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Posts posted by Krookie

  1. Two things:


    One, GD, in your statistics did they show how the prices had changed over time? Or just use a pair of points (one during bush and one during obama) to say "Obama is worse"? I'm pretty sure that the job market issue started after the collapse under Bush due to the initial de-regulation and even now the country is still in a bit of a tailspin because of the famously minimal amount of influence the government has over the economy at the moment.


    Two, Krook, most people are considering Gingrich dead in the water after he said that the GOP was using "social engineering" in some of their bills (which he was against) on "Meet the Press" a few weeks ago, followed by his incredibly melodramatic "I'm not dead yet!" press release as read by John Lithgow on Colbert report.




    haha, yeah i know. not to mention half his staff has left him.


    but based on the debate alone I thought he was in my top 3.

  2. Just a friendly reminder that I'm feeling grumpy and trigger happy...


    p-p-p-p-p-power trip




    let us have an argument bro, it's been the same 6 people posting in this thread for the last 5 years. my teenage virgin ears are the only ones young enough to be offended by anything, and I'm fine with it. arguing is what the internet is for.




    i've gone from not caring about this series in the slightest to being pretty excited for tonight. I guess game 7s will make any series interesting. I'm not so much rooting for either team, but I think there will be ups and downs to either side winning. i.e., I would love to see Luongo fail out again and Rechi (sp?) get a cup in his last game, but i'm also kinda pulling for the sedins and all-american ryan kesler.


    hopefully it'll be a good game regardless of who wins...if the bruins go foranother 6 goals i'm gonna be upset.

  3. i thought Gringrich (sp?) sounded pretty strong at the debate.


    I hate Bachmann already. She hasn't even formally declared her presidency and is making these grand sweeping generalizations and promises. little early for that when I can't even remember your first name.

  4. Hey guys, remember how good Luongo is in big games?


    Hey, I said tied or elimination (for Vancouver) games. My point is still entirely valid!



    hahahahha, man this guy has some issues in TD Garden

  5. Majority is often wrong. Then again you probably FO3 is better than FO1. l0lz



    Luongo has the better team? No, he doesn't. The Sedin twins? Aren't those guys under a PPG in the posts eason and are so far in the minuses it's a joke? The defense is horrid. They gacve up 31 shots in game 5 including a lot of high quality chances which Luongo stopped. Or is it the fact the offense has score a measily 6 goals because Boston's defense is awesome eld by Chara and the Canucks D is horrible giving up lots of quality shots and have given up 16 goals and would have given up triple that if it wasn't for Luongo's brillance?


    L0L Canucks are better than the Bruins. HAHAHA


    Unlike Thomas, Luongo doesn't choke in one goalm games. How many 1-0 games is Luongo gonan have to steal in this series for his team to win while if Boston wins 3 of the games will be blowouts b/c Thomas cna't handle the pressure of tight games.




    i guess 4/5 nhl analysts are wrong


    its a shame you never played hockey volo, you seem to know sooooooooo much ;)

  6. "anyone who argues that should look at the stats."


    Weren't you the one arguing that goalie stats are alla bout the team not the goalie? Why change your mind all of assuden?


    How come Thomas cnam only win win his team scores a bunch of goals?


    He cna't handle the pressure of close games?



    Plus, Thomas has Chara in front of him. Much easier to play goalie when you have him in front. Who does Luongo have? A bunch of no name losers.

    What a choker.





    Who is that? It better be Patrick Roy.






    thomas > luongo.


    you say its easier for him to play goalie because he has chara in front of him?


    i guess that makes it way easier for Luongo who has the far superior team infront of him

  7. Nobody claimed Thomas sucked. Factsa re facts. Luongo has outplayed him in 3 of 5 games.



    P.S. Thomas was crying. Did you even listen to what he was saying? He was crying.


    lol lies. lies lies lies!


    and i don't give a **** about thomas, he's just better than luongo. anyone who argues that should look at the stats. Teams win games, which the canucks have done. 6 goals against in 5 games. Luongo has like 16. thomas >luongo. and if you read half the posts in this thread you'd know I'm a devils fan.


    and by that I mean I have the greatest goaltender to ever play the game as my goalie :teehee:

  8. I still have yet to hear what Luongo's trash talking was. I'll keep waiting b/c it's not gonna happen.. but, Thomas comes across as a little crybaby. LMAO


    The only troll is the one making stuff up and quotes 'unnamed sources' for his silliness.


    You know nothing about hockey b/c you keep going on about how Luongo is a 'choker' and sucks where the evidence disproves this theory. Olympic champion, 2 shutouts in the SC finals, and keeps bouncing back when people say 'he is finished'.


    I like how you give all the credit to Luongo's teammates for his success yet you give none to Thomas despite the fact he has one of the best defenseman in the league on the ice for about half the game. HAHAHAHA! No Canuck d-man is even near Chara's level. HAHAHAHA!


    You know nothing about hockey as evidenced by you making stuff up with yiour 'assumptions'.


    You have yet to prove you know anything about hockey. L0L Luongo has outplayed Thomas in 3 of 5 games. HAHAHA!



    "Stop feeding the troll, Krookie "


    You add a lot to the convo. I take it back. Krookie isn't the troll youa re since at least he's talking about the subject - you just attack other posters and add nothing releavnt. Why troll and spam if you aren't interested in the topic? Pathetic.





  9. Far more 'credible' sources only talk about half his comment taking it out of context. Not like Thomas or the Bruins don't trash talk. But, again, he didn't trash talk.


    He said some saves he can make that Thomas can't and some saves Thomas can make he can't. Because they have different styles. That's NOT trash talking.


    YOU know nothing about hockey. If you did you wouldn't be claiaing Luongom sucks.m


    3 out of 5 games so far this series Luongo has 'outplayed' Thomas. The two games he didn't it was his teammates fault 9see I'm playing your game). Perhaps if his team can score more than 1 goal in 2 games and actually play defense they would have won those 2 games in Boston.




    But keep up your lying about this so called Luongo 'trash talking'.


    i know nothing about hockey? lolololol @ you


    in addition, i didn't say luongo sucked, i said he isn't as good as tim thomas, lrn2read.


    i'll just assume you read a transcript of the interview and didn't watch the press conference :lol:

  10. Don't lie.


    he's been outplayed by Thomas in 2 games while outplaying him in 3.


    He never trash talked Thomas.


    He has actually complimented.


    He stated the truth.


    There are some saves Luongo can make that Thomas can't. There are some saves that Thomas can make that Luongo cna't.


    He has played well in multiple big games. he did it in Olympics. He did it earlier against teams like Chicago. He did it here in game 5. 31 save shutout.


    The fact he can rebound from playing poorly and all the trash talking by morans shows how awesome he is.


    Thomas is a great goalie but he's not better than Luongo. If he was why does Thomas have only one shutout thiss eries and Luongo have two? HAHAHA!


    you have obviously never played a game of hockey in your life. shut outs have just as much to do with the skaters as they do the goalies.


    also, tim thomas had better stats than luango all series and carried his team to the stanely cup final. luango did not do that. fact.


    also, tim thomas leads luango in save% and GAA.


    luango wins games because his team is superior.


    and also, far more credible sources than you have deemed his comments trash talking so i'll assume you're just wrong about that (:

  11. Once again, the big mouth 'know it all's are put in their place.


    Some cool quotes:


    'I think Luongo is done.'


    'Schneider was solid in his playoff games.' (despite having worse stats than Luongo LMAO


    'Luongo is a choker who cna't handle big games'.


    'The hockey non existent gods answer'



    And, on, and, and on.



    Makes me laugh.


    Luongo IS a choker who HASN'T handled big games. winning a 1-0 does not erase giving up 12 goals in 2 games lol. he is not as good as Tim Thomas but still talks sh*t about him after the game, what a toolbag. You're being outclassed by Tim Thomas and you're gonna brag about how you could have made that save? pfffft tim thomas > luango, always

  12. Screw ther gods. Gods are evils cumbags. This had nothing to do with gods. This had to do with the Bruins doing well and finding a way to score. Period.





    i think Luongo's done.

  13. "mass effect has always played like a shooter"





    "i dont think ME was ever an rpg, not even the first game. it was more like a fps/rpg hybrid,"


    Action RPG


    it did play like a shooter, you just said it's an Action RPG. the action in the game was the shooting part. the rpg part was the rpg part.

  14. shame that burrows factored in all three goals. he should have been suspended, at least by the leagues "new standards". thankfully I'm not a bruins fan.


    canucks look too solid to stop at this point, but I hope the series goes 5 games so they can win it at home, I think the fans deserve that


    That's cool. Although I imagine it's pretty easy for them to add a new team, so I'd be pretty shocked if they said they weren't going to.


    Tight game so far, bruins came out really soft for the first few minutes, only reason it wasn't 2-0 from the start was Thomas making some great saves

  16. Decided I'm going to do everything in my power to study abroad for a semester of my Junior year of University. Definitely want to go to England. Considering London or Manchester at the moment. How badly will I be hated for being American?

  17. here's to the most uninteresting Final in my memory. I'll catch a few games I guess but I really just don't care for either team. sports are way less interesting when you don't have someone to root for. I guess I'd like to see Chara get a up, but whatever.


    I'll say Vancouver in 5.

  18. just finished it. spoilers may be here. /warned


    Good idea was poorly executed.


    first, I thought the atmosphere for a noir game was pretty bad. there were too many bright colors and sun-shiny days.


    second, thought the cases were strung together pretty poorly. when you reached the end of a case there was nothing to bridge to the next one, other that the killer was the same, or that the victims were found bruised in the same spots. GTA always seemed to string the story along so much more cleanly.


    third, they really couldn't decide whether or not they wanted this to be an action game. it was almost like they couldn't accept the fact that it wasn't. for example, wtf is this "OMG A BULLDOZER IS CHASING ME" or "OH GOD THE CHANDELIER I'M STANDING ON IS COLLAPSING" stuff? It seemed like they just throw these in so that they could make it seem like the game had some more actiony parts, but it completely took me out of it and they were just flat out dopey. I was perfectly content with not playing an action game. That's why I bought this game. Next time, don't throw these stupid gimmicks in to try and please the 13 year olds playing the game.


    lastly, I'm very disappointed at the lack of replayability. I guess they can't really be blamed for this one, but there is literally zero incentive to play the game again.


    on the upside, the voice acting and facial capture software was brilliant. feel like this is the beginning of something great. heard that Rockstar has confirmed that in the sequel (lol, already announced? I'm not sure, don't quote me) they'll be using the same image capture software for the entire bodies of the actors, meaning we'll actually be seeing people act in games. I think that's pretty cool, maybe in a few years we'll start seeing "CHRISTIAN BALE IN LA NOIRE 7", except he'll just be batman. think of the possibilities.


    overall, I thought LA Noire was going to be a much better game. I didn't dislike it, and actually thought it was pretty good. It just did not live up to expectations at all.

  19. here's hoping that the lightning can win game seven, because a Van v Bos final is going to big the most boring stanely cup final I've ever seen.


    I literally feel absolutely nothing for either of those two teams, I'm so indifferent I can't even explain it. tbh, I doubt I'll watch much of it.


    so for the sole reason of entertaining me for another week or two, please make the finals tampa.

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