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Posts posted by Blarghagh

  1. I also binged season 2 of Santa Clarita Diet. That is neither as gross, clever or funny as it should be but it is gross, clever and funny enough for me to watch it while doing busywork. Nathan Fillion's recurring role in the second season is the best.

  2. “And since you have a right to free speech there is no reason to not allow excercising this anonymously.” so why not in public? Not like every masked person wants to stab someone; and not like you can’t deal harm to people over the internet either.

    The internet is 99% privately owned. Not a public space. We reserve the right to refuse service and all that. We can let you be anonymous all we want.


    Recall a while ago Blizzard wanted to attach Real ID to battle.net accounts. They didn't because of backlash, but they would have been well in their rights to require it to use their services. You'd have to agree to it, obviously, but if you don't you'd get no access.


    Anonimity on the internet is not a right, it just happens to be the way it works on most sites. Free speech doesn't come into it.

    • Like 2
  3. That sounds fun, this is overdramatic nonsense. The closest thing to it is like if you took 'The Magicians' and take out the magic. Or 'Arrow' without the superheroics. Essentially, it's a CW show without the redeeming features. :lol:

  4. So, my wife started watching this CW show, Riverdale? What the hell is this ****? They took the characters from Archie comics - and I don't mean characters LIKE them, the actual gang from Archie Comics: Jughead, Betty & Veronica, Josie and the Cats... - and they're looking at the seedy underbelly of small town culture as a backdrop to a murder mystery as some kind of awful, soapy parody of Twin Peaks. This is the worst crap I've ever seen. :lol:

  5. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/harvard-segregated-graduation/


    Normally I wouldn't link Snopes as a primary source but in this case they have the right info.




    ... students at Harvard, and not the university itself, had planned an additional ceremony for black students from the Class of 2017.

    - Snopes




    Black Commencement is open to ALL students regardless of race, color or creed. This is not about segregation, but a celebration of the African Diaspora at Harvard. All students attending Black Commencement will also attend other commencement ceremonies.

    - Harvard

  6. Well, it must be frustrating that a guy you hate and consider toxic scum did more for developers, journalistic integrity and humanitarian causes than you. I'd lash out too if I was confronted with my own horrific failure like that. Almost everybody celebrating this that I've seen were people who are always so repellent that they antagonize people against and actively hurt their own causes. Attacking bigger and better things is the only way to stay relevant for most, getting their hooks into any kind of publicity.


    The worst part for me is that the "Cynical Fleet" will arrive and actually validate these guys with harassment. That's not what TB would have wanted and he always hated that part of his fanbase (and would often openly insult them in his twitch chat) but the internet will internet and I'm sure people will use that as a way to go "see? I told you he was bad".


    EDIT: Not why I opened this thread - PUBG devs have now officially sued Fortnite devs for "copyright infringement", despite the fact that PUBG objectively and factually contained not a single original idea or piece of content. Anyone have the contact info for the PUBG devs? I have a bridge I'd like to sell them. :lol:

    • Like 6
  7. That's a real ****ing punch in the gut. Years of weekly podcasts made him feel almost like a real friend, very rarely did I not "spend time with him" for a couple of hours in a given week even if I've never spoken to the man. RIP.

  8. Eh, these new designs fit the tone of the old series. That show was the dumbest and looked cooler than it was. Snarf!


    Anyway, if you don't like it, don't watch it. Most of the people complaining didn't care about Thundercats enough to watch the actually good reboot, so why care now? Either way, if you're insulted by a children's cartoon, you probably uave bigger problems you should be focusing on.

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