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Vall Konnar

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Everything posted by Vall Konnar

  1. @ hawk: Just to add on to Jediphile's and Stewdawg24's arguments, I think that that passage is a prime example of unreliable narration, when the story is told from a character's POV, which means it is told with that character's opinions, biases, the whole lot. The Catcher in the Rye is the biggest example I can think of that uses that technique. Just an FYI.
  2. Again, great markmaking! Very well done. And your colouring is probably better than anything I could muster right now. Your anatomy still could use some work. I know you said that that little guy is supposed to be a kid, but kids aren't just smaller versions of adults. They have their own proportions. Try looking those up. The forums in conceptart.org are a great resource!
  3. Well (someone familiar w/ the EU was bound to mention this) Lumiya didn't (don't know who she is? [link]). And she's coming back in the new line of novels and she's rumoured to have resurrected the Sith order. The new comic series that's coming, Legacy, supposedly features that new Sith order. But that doesn't prove anything when it comes to Luke vs Revan. Luke would still win. :D
  4. I think I'm gonna help Luke out here (he's my fav character in SW anyway). I think it's a bit unfair to compare Luke to Revan. I mean, in my opinion, the movies never even developed Luke's Force aptitude enough to even equal Revan's. A bit unfair for Luke, don't ya think? Now, I've never read the EU, so I wouldn't know at what point Luke and Revan would be equal in power, guaranteeing a fair fight. That said, since it's gonna be unfair one way or another anyway, I'm gonna base this on how they were when they were relatively the same age (I think the general concensus for Revan is about 30). From what I've read of the EU, I think Luke would win. As stated above, he simultaneously choked two of Jabba's guards, implying he can use powers from both sides of the Force w/ little to no consequence to his alignment. By the time he was 30, he defeated Palpatine in a lightsaber duel. Before that, he was able to single-handedly fly the Millennium Falcon w/ the Force; and he healed himself from a near-fatal Force lightning attack and fall in a few hours. (Unfortunately, all the stuff that makes him more unstoppable than Palaptine comes after that )
  5. Thank you for the comments, Zulu! Regarding your pieces: I love the landscape/environment ones the best. You definitely have an eye for capturing locations. Your figure pieces are a bit weaker, however. I would definitely suggest studying some more anatomy and proportions. If you Google those up, you're sure to find plenty of resources! I'd love to see you develop the 2nd figure piece, in particular. That said, I do like the poses and your colouring skills are very good, as always! Those look great! Same comments as Zulu. Work a bit on your anatomy and proportions. For example, Atton is way bigger than the girl he's holding (unless that's intentional). And Mira's forearm is way too big, even with the launcher on. Great colouring skills and composition skills... and applause for your markmaking in the 2nd one (especially the hair)!
  6. Play the mod to find out! :D (My guess is that she (or he) is slightly psychotic...) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL! Well, mods unfortunately take quite a while to make. But do play the demo, which can be found at www.infinite-empire.org. (Huh, I've never actually advertised before...) But julianw is on the right track... on both accounts!
  7. Wow! Everyone's improved so much since I last posted! Things are starting to artistically heat up in the Star Wars: Rise of the Sith mod. So here's a concept piece of a Sith Lord that you will meet later in the mod. I will admit that Nihilus' concept art had an influence on this, but only compositionally (mostly the background). In terms of the design idea... well, I'd rather not recount it. The research was... it was not cool...
  8. Regarding Zulu's piece: It's much better than what it started off as. But I think it would be much, much better if you got rid of the title. It hurts the composition. You have a piece that draws the viewer's eyes to the center and then, boom, there's this lonely white element far to the right. It looks out of place and hurts the unity of the piece. If you really want the title in there, I suggest you place it as an overlay, so that it isn't too apparent. Cheers.
  9. Good work, Zulu! (And thanks for your comments) I have a few suggestions, though. I think that if you included the environment around her (ie. the Star Forge chamber where she's actually doing her Battle Meditation) it would make this pic a far more immersive experience. The straight line there hurts the professionalism of the piece. Also, I think that there's too much emphasis on the Battle Meditation and too little on Bastila. She's really drowned in all that light and barely registers as an object in the drawing. I think that if you make the Battle Meditation more faded, you'll still have everything plus Bastila will be more apparent. And the Battle Meditation will look more dreamlike, which may or may not be a nice effect.
  10. Here are some approved conceptual pieces for the mod Rise of the Sith, currently being made for K2. You can find out more about it from http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=36168&hl= and http://infinite-empire.org/. Gsccc, my project lead, has approved the bottom blaster concept, the top helmet design, a slightly modified version of Sith Fighter 03, and a slightly modified version of Sith Fighter 04 (minus the lightsabers).
  11. Coloured version of my pencil sketch, done w/ Photoshop using Intuos3 tablet. It's my first tablet painting. As you can see, I'm not very good at it. Not to the level of Obsidian's artists, anyway. Was using the concept art for Mira as a guide, but I'll keep practicing.
  12. I can volunteer for art, but my schedule will be something that'll be hard to compromise with. School will start again in a month and I'm also working as an artist on two other mods. And I may be interested in a voice acting opportunity. Give me a shout over e-mail.
  13. Well, good job, HarrySome! I've always found it difficult to learn the markmaking techniques and I take drawing courses at a University. Mind you, I draw in a less realistic style than you do (you seem to excel in a portraiture style), but I wish I could pull off the markmaking you seem to be able to do with ease. They never taught me this stuff, come to think of it. I attended a high school "of the Performing and Visual Arts" and they never really taught me any techniques. They just let me do whatever and marked me as such. So, by the time I got into University, I was (still am, actually) quite behind in the markmaking department. But I digress. Good work!
  14. HarrySome: For someone who isn't pro, you sure got talent. Are you self-taught? If so, how do you train yourself? Personally, I collect art books and try to pick up the techniques the artists are applying. But, then, I'm not the most talented artist out there.
  15. @ mkreku: Hey, no worries! That's something I'll have to work on. I'm actually still having trouble drawing breasts. Sometimes, I think I'm being too shy about them. I don't want to blow them up into anime proportions. Know what I mean? Thanks for the crit on the test tube. I'll be careful about those details next time. And I wouldn't worry about critting "people with more talent." I've always believed that artworks and designs are made to be critted and that it's part of the job of the artist/designer to take crits. As long as its constructive, it's okay in my book. Personally, I don't like to be spoonfed compliment after compliment. That'd just be arrogant of me. I like it when people say "Wow, it's great, but..." @ Reveilled: That's okay! I usually draw based on instinct. The first image that comes to my head. Originally, I was going to have a guy standing on the circular platform in a "You ain't gettin' through" pose, but that would've took way too long. Actually, if there are any ladies out there who'd like to comment on my rendition of female proportions, go right ahead. Like I said, I'm still having trouble with some bits.
  16. If they were to make a KOTOR show, I seriously hope and doubt that they would base it on any of the game characters. Why restrict yourself to something fans will only bash you for? But, in any case, I'd say Danny Glover for Jolee.
  17. I dare you to listen to this.
  18. Oilers, all the way! Still can't believe they traded Anson Carter, man...
  19. What was your first clue, Kor? Thanks to everyone's comments in advance. But don't be shy to tell me what you don't like. It's part of my job as a designer to accept criticisms and it's part of my job to have a thick skin. So, c'mon... do your worst (just keep it constructive, plz)! .
  20. I suppose I should start with a bit of an intro. My background is in Industrial Design. My artwork, although not very strong as of yet, is geared towards a "concept art" style like those in movies and games. I've got a lot of ideas running through my head, and not enough people to show them to. Hopefully, the more comments I get from people, the more I'll know about what I can improve on or what I should keep doing. Right now, I'm without Photoshop, so all you'll be seeing from me for a little bit are sketches. I recently underwent a Star Wars phase. Here's what's come out of it so far (these are already on some fanart topics here; these are for a story I'm planning to write): Jedi character design (after Cirque du Soleil) Ra Rahu - Sith villain ... and a lightsaber design for a character I've called Kowarri Vanth. Not the best rendering I've done (I'm actually quite disappointed in the quality of this), but it's good practice. Here's one inspired by SW, but not of SW. Here's a girl I did, who's costume is inspired by a portion of a Chinese character. Maybe some of you will see it. Here's a couple of commissioned conceptual designs for a character. I'm not exaggerating when I say that every detail in these drawings is based on what my client has described to me... Everything. These are really reduced versions. The originals are pretty big. A couple of pieces I've been doing for a WarCraft mod: Next up is a first-year University assignment. Took around 16+ hours. I was given a photo and asked to continue it however I pleased. My prof gave me one of a bridge as a joke - she said it was ridiculous, that it's too hard, it's not practical. I considered that a challenge, asked if I could flip the bridge on it's side, and turned out with this. Sorry for the amount of images. I'm sure the loading time is terrible for a few of you. Oh, don't forget the wallpapers in my sig!
  21. We didn't go into Iraq so we're fine. I was actually joking about the desert theme. According to the Canadian Army Website we do have a desert theme however we have no arctic theme! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We got an army?
  22. There's no shame in that. Purple was the color of royalty once, and it is also the color of badass Mace Windu's lightsaber. :D I wouldn't mind seeing an orange lightsaber, though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh, I know. I've thought about those already. Just some people come to me and say stuff about how having purple as your fav colour means you got some sort of sexual orientation conflict and other stuff along those lines. And since I'm not exactly the most humble person in the world, I tend to get a little shy about it sometimes.
  23. Favourite colour: Purple. Some people in my lifetime have made me feel a bit embarrassed by that, though.
  24. Heaven (piano mix) w/ Dominique van Hulst singing. Lovely piece.
  25. Here's some art. Damn laptop was reassembled poorly, so have to be w/o Photoshop again for a little while longer. Plus, night shifts suck. Here be slight spoilers (I don't know how to hide the stuff in black like the rest of you, sorry): This wasn't intended as Star Wars art. But, after seeing Ep. III and what Anakin looked like before the armour, mask, and cape were placed on him, I had to admit that he looked pretty cool, just as he was w/ his artificial limbs. So, I drew this. You can consider it as a redesign of Vader, but again, I never intended this piece to be SW art. It's like, what if they only had the tech to replace his limbs and, since he is w/o a breathing apparatus, he had to hold himself together through sheer force of will (like Sion)? This is Ra Rahu, a minor character in my story that I talked a little about in the last thread. His look actually branched off the look of another character (Apophis Mara). And Apophis' look came to me years ago when I wanted to visualize a Grim Reaper Sith Lord. When I saw Nihilus' design a few years later, I was struck with extreme awe and outrage. I'm starting to feel like that song. Y'know, I always feel that somebody's watching meeeeee. Same thing happened with the first game, too. Several years ago, I wrote an obscure SW fanfic trilogy. One of the main villains was called Darth Revan. Lo and behold, a few years later, Revan was in a newly released game called KOTOR. I always feel that somebody's watching meeeeee
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