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Posts posted by Krookie

  1. I don't pay much attention to lightsaber forms I just attack when I need to.  <_<


    The game is way to easy, if I needed to use them though..I would :D

    I always thought that too really. Although, I would change from the + against blasters form, to the + against Jedi form now and again (their names elude me :( )


    I just kept it on the first one you learn for the whole game. Shi-cho was the name if I remember...

  2. wat are you an idiot reven left special military instalments in for a reason malak destoyed planets and hid behind darth bendon and sidious geez the old gezzer hid behind darth vader and sidious would sit on his throne with wat luke and darth vader fighting in front of him and so many people could of taken him out hes stupid reven has power i dont think any one could take reven out in is prime besides in my book hes the BEST jedi and sith


    First of all, don't call him an idiot when your the one talking like a monkey with a keyboard. Second, it's his opinion let him have it. <_<


    Reven was one of the greatest Jedi, but not Sith Lord. Mainly he was known for being one of the greatest tactitions.

  3. Question one: (This is from www.Wikipiedia.com)

    Nearly 4,000 years before the events of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, a warrior race known as the Mandalorians began raiding worlds on the edge of the galaxy. The Jedi Order insisted on staying out of the war, feeling that the true threat had not yet revealed itself. Many younger Jedi were unwilling to wait as the Mandalorians assaulted planet after planet, and so Revan and his friend Malak organized a force of rebellious Jedi Knights to assist the Republic in defeating the Mandalorians. Many Jedi felt inspired by the charismatic Revan and so they joined him. The Mandalorians expected Master Kavar to lead the battle instead of him. Revan proved to be not only one of the most powerful Jedi in history, but also a master tactician. He was willing to sacrifice entire planets so as to make the most important ones impenetrable. And despite taking massive casualties (sometimes as many as ten Republic soldiers for every Mandalorian), Revan was consistently able to outmaneuver and overwhelm the enemy both in space and on the ground.


    The final battle of the war took place at Malachor V. Revan sent his least loyal troops to lure the remnants of the Mandalorian fleet there, where a mass shadow generator had been placed. The general overseeing its use was the Jedi Exile, who gave the order to activate it. The result nearly destroyed the planet. Few on either side survived. Around the conclusion of the Mandalorian Wars, Revan fought Mandalore (the Mandalorian leader) in a grueling battle. Revan won, killing Mandalore, and thus struck a crippling blow to the Mandalorian war effort.


    At Malachor V, Revan discovered the Trayus Academy, where he was corrupted by the teachings of the Sith. The planet itself was an ancient storehouse of the Sith; steeped in a darkness so great that it almost destroyed Revan. He was able to survive this darkness only by giving into the dark side of the Force. Taking the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith, he began to corrupt other Jedi easily.


    As for the second question, at the end of the game someone will mention that the last person to wear Mandolorian armour will be killed by a Jedi. This hints to Mace Windu killing Jango in Episode 2.

  4. I'm surprised nobody has voted for Dooku yet. C'mon people! It's Christopher Lee were talking about here, not some martial arts movie stuntment.


    Dooku brought class, elegance, and aristocracy, not to mention a little Lee's days playing dracula, to the sith. He also has a cool breast plate and cape and gotta admit his curved handle light saber is the bomb.


    But I still voted Revan. haha.


    For a guy who's voted the coolest looking sith, there sure aren't alot of good pictures of him around. Can anybody hook us up with some Revan pics? BTW, I prefer him as Male.


    If I was going to vote for one of the subtle and sophisticated characters, I'd have voted instead for Palpatine.


    I think that Palpatine was awesome, he just doesn't look that cool.

  5. ok this is stupid im  like getting really bored with all my starwars games and since i have them all except for the ones that arnt out yet but really i would like to kno if there is a faster way to get a lightsaber so yeah


    Okay, there isn't really a faster way to get a lightsaber other than getting all the parts for it. I useally go to Nar Shaadda first and build mine there. You can get the first part on Telos from Ithorians/Czerka. Then once on Nar Shaada help out the guy who can't find his wife, or just kill him for the part. After that, get the next part from Vogga's by poisening the water dish. By now, Visas should be on your ship. Go and fight her for the final part.


    By the way...use proper english <_<

  6. I've started K2 over again, and went to Onderon/Dxun as my third planet. While adventuring through the Dxun Jungle I came across the Mandalorian who is trapped by the Boma beasts. Well, being LS I helped him out. After he ran off I got a cut-scene. Mical, who was in my party at the time, tells me about how even though the Mandalorians were my enemies in the war, I still helped them. I replied by saying that the war was over and they are no longer my enemies. Here's where the bug comes in. I expected for it to say "Influence Gained: Disciple". But instead Disciple was replaced with Atton. Just wondering if anyone else got this in their game?

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