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Posts posted by Krookie

  1. :(  Umm, this is Supershadow, the guy who claimed he had the scripts for every movie before George Lucas wrote them. This is the guy who said that he will be the one making the next Star Wars movies (who's main enemies will be Jedi with ROCkETPACKS!!11!!!), that he plays a Jedi called Nebar Foxis in Episode 3, and other crap. Seriously, 'Darth Rage'? 'Darth SCARZ'?! 


    Its all junk, folks.


    I've gotta go with you on this one. "Force Earthquake?, Force Avalanche?" I always knew that Revan would go down fighting trillions of tiny snowflakes. This is Knights of the Old Republic, not Poke'mon.

  2. I don't worry to much about skills, except for persuade and treat injury, but I'm not as average as the normal KOTOR player, I useally don't keep a party of Jedi with with...like in K1 I kept T3 and Zalbarr in my party the whole game so I didnt really have worry about skills with poeple like them in my party.



    By the way for all of you who are thinking "T3 wtff??" that guy is really just a little tank when out-fitted with the right equipment.

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