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Posts posted by Blarghagh

  1. Movie/game ratings are essentially trigger warnings by a different name. I think to include content warnings is perfectly fine, the difference is that in once instance the responsibility is on the user to approve material for themselves or for those they are guardian to. With trigger warnings, these are things that are not required, but failure to give one is often met with extreme social hostility and tantrums. Solution? Put up content warnings, don't call them trigger warnings. Most of the controversy around them is people "acting triggered" when they aren't really experiencing anything close to a panic episode. When it comes to artistic mediums, I'd expect someone to inform themselves about what they are seeing, and if something is unpleasant to excuse themselves.


    The most incendiary behavior around trigger warnings is more in the University scene, where there is required course content. Because regardless to whether there are warnings or not, people object wholesale. You have people refusing to deal with the very content of their field. Instead of advocating for their own personal considerations they'll opt instead of publicly demonize a professor and interrupt a whole class. This is the whole issue that I'm more familiar with.

    So you're saying the problem is that twitter activists and gender studies feminists poisoned people against 'trigger warnings'? Even I give people more credit than that.

  2. Yeah, you made those guidelines up. In reality, the ratings will cite any reason they wish. A movie in which the C-word is uttered is rated R for sexual abuse and so is one that features graphic rape as long as it doesn't show the dreaded peen. The ratings are a pointless abomination. The Matrix is R and The Ring is PG-13.



    It's the same concept. Movie theatres already do this and if you look at the movie rating you'll see why it got the rating it did. You could easily do this in a book or whatever to give a forewarning of any upsetting content.

    Arent movie rating specifically gated by age? See, at a certain age that we are consider adults (18 in the US) and thus able to view whatever we choose.

    They have a little box with all of the reasons why the movies is rated at that age.

    To be fair, it's entirely arbitrary. Conjuring was rated R for 'oppressive atmosphere'. I'd trade it for more useful trigger warnings in a heartbeat.


    The best intention of a trigger warning is to try to allow the PTSD sufferer to prepare themselves as best as possible for something that may "put them back" at the point of their trauma (which may be terrifying, but isn't necessary a state of 'abject terror'). As I mentioned I think the psychological science on the subject is divided over it from my own (admittedly limited) reading, but I'm not sure in and of itself is a dumb idea. If a strict avoidance is helpful in recovery, then clearly it'd be the opposite of dumb to encourage. If - as some of the literature I've read is true - that it may not help the long term recovery of a PTSD sufferer, than I'd argue its misguided rather than dumb.

    How finely granulated should this consideration be? If even one person has an issue? 5? 10?



    Yeah, none of those things are comparable. I'm just as confounded that that toothpicks have warnings about pointy ends as you are. If they were, I'm still not sure why this is the one where the line must be drawn.


    But this isn't 'gosh, boiling water might be hot'. This is more like 'the ingredients should state there's peanuts because I have allergies that could cause serious damage or death'. Remove the 'you shouldn't microwave your cat' warnings all you want, knock yourself out. This is and will never be one of them.


    Either way, I still don't get your problem. You just said you were magnanamous enough to tell them, but now you're saying you won't because you think it's dumb? If you're so goddamn strong, why can't you deal with seeing an occassional warning that would be a damn sight more useful than most? Why are you completely invested against something that doesn't affect you anymore than that freaking green 'this movie is rated PG-13 bar at the start of a film and would be appreciated by a lot more people than that useless arbitrary number?


    Because it's 'dumb'? Well suck it up, snowflake.

    Oh boy, I see we have completely departed from grownup conversation. Maybe go take a timeout and cool off? Probably better if we just agree to disagree. :yes:


    And for the rest, please, for the love of your god, DO NOT go watch the Punisher trailer I posted in the other thread. Don't need people evacuating their bowels due to fictional depictions of blood, face punching, gun shooting, and knife...knifing.

    I thought we left it when you compared PTSD warnings to being afraid of the bogeyman. But fair enough, if you can't deal with some pertinent consumer information being made available where it doesn't even affect you at all, then you can't. I'll accept your mental limitations.


    Even if you won't for others.

    • Like 1
  5. I think there is thin line between 'problematic' content becoming 'banned' content, I am sure someone can pull up some example from US Universities

    Can I be the annoying guy who thinks he wins the internet when he says the word fallacy? But I don't think that's at all likely. Warning labels generally come AFTER bans. Prohibition, Hayes Code. They couldn't get rid of Eminem so they slapped advisory stickers on. The exception is smoking pack warnings, but that's only because the government cashes in on killing you.

  6. I cant actually parse that TN but I can tell youre upset. Let me try a different angle...everything is not one or zero.


    You see this image:




    Its a fire warning. This type of warning is good.


    Having to post a warning about every possible trauma, which if not posted will result in ABJECT TERROR (:rolleyes:), is dumb. Heres a few more good ones to help out those that need it: water can drown you, fire can burn you (see above), electricity can electrocute you, falling from height can break bones, don't eat yellow snow and its dark outside when your location on Earth has rotated away from the sun. All of these examples are totes legit issues people can and do have. Ill try to think up some more when I have time.

    Yeah, none of those things are comparable. I'm just as confounded that that toothpicks have warnings about pointy ends as you are. If they were, I'm still not sure why this is the one where the line must be drawn.


    But this isn't 'gosh, boiling water might be hot'. This is more like 'the ingredients should state there's peanuts because I have allergies that could cause serious damage or death'. Remove the 'you shouldn't microwave your cat' warnings all you want, knock yourself out. This is and will never be one of them.


    Either way, I still don't get your problem. You just said you were magnanamous enough to tell them, but now you're saying you won't because you think it's dumb? If you're so goddamn strong, why can't you deal with seeing an occassional warning that would be a damn sight more useful than most? Why are you completely invested against something that doesn't affect you anymore than that freaking green 'this movie is rated PG-13 bar at the start of a film and would be appreciated by a lot more people than that useless arbitrary number?


    Because it's 'dumb'? Well suck it up, snowflake.

    • Like 1
  7. If people need trigger warnings about works of FICTION, then thats on them. But I am magnanimous so I would like to inform you that the bogeyman in not under your bed. Or in your closet.


    Apparently, it's in the concept of trigger warnings considering how goddamn superior everyone has to prove themselves as some kind of proof that nobody should ever place one.

    • Like 1

    *Warning - This play contains graphic violence* is the same as fight or flight panic mode? Wowwee wow wow. If that is the state that people operate in then honestly I just pity them. That's not to far from being legitimately mentally challenged. 


    Uhh... I'm genuinely happy that neither you nor anybody close to you has ever experienced rape and the kind of trauma it can inflict, but I'm not 100% sure that this warrants the kind of casual cruelty where you're describing people who are in actual pain and distress as "not far from being legitimately mentally challenged".





    So children will be warned if they're raped?


    Well children are already warned billion times about creeps in vans and they are not suppose to walk around alone at 11pm. C'mon you know what I mean



    My wife was raped in broad daylight by a friend of the family. She was 9. Try again.

  10. I am pretty sure that Fluvoxamine hasn't caused me anything that I would describe as manic episode. What it does though is that it takes care of my OCD problems, anxiety and the major depression episode that always comes after a Hypomania episode.


    SSRI in general can be used for treating a patient that is diagnosed with Bipolar II but just like with any other treatment, it must be under supervision of a therapist: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bipolar_II_disorder#Treatments

    Might be, I'm not too sure about the differences between Bipolar 1 and 2. Maybe manias aren't as harsh for you, it was discouragedfor a bipolar 1 sufferer I know. I'm more at home with the personality disorders, being the proverbial 'poster boy' for Cluster C disorders. Either, sucks about your past and if pot is what helps then by all means, knock yourself out. As long as there's also therapy, I guess.
  11. That awareness #MeToo thing is super depressing. I was already aware that over 50% of the women I know suffered sexual abuse, I was not ready to learn the number is closer to 90% and that it applied to some of the guys I know too. Why does the world ****ing suck so much? :'(

  12. I still haven't played Stick of Truth but I read that it would be included with the sequel so I was waiting for that to release (I know it was included with the pre-order but I have a solid distrust for pre-ordering things).

    I can't find anything about it on Steam though. Can anyone confirm?

    According to the Ubisoft support website, you should get it as long as you buy it from Steam.




    Looks decent, shame it will flop at BO.


    Hah, I'd take that bet. Marvel is a BO monster right now. If Doctor Strange and Ant Man can bring in money, I'm pretty confident this will bring in a tidy profit.



    Although I think it is pretty obvious why you are skeptical.   :rolleyes:



    I feel like it'll do decent money, but below par for what MCU generally brings in.

  14. Wasn't there a dude here who always said Denovo couldn't be cracked?


    No surprises there: it's a garbage self-regulatory agency supported by publishers. The rationale doesn't even make sense: so if all other forms of gambling had a minimum payout guarantee (e.g. 1 cent), they wouldn't be considered gambling? Casinos would be jumping at the opportunity to technically not be gambling so fast if it were that easy...and then such a loophole would be immediately outlawed. No, I think change will have to come from outside the industry at this point - that, or boiling over consumer outrage.

    God I hope not. As self-serving and increasingly irrelevant game publishers are, regulation of games has been traditionally not awesome.

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