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Posts posted by Blarghagh


    Just in time for my birthday, w00t.  Earlier than I had expected, have not been following people in the alpha to see what state it's in though.

    Blizz seems to have a different alpha strategy this time, adding content piecemeal in the order one would play it to get feedback from the ground up as opposed to their usual "we dump in as much as we can and tell people what to look at". As such the alpha seems sparser but the available content seems much more polished. Hard to say what shape the launch product will be in.

  2. Bah, vet trips. Went with my mother to put down our old family dog just this week, and my last vet trips before that about a year and a half ago ended with my wife's cat having the be put down first and then the kitten we got to replace him having to be put down too due to a rare disease. I can't go to the vet anymore without thinking something's gonna die.


    EDIT: Oh no wait, in between that we went to put down the inlaws cat who got hit by a car too. Yay.

  3. Blog away, my friends. Last posts:

    Backed some stuff up to free space on my hard disk. Wound up finding some old stuff from a little after Interplay shut down and we were scattered in the wind like so many brown leaves.
    Figured some of these might get a chuckle or two from the oldies (except maybe tarna's card, that one is sad now. :(). Lord Tingeling made them back in 2004...
    Will have to double post because the file attachment limit is still 1 MB. That's also pretty 2004. ;)


    Here we go. :)


    Been taking my bloopressure regularly for a few months now, varying medicines and diet and it seems that no matter what I do my bloodpressure remains between 170-160/110-100 on the mornings. Going to talk to my doctor next week and ask her if I can try to stop taking the meds for a few days and see what happens with the pressure. Starting to think I'm doing something wrong when measuring.
    This easter weekend some of the friends from the original pnp group I started out with decided that, **** it, we haven't really seen each other for months and we haven't played together for years, so we got together for three days of rpgs and beer. It's awesome. We're playing off eachother like we haven't missed a day since then! :)

    EDIT: Hey majestic, I can't get your attachments onto this for some reason, board's not working with me. Can you repost them?

    • Like 8
  4. This is your place to talk about the latest political kerfuffle.

    Remember, even if you hate each other('s side or candidate), let's tackle the ball instead of the player. Insult Killary or Drumpf all you want, but your fellow member's moms are off limits.

    Check the forum guidelines here if you're in doubt: https://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules

    Also, in case it's unclear:



    The last discussion point was regarding this headline:


    Russia, in spy rift riposte, expels 59 diplomats from 23 countries.


    With Zoraptor clarifying:



    Or for those who only read the headlines, 142 total diplomats expelled plus quite a few more Brits to reduce their diplomatic staffing to the same levels as those of Russia in the UK. The number of extra Brits isn't anywhere near the 755 extra americans kicked last time, but it adds considerably to the 23 formally expelled.


    We ain't kicked any Russians because they don't have any spies here, which generated some amusing headlines overseas. More realistically, we didn't kick anyone because when French agents outright murdered an NZ citizen Thatcher told us to harden up and endorsed French sanctions on us, and memories for such things are rather long here especially in the Labour Party.

    Carry on.

    • Like 6
  5. I have been saying for years that the NRA needs to step up when these shootings happen and advocate for responsible and safe gun ownership. They haven't done that, and after reading the response they issued about the marches, I've got to say they are absolutely delusional. 




     "Today's protests aren't spontaneous. Gun-hating billionaires and Hollywood elites are manipulating and exploiting children as part of their plan to DESTROY the Second Amendment and strip us of our right to defend ourselves and our loved ones."


    That reads like a crazy person's response.


    Apparently they also told the Parkland teens "no one would know who you are if your classmates were still alive" as if it were some kind of taunt?



  6. Wow, regardless of factual basis or not, that discussion sure was creepy.


    Anyway; Downsizing.


    What a waste of concept and cast. Doesn't seem to know what kind of movie it wishes to be, so it meanders from a one plot to another and never amounts to anything. Also bludgeons you over the head with eco-friendly messages in such a way that I, person who subscribes to green beliefs, wanted to go grab some quarter pounders from a drive-thru and throw the containers right out the side of car window just for being so preachy about it.

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