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Posts posted by Blarghagh

  1. Insidious: The Last Key


    Decent story, but it's so incompetently directed its camera work made me dizzy. Sad, but I guess this franchise managed to stay decent for longer than most with two mostly great entries and one decent before becoming complete tripe.

  2. in a similar fashion, i have a sort of a curse

    when i say something and i'm right, nobody listens to me until things go wrong

    when i say something and they listen to me, what i said ends up being wrong

    This sounds like confirmation bias.

  3. In related news, the CLOUD Act recently became part of Congress' omnibus spending bill. It allows law enforcement to demand data from sites like Google and Facebook without needing a warrant. Sounds terribly unconstitutionally, but they're sticking it in there anyways.

    Literally voted against a law similar to CLOUD Act in a referendum yesterday. Too bad referendums in the Netherworlds are non-binding advisory and the gov's just going to ignore it. :(


    Actually you are both right, sort of I am in TN now.


    • Like 1
  4. Unpopular opinion: I enjoy grunge-era Metallica far more than their thrash metal days. I can see how people who liked Metallica before they changed wouldn't, but it's just a style of music I vastly prefer and their thrash metal days are older than me, I didn't grow up with it, so for me it wasn't a betrayal. I like their thrash stuff just fine, but their grunge stuff is my jam. People like to say Metallica jumped the shark with the Black Album but I think they didn't start to suck until Saint Anger, an album which can be summed up with "fans say we should go back to thrash so I guess we'll do that but WAH I DUN WANNA" and that's been my opinion of every album since. Death Magnetic and everything after was just Saint Anger with better production values and out of place guitar solos because the fans yelled at them for not having them on Saint Anger. It's when they stopped making music on their own terms when Metallica went to ****.


  5. 'Nuff said.

    Well if you're not interested in discussing it further, I won't bother watching it. Just let me know if you want me to close the thread, seeing as we're done talking?

    • Like 4



    I would rather not pollute my head with filth.....

    Too late, the pollution is thick!!!


    and unfortunately oozing out!!!

    Sure, but you don't clean the river by throwing more toxins into the

    There are political thinkers that tackle issues from the centrist/conservative position, who may or may not be liberal on certain matters. Then there are reactionary people who drum up hysteria and play to the same mentalities that antifa, sjws, and other radical leftists do.


    Alex Jones has zero journalistic integrity and should be disregarded whole-sale. He's a conspiracy theorist who got his start by leveraging conspiracies that turned out true, and has become a hound dog with a nose trained to follow anything that might pair well with his deep-state narratives. I thought he was probably half parody for the longest time, but I think he used to maintain plausible deniability. He's completely lost it. Anything worth while that he speaks of he's likely to taint, not worth trying to sift the wheat from the chaff there.


    Black Pigeon is a trash-tier alt-right mouthpiece porked up with plenty of unsavory sexist, racist, and bigoted opinions. Terrible source if you're interested in opinions that counter the current movements on the left.


    Tommy Robinson is a nationalist, and that means he flies close with ethno-nationalists. He certainly doesn't work all that hard to keep his network clean. Probably the least worst out of the lot, but not exactly someone who I'd follow for his intellectually take on things. He probably speaks on some lived truths that a lot of white working class people in the UK experience, but I'd be very hesitant to follow him whole-sale. He too relies far to much on appeals to emotion, and suffers from tunnel vision when discussing issues.

    Jada jada I dont respect your political views so how about that.


    Guess twice my party? True Finns that is the nationalistic party of Finland though even nearly so hardcore as AFP is in Germany. True FInns was in last elections second biggest party in Finland and they are in the Goverment. Their party for different views got split up and realistically they are not in next goverment ruling section.


    Finland goverment is ruled by 3 big parties currently: The Center biggest party, True Finns, Kokoomus (whatever it is in English but they are very capitalistic party for being Finns though less capitalistic then USA).


    In next elections I think Kokoomus is going to be biggest party they seem to have most support currently. The Prime Minister is selected from biggest party and he is the man who has most power in Finland.

    There's a party calling themselves 'true finns'? What are they campaigning for, lebensraum? :lol:

    • Like 1
  7. Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988). I did not realize this was supposed to be for children...sort of. Had some fun stuff even so, but some of the writing was a little...simple. Christopher Lloyd's bits especially screamed "children's movie", which was rather unfortunate. Like I said, though, I still had some fun, and watched it all the way through. It's no Willow, thankfully.

    What? This movie gave me nightmares as a kid! And I saw Nightmare on Elmstreet at the same age and I was fine! Judge Doom makes Freddy Krueger look like a pansy, and don't even mention those poor melting toons. :(

    • Like 2
  8. I heard once that apparently the Prince from Nigeria scams are so bad and transparent because if they were more convincing the scammers wouldn't be able to handle the workload, too many people fall for it as it is.

  9. Got a "phishing" call from a scammer claiming to be from the IRS saying my taxes were delinquent and they were referring my case to the "local cops". Exact words. I had a little fun with him.

    I've gotten this one too! I'm not even American. :D

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