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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. `just buy some Armor from the gun store (if it is available to you) for Snow Storm and make sure to use cover.
  2. Also, have you thought about Dead Rising or Lost Planet?
  3. Don't get CoD4 just for SP, to short. I'd say Bioshock was the best single player game (personally, at least) on that list.
  4. I see your in before lock and raise you one in before lock!
  5. Today I wrote a 7 page paper in like 2 hours, which was cool because even though I didn't try hard on it, I got to play GTA IV for a while!
  6. Combat is actually pretty okay, but I had more fun running away and jumping and stuff.
  7. I know, I wasn't saying you were wrong, I was pointing out how badly Krookie sucks. Then I think that's something we can all get behind. Your mom is something we can all get behind
  8. Illegal shamegal. Or some other corruption of the word. I'm 21. I'm just roleplaying as 16 year old. Honest.
  9. I don't even have my license so I shouldn't know how to drive a car. Jerk, your logic is flawed.
  10. After we beat the main campaign we did all the time trials on Pyschotic, then we did all the races, and maxed our stats. Lots of things to do after the main bosses actually.
  11. Speak for yourself, Crackdown is in my top 5 co-op games ever.
  12. You play a cop in Crackdown.
  13. It's 12:30 in the afternoon, but I just woke up so I guess it's the morning.
  14. That's cause that game is the best at what it does.
  15. Cloverfield Good monster flick, and personally I didn't really mind the camera as much as everyone said I would. I think it definitely added to the mayhem.
  16. His jokes were funny the first time I listened to him but now it's just sort of worn out and stupid.
  17. Which wouldn't be to hard considering every time you hit the brakes the car spins out and ends up on the other side of the road
  18. I agree. I'm like 5 or 6 hours in and I still don't get what is so amazing about the game. I'd give it an 8, 8.5 at best. The driving sucks, and why the hell am I everyones delivery boy?
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