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Posts posted by Blarghagh

  1. This is your place to talk about the latest political kerfuffle.


    Remember, even if you hate each other('s side or candidate), let's tackle the ball instead of the player. Insult Killary or Drumpf all you want, but your fellow member's moms are off limits.


    Check the forum guidelines here if you're in doubt: https://forums.obsid...tion=boardrules


    Also, in case it's unclear:




    Carry on.

    • Like 14
  2. I'm going to assume there was liberal spicing/saucing going on there? Central asian cuisine is generally based on the art of making awful stuff taste good. :lol:


    Not that I don't believe you but it's a pretty well-researched subject. Even without changing species you can find it - pigs raised on meat instead of general pig feed (mostly maize iirc) are said to have significantly lower quality meat. Also, I read an article once that said bear meat is awful, but not if the bear spent its life eating mostly roots, berries and honey rather than salmon and carrion as then it became delicious, like a bacon steak or something. Even omnivores apparently became terrible meat animals once they eat more meat. I like to believe it's a kind of evolutionary revenge from plants - let's see how you like being delicious.


    I can't personally confirm that though, since I haven't had any. Although if I were to spend time there, I'd definitely try it at least once to confirm since I've eaten everything else at least once. I'm sure that if I didn't flinch from ostrich, kangaroo, crocodile, a host of insects, an entirely intact squid on a stick and shark I won't flinch from that. :lol:


    (Insects are the future, guys.)

    • Like 1

    I hear you


    **double checks notes**



    Yeah, I hear you. Bigly.

    Oh, wow. He had notes, how wierd. Anyone ever seen anybody with notes on a meeting? Crazy. Impeach!

    Either for a) having notes or b) not using them. Doesn't matter. Impeach!



    I don't think anybody begrudges people bringing notes, it's just the contents read a bit like "the zognoid field guide to basic human empathy" :lol:

    • Like 3
  4. Well, I did respond to a post about allegations in 2016.


    But yeah, even then I'm sure the 'outrage' now was just people running across that bullcrap and dredging it up for easy clickbait. It works too - I never see these kinds of things spread faster than when they trigger the angry internet nerds. Virtue signaling social justice clickbait wouldn't spread nearly as quickly. :lol:

  5. Yes, was. Back in 2016. Nobody really talked about it anymore since then.

    I half suspect these allegations came up not because people were actually offended but because the lead dev was a rather vocal supporter of #GamerGate.


    I mean, I'm sure some people actually got offended. But most of them? Looking for ammo.

    • Like 2
  6. If a person buys an ice cream cone (or a car), and loses it, or smashes it, or loans it out... That doesn't entitle them to another one for free; why should it apply to media or software?

    I think this argument would hold more water if it wasn't for every developer and publisher of note spending the last ten years selling the con that software is not a product but a service. :shrug:
    • Like 6
  7. we believe the US could benefit from additional gun regulations (preferable at the local level) and we ain't afeared o' the ridiculous scenario whereby if today we allow the State to increase background checks for gun purchases, then tomorrow the newly formed national police will be breaking down doors in the heartland and forcibly emptying citizen gun cabinets.

    Reminded me of a joke I saw earlier:


    “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.”


    Yes. The background checks are for the PEOPLE, not the GUNS.

  8. I actually really like this idea. Outside of hectic lives, I have pretty severe ADD which generally keeps me from playing Death-is-Game-Over style modes because any simple noise or movement in the corner of my eye can mean all progress lost and that's frustrating as hell, even though I'd like the increased difficulty. At least PoE has pause though, that helps.


    I think it might be something for Obs to look into for future games, though I'm guessing its too late for Deadfire.


    Not sure why you're so angry about it though, OP.


    Oof, gave up on Overwatch. Can't deal with the pubbies. I dunno what it is but that's the most toxic game community I've ever seen.

    But there are so many toxic online gaming communities these days, how can you pick just one? :p

    I'd say it picked itself by sticking out like a sore thumb, even when among other sore thumbs. :p

    • Like 1
  10. Interesting. What the gold ---> time conversion rate?


    Not worth it unless you've got nothing better to do. :p


    But yeah like Humanoid said the price varies a bit as it's a player driven economy but generally about 300k gold for a month (or 13 euros worth of battle.net balance). US is about 100k less than that I believe.


    I'm not much of a gold farmer, but I've essentially hit all my goals this expansion (last heroic tier set, all the cosmetics I want) and I've got about 20 days left. Might as well make 'em count, as it will cost me less when BfA hits end of summer. I already pre-ordered that too, even though I never pre-order, because that I had enough gold to slash 75% of that price. Wish I'd realized we'd be powering through heroic and running out of stuff to do early, otherwise I'd have saved up enough gold to get it for free. :p

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