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Everything posted by Tort

  1. It depends on the offense, if you fire anyone who had a bad day or before they had a chance to learn from their mistakes, you'll end up with unprofessional police on constant rotation of brutes and rockies. Also in many cases its a matter of budget, cops who aren't necessarily has the experience\tools placed in such positions due to manpower\training shortage or special events. And while everyone want close to perfect cops, the realty is that we also don't want to pay for that..
  2. But that is exactly what you saying, you just replaced 'do something against your belief' with 'serve member of LGBT community'.. So to put it plainly, do you think that an orthodox priest should liable for not agreeing to preform a service against his belief? Or a Muslim painter for not agreeing to draw a cartoon of muhammad?
  3. A bit of wired combo Although just the other day I tought some kids in the park 'we will we will rock you'.. Any kitchy 'Backstreet Boys' for ~10 year olds that you can recommend? (I can't seem to recall any of them )
  4. Hold on, I think its great that the state has recognized same-sex marriage, however, I don't see how it contradicts the individuals right for religious freedom, or how my examples constitute discrimination... IMO in this case 'fighting discrimination' is a better slogan then 'their belief is inconvenient to me'. (Btw: I am an atheist)
  5. Oww its indianas law.. I am a bit conflicted about this, I had the same issue with some anti-smoking laws. Whereas I am against smoking, I thought that private business should be able to choose. (in the extreme, a cigar club shouldn't have non smoker places just for my benefit\entertainment) As long as it is clearly marked, i'll just pick my money and go where I want. Anyway in the end, in most case public health argument won over the inconvenience of the business owners, however, with religion and belief its a bit different. Again in the extreme i don't see why orthodox christian wedding service should be sued for refusing to serve a guy couple, or an orthodox muslim for refusing to make a muhammad drawing or an orthodox jew serve for not serving kosher stuff.. According to the article: "It's actually the 20th state to adopt a "religious freedom restoration" law, most of which are modeled after the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which President Bill Clinton signed into law in 1993." So it has been working for a while, but isn't sutisfactory to the LGBT community, who is lobbying to promote its acceptance in religious circles,
  6. Again I sense that your issue is with recent USA foreign policy.. And I say again, moving from one extreme to the other as children often do, wont achieve anything, certainly not put an end to the usual maneuvering for power in some kind of world peace utopia. As was recently shown by Russia, between EU and China they won't just let their "power" dwindle no matter who gets stomped in the way.. With said, I understand your sentiment, many are tired from loss of life\resources and willing to let the Middle Eastrens battle themselves to the DEATH! and I agree with first part. Without going into to many details**, lets just say I am happy with the developments noted in the OP and what led to it. **To avoid the annoying topic of USA policy and the associated trolling. However, I would say that IMO dealing with problem in isolation from its context is the wrong, and placing western troops (not to be confused with any involvement) didn't and wouldn't serve long term interests.
  7. I honestly don't know if you are joking... Some of the troll post and opinions e.g. USA\Europe involvement in the Arab peninsula is BAD because West?, while Russia's and Iran involvement\expansionism GOOD because not west?. And Iran evident expansionism/proxy war and nuclear ambitions is just isn't "good", while in comparison Saudi minor roles is poison...
  8. Indeed, ever since the time change, it is such a delight to go out to dog walks, shedding the depressing darkness of the winter its like a new world outside has been revealed and its late enough that its not too hot! I have been ecstatic To bad for your migraines, i hope it will pass..
  9. Couple of commentaries on the evolving situation in Yemen: The Arab League endorsed the creation of an intervention force to fight terrorism in the Middle East.(link) Why Yemen matters.(link) Can GCC military intervention save Yemen?(link) There some nice points. Its not the first force the Arab League assembled, whose reputation on mater of cooperation are spotty at best. There are concerns about the members states capabilities and priorities, especially if ground force is to be employed against Iran’s battle-hardened allies in a forbidding terrain. However, I agree that the "willingness of Arab states to finally sacrifice blood and treasure to defend the region from terrorism and Iranian encroachment is a positive development".
  10. @zoraptor, I certainly sums up something... Iran has been involved in Syria from the very start, keeping its ally in power prolonging the civil war. You disagree it had destabilizing effect, because of the various radicals group that has gained power since... Which similar to rationalization used in the west, to absolve themselves from any responsibility from the results in Iraq, because of those Shiia/Sunni rivalries... I point out Iran hardliner polices and evident expansionism, using the ages long practice they try to gain power by destabilizing their enemies, doing so by arming Radical Shiia groups in the arab peninsula (e.g. the huge weapon shipment into Yemen just before the attacks, has only been the latest in a series ever since the Arab spring rumbled the country, sitting on the Saudi back step). And you deflect Iran proxy wars with silly examples of various common domestic issues to the region. Finally, you find an after thought comment about the time ISIS reformed in Syria (not its current state) -- when it was said that many of its commanders has been in Syrian intelligence-- so can pick at it with your out of context straw, giving a long summary of its current state of affairs..
  11. That is naive. More so by your vague use of "we". Who do you speak off Iran, Saudi, Turkey, Egypt, Israel, China, Russia.. Every local and global power is trying to maintain power and angles to expand it. Electing not to "play" will not effect that. The only way to achieve peace and security in our little global village is by promoting international cooperation. The live and let be idea sounds amazing, but doesn't work in the international arena (nor in domestic affairs, where at least you have some check and limits systems in place). Most people who voice it are populist, really ranting about USA being the superpower, because they see themselves as the underdog and want to become it.
  12. I am sorry but this just a load of crap. I am tired of people trying to paint all these struggles (here, Ukraine\Georgia, etc) as ideological, when its mostly about geopolitics and self-interest. Sectarian struggle due to domestic discrimination by the dominant groups has been prevalent in the Middle East, however, pretending that the situation in Iraq is just that, and not the result of the country devastation, power vacuum and outside influence is silly. Just as it is to pretend that the current situation in Syria isn't by large due to Iran involvement. ( btw it has been suggested that ISIS originated in its current form as Syrian\Iranian proxy, before they lost control, and was intended as form of MAD doctrine i.e. if the west get involved in Syria, their interests get hammered in Iraq, similarly Iran use its influence in Syria as bargaining chip on the nuclear talks ) As for influence, while Iranian and Saudi Arabia are in the leading roles along the sectarian lines, the Sunni Arab world has been balanced by more than one power, which by large are more moderate compared to Iranian hardliner policy. And there is no hiding Iran's ugly face of expansionism behind any facades, with its proxies and weapons supplies to radical minority groups, popping in the Arab peninsula for the last couple of decades.
  13. Unfortunately, its an illustration from Wikipedia, mine is mixed breed of such Haski and something unknown, and sort of an ugly duckling compared to this. Although I still love it something fierce, there is nothing like genuine curiosity and affection of dogs, and while I don't have a lot of opportunities to go hike in the mountains, I enjoy jogging with her regularly.
  14. To sum it up, you are somehow attribute the recent changes in Iraq (read as blood bath), to normal democratic process. Then attempt to diminish Iran involvement in Iraq, by pointing at Sunnis... Obviously I disagree. I find Iran involvement in Iraq to have destabilizing effect, Iran wants to be certain that a strong Iraqi state does not reemerge along its border (e.g. see Russia and Ukraine) and will do what it takes. Also lets not forget Iran involvement in every other conflict in the middle east, including Iran's principal arena, Syria, where they are the key reason for Assad still being in power. I think that destabilized Iraq, and Iran's hold on Syria and Lebanon (creating corridor of Iranian influence to the Mediterranean) and now Yemen (on the Arab world trade jugular) speaks for it self. (like Russian "protection scheme" where they annex\destabilize countries all along their border )
  15. @Nonek Hindsight is 20/20. Some go further than Iraq, questioning the strategic viewpoint of USA opposition to the Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan [which proved the later downfall] that gave rise to the mujahideen, although it is a safe bet that at the time it was seen best choice. Blaming SykesPicot for the current strife due to its failure to create a national identity transcending tribal and sectarian divisions, is at best a nice intellectual exercise. I think that a FAR more constructive approach would be to better understanding the capabilities and goals of the regional powers, so we can avoid making further mistakes i.e. underestimating the situation in the middle east.
  16. It is obviously a bug, I had such issue with HoI3 on release, had to manually edit out the BS until fix, that why its always best to wait for couple of patches..
  17. Today, I trimmed my girl's hair a little bit. I doubt she will fit in a bikini with that bush of hers and ****, but you guys are welcome to try chasing her, she loves the attention.
  18. You can delegate to the superpowers, but Iran is one of the major contributors to regional instability or that bloody mess as you said. For a long time Iranian has been actively trying to establish proxies and arming shiia groups in the region, recently with two of the traditional sunni powers(Iraq, Egypt, Turkey and Saudi) "fall" and the other two squabbling over the leadership role, as well as the nuclear talk farse, Iran has become more bold. And we see the results, about two years ago no one wanted to believed they were working in Syria and Iraq (iirc there were weapon shipments to yemen even then) and now here you go. Don't you find it interesting, that all the current conflict coincide with Shia dominated regions: http://cdn1.vox-cdn.com/assets/4231075/sunni_shia_nasr.jpg
  19. The recent development in Yemen (what?!), threaten to devolve into a wider regional conflagration between the Shiite Iran and the allied militant Houthis, and the Sunni coalition. For more than 30 years, the Sunni states have been engaged in a "cold war" with Iran for power and influence in the Middle East. In recent years they watched Iran spreading its influence through Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and now Yemen, as well as exploiting its near nuclear status to further expand its sphere of influence. Until now? Following the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels storming the Yemeni port city of Aden. (strategic location near the mouth of the strait, think Oman and Iran) Saudi led, and backed by Egypt and Turkey, coalition of ten states has united over the issue in Yemen, in what will likely prove as testing ground for a united front against Iran and terrorist movements tearing the region apart. What do you guys think on this recent development, the Sunni Shiia issues at large and the state of the region? EDIT: Map: Also: Yemen Intervention Highlights a New Generation of Saudi Leaders and a New Foreign Policy Erdogan: "Iran has to change its view. It has to withdraw any forces, whatever it has in Yemen, as well as Syria and Iraq and respect their territorial integrity."
  20. 1. What is the format used by the in-game portraits, 24-bit .PNG ? 2. Where the image should be stored? In the OP there is a long direct path, is there a simpler override path e.g. my documents\pillars something ?
  21. Considering that I started by noting that the original RPGs Race theme, which akin to Ethnics (a definition which include "common ancestral, social, cultural or national experience"), works well. I can only assume that you narrowly interpreted physical difference as skin color... Surely you can understand why your example falls short when we consider fluffy bunny ears vs hulk twice your size with shark teeth.. and how it would effect interaction between the two species during primitive tribal stage... Consider the reputation that Orlans gained in Dyrwood in just a decade. I'd expect FAR bigger animosities between the species, rooted in ages long culture, religion etc other, not equal rights and co-existence. Arguably Alexander the Great is the better example of cultural assimilation, he who first conquered most of the known western world and figured how to hold to it. Although those example are both grounded in our own world, where there is only one specie and such assimilation is possible... FYI on Earth several different variations on what loosely called the human species have co-existed in the past, but only we survived past the tribal stage. And while in theory it is possible that two or more intelligent species would develop at the same time, in the same region competing for the same resources, and each develop the tools to coexist. All we known suggest that eventually one will dominate and lead to the extinction of the other. Which is why I said that on the authenticity side, i'd need more than just a little ritual and low key squabbling to understand how we got different SPECIES that not only coexist, but completely entwined.
  22. If by 'actually' you mean one interpretation then yes.. although for our purpose you are being literal with your straw. Anyway as noted, the original\common RPG "Race" theme works because its obviously a flourished case of realworld ethnic groups. However, here we got little edgy and made those into different species (all of which developed at the same time period, and are equal). It is mighty progressive(?) of us, but lacking on the authenticity side which they tried to give the rest of the setting. As for children, while only one aspect of the above, our society have been formed around protecting them and family (influencing our legal framework, values, and even political ideology). And while in today society those concept has lost a lot its traditional sense\need, we are speaking about a time of primitive tribal society, where wilder impulse of men ruled... (many of which has biological reasons behind them, and related abhorrent practices effecting evolution) In today terms, we are still barely tolerant of people who are physically indistinguishable from us, but don't subscribe to our notion of the "right" values. Throughout history we tried to eliminate many such people (or assimilate them by sawing our seed\ideas) But here we got actual species, who through their reliance on the same resources to survive, would be in direct competition. (Who are very physically different, who can't not be assimilated, who do not share our culture, with limited options for culture exchange) Never the less they managed to live in peace and prosperity together in empires that stood for the last hundred and even thousand of years... I need something dark in that past, to be able to maintain a bare minmum suspension of disbelief
  23. Holding my fingers for the second one comping with the expansion.(or sooner)
  24. Some kind of blue fur ball can be cute. But its an oversimplification on your part, of what throughout history have been central to human society. To be fair, JS put in hemming (a ritual that would allow some cultural sharing) and we have gods (which can make anything possible, because "magic"), nevertheless this aspect of the setting seem dubious to me. Blood is thicker than water.
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