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Posts posted by Blarghagh

  1. Post-release support and content being planned out in advance has been industry standard for the past one and a half decade. I'm not sure this is a red flag.


    I do feel like it's strangely early to announce them, but most expansions or DLC are announced way later than their development anyway and their announcements are only delayed to lure people back at strategic times. So good on Obs for being transparent about their intentions and not hiding stuff for marketing reasons, I guess?


    Also, the descriptions sound like standalone, optional content. I honestly prefer that to launching with the optional paths seeming lackluster and unfinished, like Endless Paths.

    • Like 3
  2. Probably not as fancy or sophisticated as these other fellows here, but very personal to me:


    "Welcome to Jurassic Park."


    I was five years old when I saw it in theatres and I 100% believed it was real. It was majesty on a level that nothing in film has ever come close to for me, and very few things in real life either tbh.



    Edit: Changed the link. Hey YouTube, when I clicked "copy link" what on earth made you think I meant the link to the ad your sorry arse was playing?

  3. If anything, I feel sort of the opposite about it: I wish I COULD get into video games like I once used to. I don't find myself as interested as I was when I was younger, and only very rarely fall in love with a game (...and they're usually indie).


    100% this. Half the time if I'm into a game it's because I felt nostalgic and got BACK into something I liked before.

    • Like 2

    I wonder why it didn't work. Just because that failed doesn't mean that the concept is a fail, we'd need to know why they pulled out of it before making any judgement. As with anything, there are ways to do it that work and ways to do it that simply don't, or it could be factors completely unrelated to the concept of basic income.

    "Right now, the government is making changes that are taking the system further away from a basic income," Miska Simanainen, a Kela researcher, told the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet.


    It says right in the article. Enter the bureaucrats. Government workers swooped in and screwed it up.

  5. E7fFP1.gif


    He came really, really close to killing Vader and all he needed was a little bit of verbal "I'll get yer sister next, boy!" - He spent a good minute chopping off hands and bashing in skulls after that. This time he was filled with visions of his family dying and everything he worked for destroyed and all he did was turn on his lightsaber for 3 seconds. He's a better man now than he ever was?

    • Like 1
  6. Eh, if he'd recanted said statement before the theatrical run? I'd have dismissed it. But he did so way after the premiere, specifically because he said he hated how the internet used his misgivings as a bludgeon. And he didn't even really recant, he mostly just said he understood why the story went this way and that he regretted complaining IN PUBLIC.


    I'm inclined to trust Hamill, he's usually honest about his experience and has lamented the internet somehow giving him authority before. That, and I agree with his second sentiment that just another benevolent Jedi to go to for training has been done - Yoda never doubted the Force or the Light even once. Adding the fact that I've always found Luke Skywalker to be an incredibly boring character, I feel like they made mostly right choices.


    As for "just the one moment of weakness", it wasn't even that. It's heavily implied that Snoke "planted" or "triggered" those emotions and visions of Kylo Ren killing everyone, as he'd been doing throughout the entire film.


    No, my issues with the handling of Luke is that he only had a single scene of being a badass. Han got to shine all through Force Awakens, I feel like Luke got the short end of the stick and his fate was entirely uneccesary. Nothing in the film suggested that his trick was so difficult it would be the end of him - in fact, Kylo and Rey seemed to be projecting themselves (and even the matter around them) to each other over the same distance without any real difficulty.

  7. Yeah, in the words of his own people, Mr Ringo seems to be a "sensitive snowflake". Can't even go into a con without a persecution complex and getting into fist fights. There's a saying for this. "If you ran into an ***hole in the morning, you ran into an ***hole. If you run into ***holes all day, you're the ***hole."

  8. I'd still disagree with Rian Johnson's choices for Luke (and so does Mark Hamill)

    This keeps popping up as gospel when it's not. His only statement was that he said he disagreed (past tense) upon reading the script. This is what followed that statement:




    Now, *I* don't agree with some choices for Luke myself. But that "even Mark Hamill hates it" stuff that keeps popping up online is just blatant lies. :p


    Man, what changed? When I grew up movies like Terminator 3 or Angelina Jolie's Tomb Raider were 'mediocre blockbusters'. You guys are spoiled. :lol:

    Comic book / superhero movie saturation* to be honest. I find myself caring less and less for every new MCU film, I even skipped some in the theatre, which I wouldn't have done five years ago.

    I never saw all of them in theatres, maybe that's why I'm not sick of them. I mean, my whole point was that I feel screwed over NOT watching one in theatres.


    Also, I find it hard to imagine and Marvel movie going forward topping Thor: Ragnarok. People who don't love Taika Waititi's ode to Jack Kirby never liked superheroes to begin with. :p

  10. Ugh, Black Panther doesn't come out on home release until after Infinity War and looks like mandatory viewing for it. I guess skipping the former in theatres means I'm forced to skip the latter too. Fantastic move, Marvel, you've lost this ticket sale by trying to force two.

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