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Posts posted by Blarghagh



    Lets leave Trump out of this one

    What? No. He overturned mental illness checks for guns. He says mental illness is to blame for this one, ergo he practically admitted personal responsibility for this one. I don't give two ****s about what Jimmy Kimmel says, but let's certainly NOT leave Trump out of this.



    I see he did make this change but I still think its just one part of the ongoing gun violence in the USA and this particular tragedy


    Its not going to necessarily lead to more gun attacks, you still will get instances of gun violence even if this law was not revoked ?

    Your point being? If you're only responsible for 25% of something instead of 100%, you're still responsible.

  2. Lets leave Trump out of this one

    What? No. He overturned mental illness checks for guns. He says mental illness is to blame for this one, ergo he practically admitted personal responsibility for this one. I don't give two ****s about what Jimmy Kimmel says, but let's certainly NOT leave Trump out of this.
    • Like 2
  3. Hm, I'm a bit salty reading this and other debates. I'mma use your posts as a springboard Guard Dog, but I'd like to preface that by saying I'm not pissed at you or anything, I'm mostly just ranting. More I'm pissed at what happened, the culture, this damn repeat debate and Trump, most of all Trump.


    Also I typed this on my phone and probably missed half a page since I started.


    Blaming the hardware is not going to fix the root cause.

    Obligatory: No Way To Prevent This Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens


    Don't worry, only the names and dates have changed from last time so if you read it then you know the gist. :)


    The both fire the exact same ammunition at the exact same rate. The former is an "assault weapon" the latter isn't. The distinguishing factors are purely cosmetic. They have nothing to do with the operation.

    That sounds like a better argument in FAVOR of regulation than any school shooting, though? You say this like its a lack of knowledge on their part, but to me this just looks like a lack of clarity, categorization and regulation from the gun industry. And like I said when people threw a hissy fit about loot boxes - any industry has to self-regulate or someone will step in and do it for them. This discussion will happen again and again as long as gun-pushers remain negligent.


    But you're right, actually. The culture surrounding guns is the problem, not their existence. This discussion would not be happening if the US had a healthy relationship with guns I think. But instead of looking at that relationship the people in charge are busy exploiting mental illness as a boogeyman as much as the opposition does to guns while simultaneously promoting the sale of weapons into the hands of said mentally ill. What's that about? And the mentally ill in the US will buy 'em too, because despite what people claim guns aren't for defense in the US at all - they're model train kits. They're fancy toys to brag about, to spitshine and show off. If you don't have one, you're not a man at all. :lol:


    This more than anything is why a lot of people in the States want gun control now - farmer Jack's fancy arsenal poses a more immediate and visceral danger than anything because he keeps showing off his killing power. You don't even trust Uncle Jack with it, does the local riffraff have access to the same stuff? They know HE has it, so they'd need more to compete. Thankfully, Walmart's stocking up on just the thing you need to feel safe in your own home from your own community. Any time something like this happens, those fears will flare up first.


    If it was just pistols or something, that'd be different. Have at it, home defense style shoot that burglar in his stupid criminal face at your leisure. But it's not, is it? It's not just

    had he rammed a car into 17 kids at a bus stop

    now is it? A pistol would have been a car. Those 'shoot the same ammo at the same rate with cosmetic differences' things that most people can't even tell apart? That is more like a truck with special serrated blades on arms. And even though those are 'just for cutting down trees' in the same way those rifles are 'just for defense' I'm pretty sure they'd be talking about regulating those too if some random schmuck had easy access to one and cut up a busstop of people, right?


    Hell, maybe have them give everyone age 21 and up a pistol for defense. Make it mandatory and add mandatory safety education or something. But they have to do something, and it needs to be done consistently and clearly. Because any country that goes 'we'll give our teachers guns before we'll give 'em pencils' needs a more stern looking at than this nonsense 'regulation is a slippery slope' fallacy people keep spouting allows whenever this subject threatens to rear its ugly head.


    Personally I think the right to bear arms as an argument against better regulation is a crock anyway. Give everyone a pistol and that right is fulfilled to the letter, right? But the way it's worked in the US so far is a recipe for inevitable escalation, and I think that's probably the thing that went wrong you're looking for.


    Anyway, completely unaimed at anyone specific and least of all you GD since I know you didn't vote for him: Trump overturned mental health checks and he himself blames mental illness, once again I'd count at least some of this blood as being on his tiny hands, and those of his voters. So... go team Trump?


    Rant over. Grumpy man hangry now. Grmbl grmbl.

  4. 27540812_1964635850521399_55252422034388


    My retirement plan is to murder a politician who is against healthcare reform. Other people will have a better chance, and I'll get to go to a comfortable prison with free healthcare instead of going to a hellish retirement home and be a financial burden on my relatives. :)

    • Like 3
  5. Again, the issue here is that the new age Diversity Crowd only think in terms of white vs black ignoring all the other races that exist.


    Anyways, this is the funny thread.. So... to make a joke....


    Nah. I'm not that funny.


    Since you're repeating what I said, I'm pretty sure you only think about it in those terms. That was plenty funny to me. :lol:

  6. To be fair Gotham By Gaslight was marketed and produced solely as alternate universe, the Nolan trilogies and other live action films were not.


    You're talking about DC Universe. The comics themselves at this point are 20 alternate universes with different takes and they do not market themselves like that; New 52, for example, is the main timeline now, and it's at most parts a betrayal of the source material - and it IS the source material.


    Few things bother me more than ridiculous nerd purism. Most superhero comics aren't even good! I can't remember if I even liked a single issue of Batman I've read that wasn't The Killing Joke. Even ignoring that, Nolan's take on Batman was different for a reason - it was a different medium and a different story it was telling. If you want to see what happens when you try to take a comic book and put it on the screen, go watch Watchmen instead and see how incredibly boring it gets before they start changing stuff in the end. Sure, it gets ridiculously stupid from that point forward, but at least it's not boring.

    • Like 2
  7. Depends on your definition of diversity, I guess. A predominately black superhero blockbuster in a world full of predominantly white superhero blockbusters makes the movie itself diverse even if the contents aren't. I'm guessing that's the interpretation used, in which case 'lol that's all the same ethnicity too' falls kinda flat. But snark is important too. :)

  8. Your complaints about Nolan not having 'researched' the characters after heaping praise upon Gotham By Gaslight, a film whose interpretation of its main villain was a filthy, sacriligeous destruction of the very soul of an iconic character, rings somewhat hollow. :shrug:


    Most 3D model files are distributed online in .obj form, or "object" as most 3D software is capable of reading or importing them. Also, not many people make models yet using scanning/imaging technology, at least not for online distribution. Most are made from scratch using either polygonal modeling tools like Maya which is more of a "block by block" process or more artsy sculpting tools like ZBrush which is something like digital clay.


    If you or your husband are interested in making models, check out a video of ZBrush. It hardly needs any experience other than a few tutorials to get started making basic models. Though it is easier if you know your way around a drawing tablet like Wacom - a mouse is a bit annoying to work with. I believe ZBrush even has some built-in tools for 3D Printing nowadays, but I've never looked into those so I don't know if they're any good. I have some friends who swear by it though, one of them's made bank designing printable miniatures for people.

    Not in the tinkering community, but 3d scanners are used by factories in China to scan 3d prints of models done by freelancers. Its because most CAD can't import 3d file formats as solids or surface making it impossible to work with them.


    @Lady Crimson:

    I thought that you meant that but the wording threw me off, specially since technically you can write the g.code and "program" a print.




    True, but that's usually some corporate thing. Free models for 3D printing found online are generally handmade. :)

  10. Most 3D model files are distributed online in .obj form, or "object" as most 3D software is capable of reading or importing them. Also, not many people make models yet using scanning/imaging technology, at least not for online distribution. Most are made from scratch using either polygonal modeling tools like Maya which is more of a "block by block" process or more artsy sculpting tools like ZBrush which is something like digital clay.


    If you or your husband are interested in making models, check out a video of ZBrush. It hardly needs any experience other than a few tutorials to get started making basic models. Though it is easier if you know your way around a drawing tablet like Wacom - a mouse is a bit annoying to work with. I believe ZBrush even has some built-in tools for 3D Printing nowadays, but I've never looked into those so I don't know if they're any good. I have some friends who swear by it though, one of them's made bank designing printable miniatures for people.

    • Like 1
  11. Heard Taika Waititi (What We Do In The Shadows, Hunt For The Wilderpeople and now Thor: Ragnarok) his next project is "Bubbles" a Michael Jackson biopic but seen through the eyes of his pet Chimpanzee. I'm intrigued. :lol:


    Glad he's finding success, been a fan since his Flight of the Conchords stuff and What We Do In The Shadows was my favourite comedy in a long time, and with Thor: Ragnarok someone finally got the fantasy superhero escapism style on film.

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