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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. Scored ANOTHER goal in ANOTHER Rangers loss, like I said, UNBELIEVABLE!
  2. What the hell does "bloo bla bloo" mean?
  3. Wow, the Penguins score goals without ridiculous screens...Unbelievable!
  5. I'm not saying that it's like that for everyone, if you're happy with single player games that's great, but for people getting bored with games like Oblivion, it may be telling that person that it's time for a change.
  6. I see your point, but for the record I said "evolution" not "revolution"
  7. It's not that you can or can't do it, it's the ease at which it is done
  8. Unless you are talking about achievements or perhaps lower pings, I don't see what you're talking about with "evolution in online play". I don't see any big improvement in online gaming between say, Quake, and Call of Duty 4. Not that online games today are worse than they were a few years ago. I think they're about the same. Anyway, what I do think is that online gaming isn't so much about the gaming but rather about the socializing. The difference between, for example, Xbox Live and Canasta isn't the game that is played but rather the social groups the different activities appeal to. I'm not just talking about achievements, I'm talking about the whole layout of XBL. Arcade games, the easy to use Mic system (no downloading Ventrillo or TeamSpeak), text messages, voice messages, the Marketplace as a whole, easy way to invite friends to games (click name, click invite). There's a lot more to XBL than achievements.
  9. I think video games have evolved. Maybe you like Fallout more than Oblivion because it's more recognizable to you, but really I think most PC gamers are missing out on what has really been an evolution of online play. Xbox Live has made games 10 times more fun for me than I ever thought possible. I've tried PC gaming, and console gaming is so much more accessible. GuardDog said something about not liking FPSs, but I'd bet you'd like them a whole lot more with a group of friends (cough, us XBL gamers here at Obs) to play them with. Maybe I'm wrong, but RPGs like Oblivion may seem dull or boring to some people because the real center point of gaming isn't a one-person experience anymore. Don't take it for "PC gaming sucks!" because obviously some people really believe the PC is the best platform for gaming, and for multiplayer. But an online service can make a world of difference in gaming today. Look at the PS3's online capabilities when compared to Xbox Live. Sure, PS3 is free, but the service is garbage (or at least until Home is released). Xbox Live has made for some great times and makes it super easy to communicate and interact with people (Jags, Kor, Bok, Pixie) that I would never had talked to if I was playing single player RPGs like Oblivion all the time. I hear a lot of people complain that games today suck (or maybe that's just Gabs replaying Vampires: Masqueradeade or whatever), but really I think they could be having a lot more fun if they played games in a different way for a change. Just my two cents though.
  10. People have been playing this in school through their phones. It's kinda funny at first but after a while it gets annoying. Especially because the teacher can't really tell them to stop if they can't hear it.
  11. Kids that can outwit half the 24 year old retards who look at these forums (and 4chan)
  12. Wow, I always thought you were in your yearly-to-mid-twenties. Naw, born 1991
  13. i was hoping to get into a fight with you please insult me
  14. wow xard, you're right. 4chan is soooo funny! I mean, that's just hysterical the way that he's all "Wtf is this ****?" Hahahaha! So funny!
  15. Totally missed this conversation -- tomorrow night, set a time, be game!
  16. What would be the point of that, bragging rights notwithstanding? Um, so that he could get with the ladies, and he could sneak around all stealthy like and kill guys with silenced weapons, it's just like a video game!
  17. I've always been a fan of Monopoly and Risk.
  18. Sweet. I'm on spring break so I can game around Jag-Time too.
  19. Eh, Chinatown was a bit of a memory warp. The place seemed all to familiar (first game I played on it I went like 32-3-5), till I realized it was Carentan from Call of Duty 2. Creek was fun for Search and Destroy. The other two were somewhat decent. I guess it was worth it. Let's CoD4 tomorrow, where's Jags been?
  20. I'm surprised he's even in the running to be honest
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