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Posts posted by Blarghagh

  1. So, browsing movies I came across a film starring Michael Shannon, Ron Perlman, Christina Hendricks, Ian McShane and Judy Greer. The name Pottersville didn't mean anything to me, but I figured just this should be worth it by cast alone, right?


    Well, so far I've realized it's a christmas movie... Somehow. It also started with nice guy Michael Shannon coming home to surprise his wife, Christina Hendricks, only to find her in the bedroom with his best friend, Ron Perlman. Only at first, you don't recognize them because they're furries.


    So he gets angry drunk, improvises a gorilla costume and heads off. Cut to him waking up and remembering nothing, but news crews are all over town because dozens of people saw Bigfoot.


    That's the first 15 minutes. This is either going to be amazing or horrific, but either way I'm strapped in for the ride.


    Edit: Ian McShane is a local hunter who promises to catch the beast. There's also a TV Ghost Hunter style dude trying to make an episode of his show, and he just did bits of Christian Bale's infamous rant verbatim to one of his crew. What is this? :lol:


    Edit Edit: It was awful. What a shame.

    • Like 1
  2. Wow, jump the gun on that clickbaity title much?


    As useful as an open beta can be, it runs into the problem of most people having no idea how beta or playtesting actually work.


    An open beta is immensely useful, but not for the reasons most gamers think open betas are used for. Player feedback, especially from fans who like to be backseat devs, is entirely useless as they generally suffer from tunnel vision and a beta is generally several builds behind anyway, but it WILL give you a much better idea of how some features will play out when they get out in the wild. Players are unpredictable and half the stuff you design will not be used as you intended. With the advent of YouTube and Twitch where you can actually observe people playing instead of them writing long, rambling feedback posts where they propose solutions that will most likely not be feasible for any number of reasons, the usefulness of open betas has actually soared.


    DISCLAIMER: Just a volunteer moderator, not an Obsidian Dev. Do not speak for Obsidian, do not take my views on backseat devs and forum feedback as an Obsidian stance.

    • Like 6
  3. Welcome to the next installment of stuff you find weird, random or interesting and wanted to share.


    I got nothing, so checking my Facebook feed I found equal oppertunity robot boning: Unstoppable Bionic Penises



    Previous posts:


    am gonna add one thing by noting how exclusion ain't so much protection o' innocence or future innocence. rules 'which set guilty free when govt violates rules ain't so much 'bout protecting the innocent as is 'bout protecting rights of everybody, innocent or guilty. is the kinda thing which should make gd happy 'cause makes rights more important than justice or even people. we go to great the lengths in this country to protect intangible ideals from government interference, even to the point we is protecting wrongdoers, evildoers, from the State.

    HA! Good Fun!

    Exactly correct. There are far too many examples of heavy handed abuse of the citizens by the US government. Frankly I am surprised this whole thing ended as peacefully as it did. It's hardly unheard of for Federal law enforcement is to shoot the suspects and all the witnesses. I


    Geekscape Podcast - Recruiting a new co-host, Casper van Dien


    Casper talks about working on the Sci-Fi classic ‘Starship Troopers’ and working with directing geniuses like Tim Burton and Paul Verhoeven! We also talk a bit about his own directing work and how he approaches it as an actor! And of course I’ve got to mention Casper’s appearances in two of my favorites: ‘Beast Master III’ and ‘Wing Commander IV’! The man has a ton of awesome sci-fi stories so sit back and enjoy!

    I did find a little amusement in the "Okay, so WIng Commander IV. I took a job just to get Mark Hamill's autograph." aspect.


    I had no idea he was in 4.

    • Like 18
  4. The thread for any random video game news you don't want to bother making a new thread for. What's up in game world? Overwatch League just started, did anyone care?


    Previous posts:

    "From my PoV, he says a lot of stuff, why I still prefer to play older over newer games. with the exceptions of few Indy gems. It's not nostalgia, the older games just forced you to use your brain more often. And the feeling which you got, when you did overcome some riddle or hard quest or boss, was much more rewarding than in today's openworld checkbox simulators with cutscenes."

    games always sucked, difference is in the 80s and 90s there wasn't youtube

    I think we can blame wow when they started doing the quest location answer thingies. Once they started showing where the quest items and locations to complete the quests, I started noticing alot of games join in.
    Quest markers I believe they are called?


    "From my PoV, he says a lot of stuff, why I still prefer to play older over newer games. with the exceptions of few Indy gems. It's not nostalgia, the older games just forced you to use your brain more often. And the feeling which you got, when you did overcome some riddle or hard quest or boss, was much more rewarding than in today's openworld checkbox simulators with cutscenes."

    games always sucked, difference is in the 80s and 90s there wasn't youtube

    I disagree.

    Back then the games cost the same as—or more than they do today... but back then they could only justify the price on their gameplay, humor, and story elements. These days, there are developers that make interactive paintings, and call them games. Even Todd Howard has openly admitted that they make games to entertain (coddle) the player rather than challenge them. Older games presented (and still present) challenge; and were not afraid of petulant players.

    I've found shockingly few games in the last decade that hold my interest; The Witcher (1) is one of them. Toribash is one of them; magic sands (Java game) is one of them. The Disciples & King's Bounty series both held my interest a lot longer than I expected. Grim Fandango. Die By The Sword, Machinarium; (too short though). The FO3 GECK—but not the FO3 game. :(

    I have Witcher 2 & 3 installed; both day one purchases. I am finishing the Dark Queen of Krynn series for the first time. I've never played Witcher 3—but for part of the tutorial; that was enough. I'd play Blood over F.E.A.R. any day; all week long, if it was pick one or the other; and they are made by the same studio. I played Dead Space for about 22 minutes; I haven't played it since. It was boring. Grimrock 1 & 2, I liked. The Superhot demo, I liked; I'd be playing FO3 if FO3 had combat like Superhot.

    Edit: (after Mamoulian War)
    I liked Rune a lot, but Skyrim not so much at all; except for them hiring Max von Sydow. :thumbsup:
    I'd have loved Skyrim —if it had had the combat* and level design aesthetics of Rune; they seem to have copied in ways that just didn't matter to it; leaving the important stuff out...




    (... like they did with Fallout in FO3.)

    *A point to mention about Rune's combat: Rune is not an RPG, it's a third person stabber/platformer almost akin to Golden Axe.
    I would want to have combat be more skill based than twitch based, in an RPG.


  5. The thread to talk about the game you're playing right now. Currently, I myself just ragequit Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy again. Once again thanks to Shady and his generosity in the giveaway thread for making my self-torture possible. :)

    Previous posts:


    Just before work I got her down to 5% and was wiped. The solution was to strip down to my undies so I could get the long roll.
    I just stayed away from her so she uses her extra telegraphed, extra long wind down animation attacks.


    Cait's sidequest in FO4 isn't close to as good as Nick Valentine's was.

    Gave Dungeon Siege 3 a whirl. Never played the DLC and decided it was time to rectify that.

    I still think it's pretty fun after all this time. My original playthrough was as Reinhardt, I remember softening enemies up with ranged attacks, then dropping some area attacks before punching everyone to death. Now I'm giving Anjali a whirl and just somersaulting them all in the face. Or swiping at them with a spear when I can no longer do my sick flips.

  6. Oh yeah, the divide between white Europeans and morrocans is huge. They're probably the most discriminated against group here. You know it's bad when you can't google an animal name anymore because all you get is pages using it as a slur for morrocan people.


    With the subscription, I'm pretty sure he's made the wrong choice on all accounts.


    That depends solely on his /played. I have played WoW and SWTOR with alternating subscriptions (roughly the same price) for a combined playing time of well over 10.000 hours - at a rate that's around 0.1 to 0.2€ per hour played. Out of all the games I paid for myself only Path of Exile has a better ratio - and that's one of the few F2P game with a fair business model. :)



    That's fair, but it's plus box-price of the original game and the expansions and not counting the bi-yearly content droughts during which there's generally nothing to do and the game has, by all accounts, ended until the next expansion. I mean, counting personal hours /played muddles things I guess but in the same way I can bring up that one savegame of BG2 I had with 400 hours in it. :p Counting general meaningful content, I'd say it's the wrong choice. And I say that as someone who has WoW open right now. :p

  8. I remember asking why more people voted for Dungeon Keeper 2 than Dungeon Keeper 1 and it hasn't appeared yet, probably in the top 10.


    Sidenote: Typed this on my phone and I originally typed Dungeon Keeper as "Dunfeon Kweper". I'm so easily entertained that it made me laugh for a good minute.


    It suggests that crpg are pinapple of video games creations.

    Another good minute there. CRPGs are the pineapple of video games? :lol:

    • Like 5
  9. Hawaii. Specifically Kauai. It's a bit more out of the way than Oahu, Maui, or Hawai'i. To me that makes it so much nicer. It's less hustle and bustle if that appeals to you and it costs a little less too.

    Came here to say this.

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