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Posts posted by Krookie

  1. Exile: How did you find me?

    Kreia: There was an echo in the force.

    Exile: No, that was Atton screaming as I tossed him down a well.



    P.S Sorry Silver i couldn't resist o:)


    (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) Yes I can see it now, Silvershadow hanging over the well, as she hears screams of "I can't swim" and "And there's a girl who claims her name is Samara down here, from...The Ring?".

  2. Kreia wanted you to face Atris, and since Kreia went with the Handmaidens, she was likely responsible for making sure the Exile could land.


    Don't recall that. Didn't the Exile came (unexpected, if I listen to Atris before the battles...) to

    1) Kill her (Revange, DS)

    2) Purify her (LS)


    As you land on Telos after the Dantooine Jedi Master "massacre", there is a cutscene between Kreia and Atris that hints at Kreia knowing you're on the way. And then when you fight Atris, her dialogue states that only now she realizes that she was meant as a test for you (the Exile) and that Kreia set it up and is waiting on Malachor.


    Nailed it right on the head GhostofAnakin, just like always.

  3. I know this thing has been a dozen times before, but I'm bored :D


    Before I start, yes the ending is different if you play lightside or darkside.


    Okay, most people don't like the ending becuase it was cut to short. For instance, I assume that you played lightside becuase you said you liked the ending. Now, did you ever once wonder how the Ebon Hawk got to you, considering you crashed on Malachor 5? People just don't like all the unaswered questions. What happend to your party members? Where is the Exile now? The orginal ending (before the game was cut) was much better. For instance, there was supposed to be another fight where you controlled Atton and I think, took on Sion. Now, even if you lost the fight, you would not have to reload and try again. Atton would simple die. This adds to the climax of the games ending. Another thing is that your party memebers were supposed to help you in the final battle...or try. Mira was supposed to charge in and try to take on Traya herself, but she is "Forced Crushed". Also, Kriea did not always have to become Darth Traya. In the orginal game, Atris could take up that role. So, I guess I really don't hate the ending, I just think the other one would have been much much better.




    BTW, have you played KOTOR 1 ?

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