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Posts posted by Krookie

  1. I think the state of the sport is alright. They've done a lot to crack down on blows to the head and what not, and it's a shame that guys like Savard and (possibly) Crosby face career ending concussions ... But it is a contact sport. I think a big part about the negative press that the NHL gets is because other than blows to the head and these guys who have suffered from depression, there isn't much to complain about. It's not like the MLB where everyone and their mother is testing positive for roids, or the NFL/NBA where the star players are raping girls and getting away with it. Just isn't enough drama in the NHL for the media to hype up so they focus on stuff like this. Shame about the 3 players that died though, reminds me of that young Rangers kid who died a few summers back.

  2. hope you're pullin through tarna!






    back at college. lot's of work and parties and stuff. socializing is more fun than the work, but what can you do? going to make an effort to remember the numbers I snag from girls this year rather than getting back to the dorm and trying to piece a phone number together from "steph 45728".




    everyone is overreacting. went to the super market to go food shopping (not emergency, bomb-shelter food shopping, just regular "i need food" food shopping), and almost got run over by sheltered suburban mothers buying every last bottle of water.

  4. Anyone know anything about Hurricane Irene? I'm assuming the media is hyping it up but today I found out we're being forced to move into University a few days early to avoid move in day being drowned out by it.


    From what I understand, NJ guv' just declared a state of emergency not long ago.


    edit: voluntary evacuations for pretty much all shore areas.


    Holy clagnuts! Hope you guys are going to be OK.


    Thanks :) We've dealt with hurricanes before, though not often. I still have small recollections of what I think is Hurricane Andrew when I was young.


    I live on the western side of NJ close to the border of Pennsylvania and the now mandatory evacs are mainly for those who live on or near the ocean (as the eye of the storm is expected to hit Cape May). My house has plenty of water and canned goods just in the case the worst happens. I'm going to run out first in the morning to get batteries and a few other things. Other than that we'll just have to wait and see.


    Believe it or not; despite mandatory evacuations being called, some living in those areas think it's cool to "ride it out". Well, those who are doing so were given a good suggestion...


    This thread on reddit /r/NewJersey is good for anyone interested.


    Last hurricane I remember was Floyd..But I couldn't have been more than 9 or 10.


    Rutgers moved their move-in day up to this saturday...boy a bunch of college kids locked in a dorm during a hurricane, what ever will we do!

  5. Anyone know anything about Hurricane Irene? I'm assuming the media is hyping it up but today I found out we're being forced to move into University a few days early to avoid move in day being drowned out by it.

  6. it's my niece's first birthday today


    she proceeded to play with the wrapping paper her presents came in rather than the presents themselves, and to throw her piece of birthday cake across the room at the cat


    the one great thing about being an uncle is that when i've had enough of my niece/nephews, i can always give them back


    I think that's kind of the rational behind kidnappers too

  7. I turned 33 today. It's pretty impossible to celebrate much right now, given the school year just started up. My wife bought me Deus Ex, so I'm hoping to squeeze a couple hours in for that this week. Still, kind of an odd age. My wife says she will wait until I'm 35 to trade me in for a younger model.


    happy belated hurl.


    maybe it's just shanny in your avatar but I thought you were a bit older :thumbsup:

  8. hey tarna,


    just read that Herman Cain beat stage IV cancer in his liver/colon in 2006, and now he's running for president. but he isn't going to win, so don't count on being president after you beat it.

  9. My last week of my 40 hr/week UNPAID internship starts today.


    so..close..to the end..


    I remember after I finished my unpaid student teaching I was close to getting out of education completely. It really tests how much you want to work in a field when you have to do it for free for a ton of hours every week.


    Yeah, I'm working at a real estate law firm (not necessarily where I want to go with my law degree), but in all honesty it hasn't been too horrible.

  10. Got diagnosed ( yesterday ) with stage IV kidney cancer.

    Beat that Forumites! :wink:


    Presently enjoying a delightful mix of percodan and rum and coke. Tomorrow's schedule is a fast from midnight ( 1 1/4 hrs from now ) til 2 PM or later while they drill out a biopsy to decide if/what they are going to do. Surgery presently scheduled for Tuesday the 23rd.

    Pictures at 11. :wink:



    you've probably beaten like 10,000,000 level 4s as a gamer, this one's just IRL. hang tough buddy :)

  11. Shame most Republicans are stupid. (Hey, I said most! Which means there are still plenty who aren't. So if you're offended, just pretend you're one of the ones who isn't stupid.)


    Meh, smarter than Obama.

  12. I'm heading out to Tahoe for a hockey tournament this weekend. I'm bringing the RV and no family, so we have a lot of beer packed. Should be fun!


    What kind of league do you play in now days? I haven't been on the ice in like a year now.

  13. Ugh. Not sure I could handle any more 'its all teh blacks' nonsense. Thought I'd never have to sit through that sh** after leaving SA. :(


    Little case, showing real bravery, not this mock-political hooting and looting:


    Iftikhar Ahmed, a 15-year-old schoolboy carried his injured mother through the riot after she was beaten on the way home from the library. He ran through a crowd of thugs armed with baseball bats to pull her to safety


    that's badass. he totally got laid after that.



    wait what

  14. So like, last summer I bought StarCraft II because I had nothing else to play and because a few of my friends were going to buy it as well. Flash forward 1 year and I am completely engrossed in the game/pro scene. I really thought "pro gaming" was a joke until I started to watch a bit of it. The FPS pros are all 15 year olds so that's kinda lame, plus they don't have too much skill as most of what I've seen is just a camp-fest...But the pro SC games are pretty incredible. Having played the game for a year now I can't imagine how much work these guys have put in to be this good. MLG Anaheim is going on this weekend so I've been watching the live stream of that.


    mlgpro.com is where they're streaming it, but be warned.. I imagine it's extremely boring to watch if you aren't really into it.

  15. Got my classes for the final semester before I transfer to a university. I wanted to take this [semester] off but in the long run this is for the best. Can't wait to move in January! :)


    Where did you end up going?


    Leaning towards Montclair atm. Sending my transfer app to either that or William Patterson by the end of this month (probably the former).


    I don't recommend William Patterson in the slightest. I have a lot of friends who go there and despise it. Montclair is good if you commute, but the dorm live ain't so great there.


    Yeah the campus was NICE but it did seem a little... isolated from anything that looked remotely entertaining.


    As far as commuters go my sister said her university was dull on the weekends as well, she went to La Salle University in Philly. :thumbsup:


    Just don't undersell yourself man. Rutgers cost the same amount of money and is an internationally ranked university. People in NJ don't give it enough credit because it's the state university, but nationally an internationally it's highly respected. Montclair and WillyP are good choices if they're in your grade/SAT score range - but at the end of the day you don't need to be that smart to get into RU - but the education/reputation goes a lot further than most other NJ schools.

  16. Got my classes for the final semester before I transfer to a university. I wanted to take this [semester] off but in the long run this is for the best. Can't wait to move in January! :p


    Where did you end up going?


    Leaning towards Montclair atm. Sending my transfer app to either that or William Patterson by the end of this month (probably the former).


    I don't recommend William Patterson in the slightest. I have a lot of friends who go there and despise it. Montclair is good if you commute, but the dorm live ain't so great there.

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