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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. I was laughing so hard during that. "I ABSOLUTLY DO NOT EAT BBQ SAUCE" "Only a Sith deals in absolutes..." oh, and: "I must warn you, I'm very good a backflips!"
  2. What's that?
  3. I like Hildalgo, but that's not really a Western. It does feature Aragorn as a cowboy though!
  4. I'm sorry, but I would never want to live there. It seems so bland and hot. I'll take my New Jersey suburbs any day. I bet it's nicer in the winter though. :D
  5. Well maybe if the damned thread started would UPDATE us on these things, there wouldn't be this much confusion. Oh, and I don't care. I'm still T3. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. BWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWEEP!
  6. I AM T3-M4 OK?????????????????????????? Beep. Boop. Boop. Beep
  7. Just play Jedi Acadamy or something then.
  8. But is it fun?
  9. I was bashing the Americans who don't vote, actually.
  10. An actaul "Battlefront". I'd like to actually fight an entire war, and not just one battle that's set 50 years after/before the next one.
  11. What about "Little Giants" and "Heavyweights"? EDIT: Spelt "Giants" with an E.
  12. Gonna play Need For Speed: Most Wanted tonight. I'm not feeling to well, and it should be a long night with all the thunder that we're getting...
  13. Everyone went to Malachor 5. Not everyone left the ship though, or atleast not with the cut content
  14. Well if that's not the Hades theme song, I don't know what is.
  15. Americans have got so pathetic we have to provide a gimmick to get them to vote.
  16. Back to computers. Mine sucks. Build me a new one.
  17. Chris, who is the government hiding from us?
  18. Don't complain, I bet all of your computers are better then mine is.
  19. I'd like to be able to hide behind things. Not joking. Like if you have a blaster, you can peer around a corner, fire off a few rounds, then jump back behind it. I've always thought it was stupid how everyone just stands in a line and shoots at each other. Maybe boxes and crates could at +1 to defense, while something more solid would add +2. They could also throw in some feats to add to the bonuses.
  20. I've often wondered, what would happend if you DID eat in that 'don't eat hour'?
  21. I'm thinking pixies's got a point. Oh, and that ice cream was a good choice for breakfast. Mmm...Ice cream.
  22. I'm happy to see that hockey sticks are an available weapon. I've always wanted to his someone with one of those.
  23. I could see doing it after I've played the game through once or twice, just to see how fast I could do it.
  24. "Lady in the Blue Dress" Senses Fail
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