Hi and welcome to the Obsidian forums!
Im sure that the ppl in the "General Discussion - KotOR2" or maybe "Skeeters junkyard" can help you with your problem.
Good luck!
Yeah the 360 prices are insane.
I bought an xb 360 2 month ago and apart from Fifa wc ~600
all games since have been old classics:
Jade Emipire 170:-
Halo 2 CE 190:-
Namco museum 99:-
And "Dora the explorer" for Game cube 140:- (My daughter forced me)
Its nice when treasures like Jade empire and Fable going low budget.
My *guess* Obs is developing a new Star wars RPG franchise.
Mostly all what we have heard, so far from PNJ is that it isnt a sequel and it is an own franchise on nextgen. (and the deletion of the forum tho)
But it is just my pure guess.
LA are relly nuts if they drop the RPG genre.
I don't know why they would want an engine that is "exiting", although, it would logically be cheaper than an "exciting" one...
Somebody shoot me please.
Missade visst det. Fast och andra sidan m