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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Could that not also suggest that danish newborns are bit slow....?
  2. No. you should be punished for that He's quite good.
  3. So your whole country hates that film?
  4. why?
  5. 'Kaftan is a homophobe!' Yeah he is afraid of you!! Which guy writes like a retard, Kaftan?
  6. Only the over familiar and obnoxious newbies.
  7. Especially when you get his name wrong - its Frakette.
  8. What exactly does one do with a so-called internet cock?
  9. possibly but why such a dorky alt?
  10. [Thats a lie, 2 out of your first 3 posts don't use brackets.]
  11. J.hale is fugly the in game model was hot for an in game model.
  12. They do, IE is the worst of the bunch (IMO) it is the least secure needs the most updates and is the most attacked. Firefox is more secure, has integrated search, a multitude of extremely useful add-ons, tabbed browsing (yay!) customiasble appearance. Minor drawback is that it isnt compatible with a very small percentage of sites. Opera seems to have the same features as Firefox i wouldnt mind trying it but can anyone point out any big differences in the two?
  13. About the person rumoured to die: http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/tv/article.adp?...019071909990008 This suggests that it may not be who we thought it was. I laughed when i read about Ian Somerhalder finding out he was getting killed off - cruel i know.
  14. Ok but what if once you uninstall the game you want to play it? where do you install it from? If this download system were to become mainstream i seriously doubt one would be allowed unlimited downloads for obvious reasons (unless there was very good DRM). As for scratching discs, yeah they can be easily scratched even if you put them back in the cases , i've seen DVDs be scratched by faulty players and consoles. Even so i wouldnt mind the odd unplayable yet easily replaceable game over hundreds of gigs worth of games lost due to corruption or whatever.
  15. Yeah i know that rule but i didnt think it applied to you
  16. Yeah you, the one whose age i already know (47) No i was asking the age of the one who pronounced me a "manling" - Gabrielle.
  17. how old are you?
  18. They have the most fun...
  19. i am not pawing...
  20. Stop typing small and saying : wub :
  21. yeah firefox dont seem to like flash sites or sites that stream embedded movies.
  22. Don't run away Mothman she is a cute looking bear once you get past all teh fur and the fact that sometimes she is a swedish man.
  23. I use firefox, why should i use Opera
  24. *narrows eyes* ok then Mothman how do you feel about monkey bears? The most dangerous and comedic members of the animal kingdom
  25. Ok, but you should get to grips with your new scanner though
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