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Posts posted by Krookie

  1. Friend of mine tried his hand at brewing his own whiskey. Do you brew whiskey? Is there some other term I should be using? Either way, it was surprisingly decent. I'm no expert and usually stick to mainstream whiskeys like Jack, but he did a pretty good job.


    Had a two or three glasses of that and played Gears of War 3. Good night.

    It's called distilling, and nah I've never tried that. Believe it or not that's actually illegal in the US and quite difficult to do. Brewing beer is easy (well, brewing beer that tastes good is not so easy). Freshly distilled whiskey is clear and almost all alcohol. It's actually only called moonshine if it's made from corn mash. Commercial distillers age the fresh whiskey in charred oak barrels for the period of time. Jack Daniels for example ages their black label for seven years. During that time it picks up it's color and flavor interacting with the barrel wood and as the ingredients in the wort begin to chemically seperate and the alcohol breaks down. Then they dilute it to reach the percentage they want becasue fresh out of the barrel it's around 120 proof. There was a great show on Discovery about that a few years back.


    Just talked to him, said he has been aging it for 3 or 4 years now. It has the whiskey-color but I suppose it wasn't as dark as Jack is. Delicious all the same.

  2. Friend of mine tried his hand at brewing his own whiskey. Do you brew whiskey? Is there some other term I should be using? Either way, it was surprisingly decent. I'm no expert and usually stick to mainstream whiskeys like Jack, but he did a pretty good job.


    Had a two or three glasses of that and played Gears of War 3. Good night.

  3. So right after work I'm heading to Palm Springs for the weekend with the family, and we are staying in a timeshare with another family. I'm not really excited about it, sadly, but hopefully I'll get into by tomorrow. It's a 7 hour drive, so we won't get in until after 11 tonight. I'm going to miss the release of Skyrim too :lol:


    pretend to fall really ill

    hire driver to take family to palm springs

    get skyrim

    have house to yourself and skyrim


  4. So apparently the Devils are up to something...I've heard we might be shopping around for Kyle Turris or Sam Gagne....Would be quite interesting. Sykora has proven he can play in the league still, so he may become tradebait but I sincerely hope he does not, seeing how fantastic Elias has been playing with him.


    Kovalchuck better step up very quickly or he risks becoming one of the biggest trade bust in league history. Let's not forget he's on a 100 million dollar contract right now.


    Parise looks snakebitten. He's playing very well but he just can't find the back of the net. Hopefully when Travis Zajac returns Kovy+Zajac+Parise line will click, and we can keep Sykora+Elias+Zubrus together (who have unarguably been our best line).

  5. Are you really going to argue that Torturechips has had a better career in the NHL than Sather has? Are you drunk? I don't like Sathers' run in NY but there's no disputaing he's a HOF builder.. the same can't be said for Torturechips.


    Wade Redden = underrated



    "his teams have made it to the playoffs seven out of eleven times under his watch. That's not too shabby."


    7 out of 11? This isn't baseball. That's not impressive in a league where more than half the teams makes it. And, in Tb, he had a pretty damn loaded team while in NY he keeps making dumb inconsistent decisions and the onyl reason he cna make playoffs uis because of their goalie.



    Sather, meanwhile, is no strnager to championship glory or domination.


    sATHER > Torturechips.


    Undisputable fact.


    how about indisputable though?

  6. I think both Richards/Gaborik's best days are behind them


    Gaborik, maybe, but I still think that Richards is one of the best centers in the league. Unless injured, he'll still put up near PPG numbers. Even playing on the Rangers.


    Gaborik is probably gonna be that player who, ten years from now, people will wonder what he would have been capable of if he wasn't so injury prone.


    yeah Gaborik's always had issues. I can see the argument for Richards being very good - and I still think he is, I just don't think he has anymore 90+ point seasons in him. He's done it what, twice? No reason that he can't be a number 1 center for most teams for a few more years, but if he doesn't get some help from Gaborik I think the Rangers will struggle.

  7. btw, For the tools proudly boosting that Avery's NHL days were behind him and no team woudl want him.. WRONG. Seems the Rangers do.




    So the only team that wants Avery is the one you constantly call a bunch of morons?


    sounds about right

  8. I would say 40-60 points would be about right. He will get that power play time, which will probably net 30 points in itself.


    I'm surprised you guys would think he could score as low as 40. Maybe I'm optimistic for him but I don't see him scoring under 50 points


    I can see it. One, he might miss a few games due to injury. The older you are, the harder it is to bounce back from stuff, so I really think 70 games is more likely than 82. I'm not talking major injuries, just general bumps and bruises that come from a tough NHL season. Two, I'm assuming he isn't as fast as he once was. I haven't seen enough of his play to really know for sure, but it's normal to slow down at this age.


    He had 3 breakaways two games ago, scored on 2 of them. He may have lost a step but his positioning/puck control is the same it's always been

  9. I would say 40-60 points would be about right. He will get that power play time, which will probably net 30 points in itself.


    I'm surprised you guys would think he could score as low as 40. Maybe I'm optimistic for him but I don't see him scoring under 50 points

  10. "Welcome back to the best league in the world, Jagr. He looked great on the highlight reel."


    The elague couldn't even claim to have the best hockey players in the last 3 years without Jagr playing in it. Shame on the Ranegrs and rest of the league. For shame.


    How many goals/points do you expect Jagr to put up?

  11. Welcome back to the best league in the world, Jagr. He looked great on the highlight reel.


    Scary moment for Pronger. Too bad, he was off to a great start.


    He's lucky it's only 2-3 weeks. That could of ended his season.


    Devils have been alright in the first few games. We still don't put up enough goals as we should with two goal scorers like Parise/Kovalchuck. We're desperately missing Travis Zajac from the line up...he wont be back for a couple more weeks. Kovy needs someone to dish him the puck.


    Elias isn't even worth talking about because he's the same magnificent player he's always been. Scoring big goals, quarterbacking the powerplay, scoring more goals than Parise also :)

  12. Yeah, sorry about your dog GD... Missed that one last night :p


    Welcome back Iwanttehkotor, are you in college yet?


    Thanks... Yup yup, somewhat unfortunately for my sleep schedule...


    Where do you go? you're from the states right?

  13. My dog Leah passed away in her sleep this morning. She was fifteen years old. She came to me as a foster dog with fear issues seven years ago when I lived in Florida. I was fostering dogs for a private South Florida rescue organization then. Apparently she spent the first eight years of her life chained to a tree being mistreated by neighborhood kids. I don't know how she came to the rescue group but after working to boost her confidence and get her weight and health back to normal (she was terribly malnourished) she became a normal, happy and playful dog. Anyway she was so attached to me I decided to go from being her foster home to her forever home. She was a great girl and lived half a happy life at least. I am sad she is gone but I am also very happy and very blessed to have known her at all.


    :') such a nice guy guard dog.

  14. So.. you basically posted that to agree with me. Thanks.


    hint: I wasn't agreeing with you (I never do, because you're like a compass always pointing WRONG)





    Oh boy, still butthurt?


    Grow up. Or get some ointment.


    lol "butthurt"

  15. :) My frame of reference is still stuck in late 90's era. I suppose that's the best way to put it.


    Speaking of the 90s era, I'm going to a 90s themed mixer tonight.



    Gameboy color, check

    Jean jacket, check

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