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Posts posted by Krookie

  1. Supposedly jagr is asking for about $2mil. He's also 39 years old and has probably 1-2 years left while Malkin is still young. Plus, the Leafs have nothing of real vlaue. If you are gonna trade a player of Malkin's value you should get somehting worthwhile back. i could udnerstand if his contract was up soon and they were worried about being able to resign him but that ain't the case here IIRC.


    dUMB. DUMB. dUMB.


    His contract is up after the 2013 season. So..............................yeah.


    anyway, it's time for Malkin to get on his own team and show us what he's capable of (i.e. the 09 season)

  2. "trading away your best D-man who's like 36 or 37 now vs. trading away your two biggest offensive threats? not much of a difference in levels of intelligence"


    You wanna win the cup now or 4 years from now? The Flyers reached the finals because of Pronger and they got bumped early this season b/c of Pronger being injured.


    On tiop of that, your posting nonsense since I did not claim an either/or situation of Pronger vs the two scorers they gave up. Read the post about who should ahve been traded. the chocies were Pronger and another weaker dman. You must be the Philly GM. R00fles!


    see now, this is your problem. I never said you claimed an "either/or" situation. you turn everything everyone else says into your own flamebait and then take it.


    it's impossible to have a conversation that involves anything you say because you instantly think your being attacked.

  3. There goes most of Philly's offense. They'd have been doumb to trade pronger. he's friggin' awesome and wouldn'tget worthwhile value for his mvp norris stanley cup winning awesomeness.


    trading away your best D-man who's like 36 or 37 now vs. trading away your two biggest offensive threats? not much of a difference in levels of intelligence

  4. Philly's dumb. They needed a goalie but to give away arguably your two best players? seems like a bad move. IMO they should have traded an aging but stable d-man (cough timmonen, pronger) and maybe a youngster other than JVR and a draft pick for good goalie.


    also, is bryzgolov even worth all they got rid of for him? I dont know much about him.

  5. I hope edmonton trades him for chris Drury, although I doubt Drury would play for the Oilers.


    No! I want Drury for the Devils! I'd love to see that guy come and play in NJ. We're set for offense, we need a strong checking line center and we're golden. Zajac can't fill that role anymore, he's too good.

  6. Good on him for knocking the cop to the ground. Well assuming he did all that.


    Yeah man! Fight the power!


    Anarchy for life!




    What a bunch of losers

  7. "Anyone who says a goalie can't win a game didn't see Thomas though. Without him it would have been a very different series."


    Disagree. Boston was simply the better team. Vancouver's offense and defense were anemic while Luongo was hot and cold.


    That said, i agree about the pathetic Vancouver punks. Extremely disgusting and shameful. Scumbags.


    Vancouver played awfully, but you gotta give Thomas a lot of credit. He set a record for most saves in a Cup Final. That says something.


    edit: as far as rioting when you lose...it's just like having a temper tantrum. get over yourselves, you suck and you lost. cry at home.

  8. i hope the devils can get back to the playoffs after ALL THESE YEARS.


    but really, this was the first season I couldn't watch my team in the playoffs and it was so sad :'(


    I know Kovy has a big season in him next year. 40 goals from him. 35 from soon-to-be-made captain zach parise. and elias will benefit from both and finish with 50+ points.


    at least thats how I'm going to dream about it tonight.

  9. Its politics people.


    Why do you think they put in Luongo even though he got 5 goals allowed?


    Its a plan.


    Watch the Canucks win against Boston next year in a Pittsburgh-Detroit Situation.


    I'm not going outside tomorrow. In Vancouver, when you lose the finals. There is no more outside.


    I have to hand it to Boston. Forty years. It was only Thomas that got them the win if anything.


    and the 17 goals they put up in TD garden LOL


    and did you just say the stanley cup is fixed?

  10. CANUCKS!


    Vancouver boy right here!

























    edit: hehehe luongo put that one in his own net!

  11. Someone is over-sensitive. Somebody. I'm not gonna say who.


    i may be wrongly assuming this was directed at me but if you can't take a joke in a joke thread for what it is worth (which is a joke...) then you probably don't belong in this thread to begin with

  12. do people even care enough about this forum to change anything?


    this forum hasn't been fun since nick and llyr left.


    and pixies too but he's not even funny.


    That was uncalled for. :ermm:


    Also, we care enough to be conservative - that should tell you a lot.



    yeah, just kidding. kind of.


    but this old girl just aint what she used to be.

  13. atheism.jpg





    That's not atheism.


    your point? what calax posted wasn't christianity. but those two pictures are older than the internet. deal with it like i dealt with Calax's post. lol. this is a funny things thread not a religious debate, keep it that way, if you can't laugh at a ridiculous over simplification of your own belief system do not bring someone else's up in the first place

  14. He may be jockeying for a VP nod now. I only saw a little bit of the debate (I'm a dem so they have no real significance to me yet) but michelle bachman got on my nerves with "I'm giving cnn an exclusive! I'm officially in the running for president even though I had to basically confirm I'm running to be on this stage!"


    Honestly, right now if I was going to have anyone from the republican party as president, based solely upon the tiny bits I've seen, it'd probably be Mitt.


    i hated bachmann. everything she says seems so rehearsed. they did a segment called "this or that" for fun with questions like blackberry/iphone and she had a question about johnny cash or someone else and wouldn't even give a direct answer for that. she's a try hard. she definitely sent some bad signals to me.


    romney seems so confident it's almost unsettling, but then again - if he can start to back it up with some real plans then maybe he's our guy.


    surprisingly, herman cain was also pretty solid.

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