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Posts posted by Blarghagh

  1. Well, I hadn't checked this story other than the video you posted but it clearly stated all male members of parliament were given a gift, and none of the female members. If that was true, it would have clearly been an insult.


    Looking into the story, though (I can't say this apparent "international insult and incident" made any news network I watch) it turns out that the MP in question had been misinformed about this (likely by the journalist who broke the story, considering they failed to check the facts) as only faction leaders and speakers of foreign affairs department were given the gift, including one woman. He has since admitted his error. So... problem solved?


    Either way, even if he had done so maliciously without provocation specifically with the intent of insulting Iran, the heinous inhuman act of dumping some pistachios in the trash would STILL not be remotely close to burning flags, political agreements and chanting "death to America"? One's a bit rude, the other's one step away from declaring war.


    Reading up on it, I did find that Iranian government, had a full hearing about this pistachio incident and labeled it "inhuman"? :lol:

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  2. In what ridiculous imaginary universe is that even close to remotely comparable? :lol:


    Honestly, the most insulting thing in that video is what Iran did.


    EDIT: For those interested in the context of this video, Iran gifted members of dutch Parliament a bag of pistachios. Except, ONLY the male ones. This is incredibly insulting to the female members, but also 50% of the human population. In response, the MP in the video said "I do not accept this gift" and threw the bag of pistachio's in the trash.


    It is not, in any way shape or form, "stuff like that" to be compared to burning flags and agreements and chanting "death to [insert country here]" and Iran should be ashamed for having done both of these things whereas our MP did absolutely the right thing.


    Played some of the Battle for Azeroth beta, so far I rather like the first zone, Tiragarde. One heck of a stat squish, which makes sense - but is still sort of jarring to hit for an amazing 3000 or so where I once hit for 500 k :p




    Aw man, now literally everyone I know that plays WoW has access to beta except me.

  4. Had reruns of Brooklyn 99 on in the background and two characters whose main character traits are being sad, fat, useless, no-life, creepy perverts had a fight and they started yelling insults at each other:


    "You cuck!"

    "You're the cuck, snowflake!"


    Made my day. Truth in television right there.

    • Like 1
  5. I'm with Sharmat on this one. I've heard Torment has great replayability, but I'll never know because no amount of good story would motivate me to play it again. Getting past Crust(?) was such a chore the first time I'll never touch it again, and it only got worse from there on out.

    • Like 2
  6. I missed a few pages and I'm caught up now, which led me to remind you all that the forum guidelines do prohibit namecalling and such against devs, Obsidian OR otherwise.


    Some posts were a bit over the line. If you hate Chris or Feargus or Josh or the entire of Obsidian that's fine. But let's be civil about it, okay? Thankfully most of you are good folks. :)

    • Like 4
  7. Hah, see those mismanagement stories I can accept easily. Last company I worked for before quitting the game industry, the CFO was the CEO's best friend from college and he was only still there because they started the company together, his daily job as "CFO" was to get coffee essentially. The CEO himself took on most financial duties but often failed in both capacities because he was too busy 3D modeling art assets, because he'd hired two dozen interns to do that but as expected, that doesn't really work. My job was animation and motion capture technician, but I ended up doing stuff like writing risk analysis documents for projects, a job that I'm wholly unqualified for. I googled how to do it. And here's the part that really blew my mind, a really high level publisher in the mobile market once said no one else had as thorough documentation as we did. The game industry is insane.

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