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Everything posted by DarthVala

  1. Peragus got mine because its like a Star Wars horror movie(ha). When you wake up, everyone but 2 are dead, and crazy droids dominate. And then the Harbinger comes in with Sleeps with Vibroblades on it.
  2. Malachor V is ugly. The Star Forge is a work of art, a masterpiece much like the Death Star. Apparently, anything with the word star in it is awesome.
  3. Not anything. We still don't know the whole truth on black holes, let alone technology of this magnitude. If anything, I think we should be trying to use this technology find other habitable planets for when global warming consumes us all. Some sort of drive that powers a machine to work at light speed without harming the matter within that machine would do nicely.
  4. Yeah, Kreia says that, but she's old and senile. And there actually were no coincidences, it was all manipulation on Palpatine's part.
  5. Or maybe retardedness? Besides, it's Bandon. He's a "trainee," if you will.
  6. Juyo is a lot better. If you want proof, watch AOTC when Coleman Tobar tries to fight Dooku. 1. Who is Coleman Rebar? 2. Who fights Dooku other than Obi-Wan and Anakin?
  7. That is the exact reason I never play competitive pazaak. Or buy jedi holocrons. If your persuade is high enough, I think you can get the man's life story.
  8. I'm pretty sure I've gotten Crados' and Nomis' robes on the Xbox.
  9. Maybe Yavin IV, but yes, regular old Yavin is huge, gassy, and uninhabitable. Just like my dad.
  10. He deserved a shot out the airlock and a quick, blaster-induced death.
  11. Very weird glitch. Auto-save is your best bet, besides a new game.
  12. Yeah, you were pretty drunk. Anyone who isn't a government official is lying. And even they do. No lightsabers.
  13. And mass can never be destroyed, so, no lightsabers. :'(
  14. DarthVala


    True dat, last year they were a definate contender for the Stanley.
  15. Of course they know about midi-chlorians. They are the foundation of the force, they know about midi-chlorians if they like it or not. Does that mean they have to study, analyze, compare, or monitor them? Not necessarily. Besides, Lucas will decide.
  16. Definately. If anybody has been watching the movies, Anakin-Palpatine moments are those that Palpatine butters Anakin up, saying things like, "You are becoming even stronger than Yoda." Palpatine nailed it down to Windu so that it was only them three; if he had killed Windu, Anakin would have struck him down. Since he didn't, it looked like Windu was attacking the Chancellor while powerless. All Anakin is is a pawn, played from day one.
  17. Auto save wouldn't do anything if that specific game is corrupt.
  18. Better yet, tape Kreia to him, and then shoot him out into space and fire at him!
  19. In my expert opinion, I'd have to say your screwed. Maybe you should start a new game, see if it's still buggy.
  20. I'm pretty sure some can be scalpled off of the actual K2 files, if you have the PC version. Ask Hassat Hunter.
  21. I wonder if the game remembers, because all the memory was wiped when I traded the regular in for the 360. Weird. Well, thanks anyways.
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