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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. I wouldn't speak so soon. There's still two spots to fill on the Heat (and with not a lot of money, so I've heard). I'd never count Kobe out of anything completely.
  2. Pot should be legalized, but the same people that advocate so heavily for it are probably going to be the ones to abuse it. In my opinion.
  3. It's times like this when I understand why myself, and the rest of America hasn't caught the soccer bug. Who the HELL would want to watch a bunch of foreigners run around, pretend to be hurt, cheat, and then celebrate they're mediocre acting? If I want to see poor acting followed by cheating I'll go to a Sandra Bullock film.
  4. The whole series is awesome. I have the box set and I usually watch it around twice a year too.
  5. I'll just buy two copies, to make up for you.
  6. very excited for the USA v Ghana game.
  7. Our "Project Graduation" (event designed to keep us from drinking after graduation) took place LAST night, because we had to add an extra day to the school year due to snowdays. Basically we got the best of both worlds - a school funded night of sober AWESOMENESS and a kegger thrown by a classmate. Just got home. Feeling awesome, in the sense that I could throw up at any minute. high school </3
  8. Just graduated high school. Off to a graduation party. Drunk posts to come later.
  9. maybe if we ignore him he'll start actually contributing to conversation and not arguments. I mean it hasn't worked for the last 5 years but who knows...Soccer or football or whatever doesn't interest me to much but any time the USA is playing I'll watch it.
  10. To be honest, the only thing Obsidian has ever given be was a good forum. KotOR2 was okay, haven't played anything else by them though.
  11. Thanks everyone (for helping/congratulating)
  12. Congrats Krookie... So, whats up next? Rutgers University as an English major (probably), then law school (probably). Fall back plan or a second possibility is teaching English somewhere, or business. Time will tell! Wouldn't recommend teaching as a fall back plan since most it gets most people caught up. My second mom is a teacher, so if you have any question about getting your license I may be able to help. Best of luck. When I say "fall back" I mean if that if I decide I don't want to pursue law, not so much switching after I've crossed that bridge. It's all up in the air right now but we'll see how I feel in a year or two.
  13. Congrats Krookie... So, whats up next? Rutgers University as an English major (probably), then law school (probably). Fall back plan or a second possibility is teaching English somewhere, or business. Time will tell!
  14. Graduation practice from 8am-11am this morning. I'll be out of high school in 2 days.
  15. And thus completes my last weekend as a high school student. Went out with a bang.
  16. Been considering it. Question: does the Steam program itself cost anything per month or are you only charged when you actually buy a game, like iTunes? And you can redownload the games as much as you want on as many computers as you want. There are even a bunch of games that you can buy for both the mac and the PC. You pay one price for both versions. So if you have a PC at your parents, you can have the game there and on your macbook. most of the valve games have this (the half life catalogue, portal, cstrike and portal). Excellent, thanks for the help guys.
  17. Been considering it. Question: does the Steam program itself cost anything per month or are you only charged when you actually buy a game, like iTunes?
  18. Certainly a difference from up here in northern New Jersey. Can't say I don't love it. Almost went to school in North Carolina but had a change of heart, staying in Jersey for at least another 4 years I suppose.
  19. You know, with all the pictures you've posted, I've always wondered where you lived. Seems really nice.
  20. Or at least a PC/laptop that can some games decently, nowadays platform doesn't really matter as someone will always be playing a game you enjoy on a system you use. I learned that early on without even transferring to uni yet (1 semester to go, woot!). My only computer is my Macbook, which could probably handle some gamage if there was any available
  21. You are totally going to need something in college. It's almost as important as books. I took my N64 to college, and in the dorms we had huge Goldeneye competitions on the communal TV. I still have my guitar, which is all I've been doing lately anyway. Maybe I'll split the cost of a new 360 with my roomate or something, we'll see
  22. I'm livid about them calling off that goal. absolute BS, we should be up 3-2 right now.
  23. Traded in my Xbox yesterday. Haven't touched it for more that 10 minutes in the last few months so I figured it was time to go. That leaves me with no video game consoles at the moment =[
  24. I've made a lot of friends here over the years, never got particularly close with Sandyboi but he was a good guy. Interacted with him a few times and I'm sad to hear about this. Heard his voice one time in my life, over Xbox Live. Strange thing, the internet..
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