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Vall Konnar

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Everything posted by Vall Konnar

  1. At last... The Followers of Revan The Exile's Knights After taking some suggestions and coming up with my own ideas, I've come up with something I am happy with. I hope you'll enjoy it. Heck, I hope that if you don't enjoy it, that you really hate it, heh! In any case, I'm waiting until KOTOR3 before I do any more...
  2. Everyone, I need your help! My latest wallpaper is not wowwing me as much as my last wallpaper, The Exile's Knights (which is at Lady Crimson's website). And if it doesn't wow me, it won't wow anyone else. I need suggestions to make it look better! Any help is appreciated! What it looks like so far (reduced version)...
  3. Sweet art. I like your style, Launch. You should draw a comic w/ that. It combines cartoon with comedy a lot better than most of the other styles I've seen in KOTOR humour comics.
  4. Hmmm... I've stopped collecting comics for a bit, but I might just pick this one up. Brian Ching is a fairly decent artist and I like him more than Duursema and Wheatley. I also haven't been able to find any news of this anywhere else, which is strange. I really, really hope it's the real deal.
  5. Oh... good! Thanks, Launch! Greatly appreciated!
  6. Great work, Zulu! Now, I have to know... what's the process in which you create your art? Is it a simple drawing, scanned into Photoshop, and coloured? Are you using a tablet? Another program? And, also, how long does a typical piece take to be completed? To julianw: Maybe I'll start my own thread if the demand is high enough. Thanks for the suggestion and the comments! My only beef w/ that is I don't do a lot of SW art. Most of my work is for people who don't much care for SW art in their projects, and those take a long time. :angry: But, we'll see how it goes...
  7. For sure, your feedback's good enough! Thanks, guys! Welp, have to study for an employment entry exam, so I'll check back later. So, Draken... Vancouver, huh? Great city. Let me know if you can get me closer to Kristin Kreuk or Ziya Tong!
  8. Yeah, McQuarry worked for the original trilogy. When Lucas was making the prequels, some of the big names include (as Darth Launch has said) Iain McCaig, Doug Chiang, Erik Tiemens, Ryan Church, Warren Fu, and Dermot Power. Well, if you'd like to see my non-Star Wars work, you could check out my deviantArt gallery.
  9. Weiser Cain... Couldn't find his work on these forums, but did a Google image search. I don't see the similarities, but I'd be interested in reading about what you see. Actually, I was greatly influenced by Iain McCaig's work for this one, heh...
  10. Heh, thanks guys! But I think Aimo is the superstar around here. A lot of people respond very favourably to her. I'd be interested in hearing what she has to say...
  11. Well, here are the pencil sketches. It's a Jedi character I made up for a story that I will either write, or draw out and digitally colour in a series of scenes. Probably the former, though. So, here she is w/ and w/o her robe. Will colour this later and post that up. I wanted to add a Cirque du Soleil look to her since I regard Cirque to be the great pinnacle of design in the entertainment biz. I think everything would look better if they had a bit of Cirque in 'em. And just a little blurb for that story, currently titled Star Wars: Oracle (which would probably take a couple years to write, anyway): It has been foretold. The powerful Sith Lord, Apophis Mara, will die at the hands of a Jedi. He has one saving grace. If he can find the identity of his killer within three days, that Jedi will fall beneath his blade.
  12. Thank you, Darkside! I've been doing a little lurking. Just joined today, but have been observing for a few months. In any case, I'll be back tomorrow w/ a couple of pencil sketches!
  13. Me? No, 'fraid not. To be honest, I've never uploaded any of my own original SW art on the net because... well, I have this nasty habit of comparing myself to professional concept artists who work in games and movies (exactly where I want to go, btw... You hear that, Obsidian?) and I continually realize how unbelievably behind I am in skill level. Oh well, practice makes perfect. I guess I could post some pencil sketches tomorrow of a Jedi character I made up.
  14. Yes, that is allowed and encouraged. If you have any fan-art, please post it! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Comp recently died on me and I'm w/o Photoshop right now. Maybe I'll post up pencil sketches, but I never like posting anything unfinished. Plus, I'm working on a followup wallpaper to one I recently posted on Lady Crimson's site. Hmmm... gimme a few weeks.
  15. Do you guys allow for fan-made character art to be posted here? That's really where most of my SW art comes from.
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