: lol, white house statement to Trump tweeting fake videos is 'who cares if the evidence is fake if we know in our gut the charges are true?'


    The horse died while protecting Pediga marchers!? :lol:


    Also, wow the alt-right lies train is targeting the Netherlands today. Trump retweeted a video of a "muslim immigrant" beating up a "dutch boy with crutches". But it actually was "dark-haired dutch boy beats up blonde dutch boy crutches" as the 'assailant' turned out to be neither an immigrant nor descended from immigrants nor a muslim. Also the video was sourced to dutch comedy site "Dumpert" (it's like 9gag meets 4chan) which casts serious doubt on its authenticity as it's a known source of hoaxes, so there's that.



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  8. Yeah, police statement clarifies that animal passed due to heart failure that was deemed entirely unrelated to the demonstrations.


    It also wasn't an Antifa demonstration. It was a demonstration that turned from a lawful march to an unlawful blockage of an refugee asylum center by far-right organisation PEGIDA (an organisation led by a literal Nazi and criminal) and Antifa was present there solely as a counter-demonstration.




    Either very misinformed or lying through your teeth this time, Sharp_one. For shame. Check your sources.

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  9. "Disrespecting one native peoples in a flippant manner has more to do with one just being disrespectful and flippant in general, and further about being callus to our nations history."


    Is it as disrespectful as ignoring the history of Indian tribes wiping out, conquering, and subsuming other tribes in the same disgusting flippant manner as the Europeans did to them?


    Did anyone ever tell you you're an expert at "yes, but they're evil nazis TOO!"?


    With all due respect, Trump being rude is no cause to refer to any kind of ignorance as "systemic" since he's clearly dumber than average.

    Eh, not dumb I'd say. He seems like the typical NPD asshat. Only naked force can change their mind, sadly :lol:



    Alright, more of a willfully disinterested butthole than average.

  11. Are you kidding? That was the number one topic with my black business associates a while back.

    Wow, I completely misread this. I had to reread it twice before I realized you didn't say it was the number one topic with your black business associates while black.


    Maybe I need to get my eyes checked. Whoohoo, European healthcare!

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