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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. I moved away from God because he decays society. "God Hates ****", anyone? Things like that is what decays society. EDIT: What, I can't use a synonym for a bundle of sticks now? I have gay friends who don't mind.
  2. I don't get it. I hate that song. What's so good about it? I mean, I'm no Godsmack hater, I figure, I loved Alice in Chains so listening to an almost direct clone of them isn't really that bad, but I never understood why they released THAT song as a single. It's their worst song. Listen to Trippin' or Keep Away or Voodoo instead.
  3. *sigh* Hollywood is the U.S. Film Industry. It doesn't matter if Americans funded it or not, it wasn't made by the U.S. Film Industry. It was made by the New Zealand Film Industry. The same arguement can be made against your point by saying WingNut is involved. It proves nothing.
  4. I suggest you look up what Hollywood is, captain elitist.
  5. In either case, the animals die and the population is back at a healthy amount. Same difference, except you're exhausting more effort than needed. We always just let the problems solve itself and it works fine. Hunting is crap. Respect your equels, ****er. Your life is not worth a grain more than theirs. I hope someone starts picking hunters off with a hunting rifle just for irony.
  6. The Lord of the Rings is not even a Hollywood movie.
  7. KUSARI-GAMA. Enough said. I don't have one, but I want to.
  8. Blarghagh


    I'm with Lucius. No yay for manufactured holidays from me.
  9. Johnny Inept, what a clever nickname. Well, this obviously means you don't like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas either, which means you're an idiot. It's weird that the almost omni-loved Johhny Depp got so many haters the moment he was nominated for an oscar. The same happened for The Lord of the Rings. Hipster mentality, no doubt. Trailer looks oozing with atmosphere, but that's what Gore Verbinski does, so I'm not suprised. He can do wonders with a terrible script.
  10. You should see Batman Begins. I'm generally not a fan of Batman (Or DC superheroes in general) but I think Batman Begins is the best superhero movie I've seen so far. Also, the people who keep complaining that Topher Grace is not buff enough to play Eddie Brock should keep their mouths shut or do their research. Unlike the cartoon version, the real Eddie Brock was a scrawny, skinny man.
  11. I watched the entire The Lord of the Rings series (Extended Editions) with my friends in one sitting little more than a week ago, so one movie won't be a problem.
  12. But you would from someone else?
  13. He totally has to make a Beyond Good and Evil movie. Seriously. He HAS to. Also, making The Lord of the Rings is a crapload different from executive producing. He has pretty much nothing to do with the actual production. I mean, geeze, look at all the dreck Steven Spielberg produced executively. Seriously, goddamn. And games like HALO being made into movies are the reason the words 'adapting video games' gets the same type of reaction as the words 'having sex with your mom' gets from movie makers with dignity.
  14. This was in a thread speaking to 'everyone who signed up post-sith lords' as if they were lesser beings. Nothing's changed. Still not a rabid gamer. Not as polite now.
  15. Dude, get off the goddamn 'Metallica sucks now' train. There's nothing you can say that anybody hasn't heard a thousand times before. People have been saying that since '...And Justice For All' and probably before.
  16. I am told by many lovers of both metal and indie that some Opeth album is the best guitar album ever. Edit: Eels - Rock Hard Times
  17. Eels - Dog Faced Boy I must be the only one who liked Eels Souljacker album.
  18. "Finally reason must have wholly snapped; for I fell to babbling over and over that unexplainable couplet of the mad Arab Alhazred, who dreamed of the nameless city: That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die." H.P. Lovecraft "There was a terrible gastly silence. There was a terrible gastly noise. There was a terrible gastly silence." Douglas Adams "Then Morgoth hurled aloft Grond, the Hammer of the Underworld, and swung it down like a bolt of thunder. But Fingolfin sprang aside, and Grond rent a mighty pit in the earth, whence smoke and fire darted. Many times Morgoth essayed to smite him, and each time Fingolfin leaped away, as a lightning shoots from under a dark cloud" J.R.R. Tolkien
  19. Blarghagh

    Sucked In

    High school student, actually.
  20. Blarghagh

    Sucked In

    Sarcasm just doesn't come through over the screen. Now, with me, sarcasm no longer comes through in actual conversation. Which leads me to believe I have achieved Nerdvana.
  21. Well... that's pretty straightforward I guess?
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