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Posts posted by Krookie

  1. This happend to me a couple of times, I just useally saved a lot, I mean...like every load point. And then when that happend I re-booted my computer and just started to play again...worse comes to worse, if you really wanna play KOTOR 1 you can buy it for the computer for like 20 bucks. Same with X-Box.

  2. I've always gone with a single bladed, blue lightsaber. I never really liked the way that a character looked when he had 2 in his/her hands. As for double-bladed, I use them for other characters, but never my PC. But it is really the players choice, they only thing I wish that the devs. would change is that same generic hilt that everyone has. Mabye this'll be in K3, but who knows?

  3. Disciple: Exile, I admire you, your walk, your stance...

    F Exile: Great, another fanGIRL. Why don't you go admire Atton?

    Disciple: He said he'd rather talk to his pazaak cards... *snif*

    F Exile: *draws her lightsaber, looks at it* Hey lightsaber! How you doin'? Nah I wasn't talking to nobody...

    Disciple: *goes away, crying*

    Atton: Maybe another time, Daisy. Time out at med-bay!


    :"> Yeah...not funny...but w/e  :(


    Hey, don't be so hard on yourself...I laughed. By the way, welcome to the forums.

  4. In the KOTOR sieries I felt that KOTOR2 had too many villians. I mean think about it, the player took down 3 Sith Lords, 2 in about an hour. Now, I thought that Malak in KOTOR1 was much more enjoyable to take down because of the build up throughout the game. By the end of K1 I felt like I wanted to kill him. So I guess I liked Malak the best in the KOTOR sieries but in all of StarWars, I think it had to be Vader.

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