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Posts posted by Blarghagh


    yeah not seeing the association ... am neither bearded nor millennial yet own multiple Pillars and Obsidian shirts with a hoodie inbound. Suppose arguably a d-bag in certain lighting, however.


    don't ask Gromnir to explain.


    "Although I should clarify - I specifically meant company brands. I.e. that Obsidian logo. Like, band tour shirts are cool. Still a bit of walking advertisement, but okay. Record label shirts? That's that fine line Eddie Izzard described:


    ""Dean Martin with one toothpick? Quite cool. Two toothpicks? Looking like a ****-head."


    "Dragon Age shirt? Quite cool. BioWare logo shirt? Unless you're working for them, looking like a ****-head."


    am admitted a bit lost concerning the distinction which makes the poe or dragon age shirt dean martin kewl, but the obsidian shirt closet fodder for ****-heads.


    is the guerrilla tacos t shirt fun or fit only for ****-heads?




    is kewlness if is advertising the tacos, but not the guerrilla taco brand? am admitted a bit baffled.


    HA! Good Fun!


    ps a couple years ago we got a couple john deere baseball hats we picked up at a local feed store. off a rack they were 2 for $8.




    thought it were kinda funny for us to be sporting a john deere baseball cap.


    'course what were genuine amusing were when an acquaintance o' ours showed us his vintage john deere cap he got online from some kinda specialty hat site.




    we clear don't get kewlness.

    You're looking for a hard and fast rule where there isn't one. Let me explain it otherwise: People wear game shirts, movie shirts, etc. all the time. It means little. You're probably a fan.


    You wear a bunch of corporate brand crap, though? That's not the mark of a fan but a fanboy. I feel that the internet has supplied enough proof that fanboys are, essentially, the devil. A useful corporate tool, but in any other way horrific.


    There's a case-by-case scale. A 'Last of Us' t-shirt is not the same level as Sony Playstation 3 Sneakers. If you dress like a corporate tool, you probably are one.


    To go full godwin on it, the former's fine but the latter's like wearing a Waffen SS uniform. Sure, it's possible to wear one when you're NOT a Nazi, but that's unlikely and you can't blame others for thinking you are. :lol:


    Looking forward to you taking this much more seriously than it deserves again. :)

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    If they want me to advertise their brand on my body they should pay me, not vice versa. Brand fanboys are useful idiots for corporations.



    am recalling a number o' boardies lusting after the hoodie available via deadfire backing, yes?




    personal, the only game developer swag we ever wore were cavedog entertainment, and is 'cause we genuine liked their logo




    and even their april fool's logo




    we did enjoy total annihilation, but it were the cavedog logo we liked for the t-shirt and hat and whatnot.


    HA! Good Fun!

    I didn't.


    Although I should clarify - I specifically meant company brands. I.e. that Obsidian logo. Like, band tour shirts are cool. Still a bit of walking advertisement, but okay. Record label shirts? That's that fine line Eddie Izzard described:


    "Dean Martin with one toothpick? Quite cool. Two toothpicks? Looking like a ****-head."


    Dragon Age shirt? Quite cool. BioWare logo shirt? Unless you're working for them, looking like a ****-head. And Playstation shoes is waaay higher up that list. :lol:

  3. That's fake news.


    Speaking of which: http://thehill.com/media/370207-man-arrested-after-threatening-to-kill-cnn-employees


    Man arrested, accused of threatening to kill CNN employees


    A Michigan man was arrested after allegedly threatening to shoot and kill CNN employees, WGCL-TV reported Monday.


    The FBI launched an investigation after the man, who is unnamed in the CBS report, reportedly called CNN 22 times about a week ago.


    "Fake news. I'm coming to gun you all down,” the man told a CNN operator, according to court documents obtained by WGCL-TV.


    He allegedly later called CNN again, saying, "I'm smarter than you. More powerful than you. I have more guns than you. More manpower. Your cast is about to get gunned down in a matter of hours."


    "I am coming to Georgia right now to go to the CNN headquarters to f---ing gun every single last one of you,” he said.


    The FBI were able to trace the call and arrested the man over the threats.


    President Trump has repeatedly attacked the media, including CNN, calling coverage of himself and his administration “fake news.” The network was among the winners of Trump’s “Fake News Awards” last week.


    Trump also retweeted out an edited GIF of him wrestling a man with the CNN logo superimposed on his head, as well as an image of him with what appeared to the CNN logo in a splatter of blood on the bottom of his shoe.


    Journalists have criticized Trump’s attacks on the media, and warning that him lashing out against the press could lead to actual acts of violence against reporters.


    I don't know this publication, The Hill. Any truth to this?

  4. That sucks, Az. Hope you pull through and your jerk bosses pay what they owe.

    What's the wedding theme?


    EDIT: Scammers phoned me pretending to be the IRS to get bank info from me. Little did they know I'm not even American (apparently this Indian fella doesn't understand how phone numbers work) so I just had fun keeping them on the phone and annoying them and giving them fake info. It helps that I have very little to no accent despite being European. I feel like they caught on once I gave them accounts consisting of numbers such as 69-69696969. They dutifully kept listening as I regaled them with exciting tales of ingrown toenails and abcesses though - I rate 7/5 for patience.

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  5. See, there's about 2 hours between that. In between that, its likely an edit would mean new content posted won't get seen. That's perfectly fine. In fact the edit system locks posts up after a while to prevent edit scumming (ie flaming someone, then editing upon response to make the other look like the flamer).


    EDIT: Nevermind. Good man Sharp_one. Also sorry for responding to an unapproved post again. Really need to stop posting from my phone.


    This on the other hand should just be an edit as I made it:




    Replying to different posts in succession is not double posting.


    That is still double posting.
    Then the definition of 'double posting' has certainly lost much of it's meaning.


    Like so many other things I suppose.


    At the rate society is losing it's ability to intelligently communicate I wager than in a few generations a large portion of it will be dumbed down to the point where they'll effectively just be grunting at each other all the time. They won't even be smart enough to vote for Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.


    Concepts like liking money, plants needing electrolytes, and batin' will be beyond them.






    Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association boss Pat Lynch slashed the maximum number of cards that could be issued to current cops from 30 to 20, and to retirees from 20 to 10, sources told The Post.


    The cards are often used to wiggle out of minor trouble such as speeding tickets, the theory being that presenting one suggests you know someone in the NYPD.


    The rank and file is livid.


    “They are treating active members like s–t, and retired members even worse than s–t,” griped an NYPD cop who retired on disability. “All the cops I spoke to were . . . very disappointed they couldn’t hand them out as Christmas gifts.”



    There's other ways to effectively 'get out of jail free' with the cops who this works with. Most cops aren't all that picky on which PBA or the like you support. Just have a sticker of one on your car, a license plate frame, etc and many will appreciate it. Will that appreciation translate into 'getting out of jail free'? By itself, probably not actually. Your traffic/criminal record, level of courtesy, and other factors factor in most of the time. And these days, so does the camera on the cop's car or body.


    If you really want to avoid traffic tickets however, don't drive like an idiot, make sure your car is not visibly in violation of something just sitting there (make sure your headlights work, registration is not obviously out of date, etc), and get yourself a good radar detector. Avoid getting pulled over to begin with. ;)




    Here's a good example of two posts in a row by the same person that is absolutely not 'double posting'.


    If you think it is, you utterly fail to understand what double posting actually is.

    Or, you know, double posting is exactly what it says on the tin and I'll demonstrate how to not clutter up the board, not inflate thread post counts and make use of the elusive edit button. Takes a single copy paste not to clutter up the board.


    It's not been much of a problem before but the board codes and quote system likes to screw up (I'm sure you guys will have come across the fickle nature of the quote system) in long threads requiring their closure. It's not AS bad as it was, and we're no longer closing everything at 25 pages like clockwork because of that, but that last opolitics thread could have been okay for quite a while longer if it wasn't like a third double posts. It's not something that even needs to be enforced board wide as a rule but that was clearly overdoing it, so it needs to be toned down right here.


    Ideally, a modern message board would auto-merge but this board's around 15 years old at this point. :shrug:


    EDIT2: Anyway, this is off-topic at this point. Lets get back to politics, as long as people heed the siren call of the edit button just a little bit more it'll be a non-issue anyway and any further problems can be handled via PM.


    Never punch down is a protective platitude for people who either consider themselves lower than who they're talking to or those who feel guilty about thinking they're higher. Both viewpoints are impossible as hierarchy of human value is an oxymoronic societal construct. By default it can't come from strong, independent people since those do not judge people in that manner.

    If you try to put together a semi coherent response it would be good to approve the post you respond to. Your mumbling is even dumber without the post you respond to...

    Thats a fair criticism for once and now Gfted's post makes sense to me. The phone version of the board shows unapproved posts same as any other, unfortunately. I had no idea it was unapproved. I'm aware of this flaw though and I should have checked. Mea culpa.

  7. Never punch down is a protective platitude for people who either consider themselves lower than who they're talking to or those who feel guilty about thinking they're higher. Both viewpoints are impossible as hierarchy of human value is an oxymoronic societal construct. By default it can't come from strong, independent people since those do not judge people in that manner.






    You have a very poor understanding of slogans

    Hm, it's not hard to see what she was getting at, she should have said 'respected the same as' though to be totally clear on her intent.



    Also probably be nice if women had a powerful lobby group that fought for their rights in Washington, and if the same people that freak out about their guns being grabbed also freaked out about women's hoohah's being grabbed.
    Huh? But women are independent, strong and powerful. Why would they need some lobby?
    Considering you have posted multiple 'jokes' recently that treat women like objects, clearly they still have a ways to go for independence, strength and power.
    Independent, strong and powerful people need to be able to take a joke as they are in a spotlight. Comes with the territory and I think women are perfectly able to take it. No need for white knights to protect them.
    Being able to take a joke and choosing not to are totally different things. People who get upset at others not being able to take a joke are generally softer - they think "thick skin" means lying down and taking ****. They let people waltz all over them and go "look how strong I am, I can take it". They bend over and take it up the bum, then they proceed to make fun of people who don't accept that and say they're the weak ones.


    It never fails to amuse me when I see ****-eating bootlickers on the internet trying and failing to show their superiority to others who in comparison are at worst being bad at picking their battles. :lol:

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  9. I'm okay with the occassional double post but things were getting ridiculous in the politics thread. If you've got something to say a while later, fine, but if you click 'new reply' right after pressing 'post' then you're being a bit of a lazy tosser. ;)

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  10. This is your place to talk about the latest political kerfuffle.


    Remember, even if you hate each other('s side or candidate), let's tackle the ball instead of the player. Insult Killary or Drumpf all you want, but your fellow member's moms are off limits.


    Check the forum guidelines here if you're in doubt: https://forums.obsid...tion=boardrules


    Also, in case it's unclear:




    Carry on.

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