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Everything posted by WILL THE ALMIGHTY

  1. Yeah well I'm an astronaut king. Beat that.
  2. I'm pretty much ok with all of those, although I wish Total Annihilation had made it in.
  3. This is going to be a very awkward term. Qu
  4. Source, as if you needed one I'm wondering how they pulled it off, or if there'll be retaliation.
  5. I can smell it from here, ME3 will have you leave Earth and then going off to find reinforcements, despite the fact that once the Reapers have access to one mass relay they have access to everything and can just kill everyone and everything by their ridiculous numbers. Plot holes ahoy, Bioware'll just keep on ruining what was once a cool concept (Mecha-Cthulhu FTW). They're being nerfed constantly.
  6. I'm willing to bet they're working on another Fallout game, while Bethsoft focuses on TESV. Maybe it's just wishful thinking.
  7. It's more in his mannerisms and personality than what he did. Point is, Malak was a dumb villain, KotOR2's antagonist(s) were miles ahead, and now we're back to generic ugly old evil warlock.
  8. So a Palpatine ripoff. Fascinating.
  9. It'll fail on its own, I bet.
  10. It requires awesomeness to recognise true innovation. The only true innovation Valve ever touched was Portal.
  11. It also sounds unbelievably lame, too.
  12. IMO it's miles ahead of HL2, mostly because it's not an overextended tech demo.
  13. Finished the singleplayer yesterday, absolutely goddamn amazing from start to finish, with an ending that'll leave you smiling for days. Now I just need to convince the GF to play coop with me.
  14. ...are you really paying attention to MK's plot? I'm willing to bet half the plot holes are on purpose.
  15. Now now, be nice to the new guy, at least until he starts hating on Alpha Protocol.
  16. I bought Crimson Skies on the Xbox for 3$. Still the most fun I've ever had with a a game.
  17. That would be amazing.
  18. This is one I'm not getting into PERIOD! This isn't a case of sloppy porting. I always just thought it was the earlier versions of UE3 being godawful. That or the devs deciding that having textures pop in was worse than two or three more seconds of loading screen. Texture popping isn't much of a problem now, UE3 has gotten much better.
  19. Rorsarch.
  20. IMO, I prefer the liar with the manly moustache.
  21. You need to rescue a scientist who uncovered reaper tech that told her that Reapers would arrive in 2 days in a system with a mass relay that would allow them to go anywhere they want. After that, it turns out she's indoctrinated, but that she and her team had a plan to destroy that relay with a masssive meteor. They stopped because the energy released by the relay would destroy a batarian colony near it. So Shepard reactivates the facility, crashes the meteor into the relay, kills 300k batarians, delays Reaper attacks for at least a few months. I think you misunderstood something. Or the way you typed it reads funny to me. They did not stop because of the Batarian deaths. They stopped because of the indoctrination. The deaths of the Batarians is practically an incidental matter. And a plot hook for ME3. I thought they stopped because of the Batarian deaths and the indoctrination, but then again I didn't really play through it. In any case it really feels like a last second plot hook for ME3, to me at least.
  22. You need to rescue a scientist who uncovered reaper tech that told her that Reapers would arrive in 2 days in a system with a mass relay that would allow them to go anywhere they want. After that, it turns out she's indoctrinated, but that she and her team had a plan to destroy that relay with a masssive meteor. They stopped because the energy released by the relay would destroy a batarian colony near it. So Shepard reactivates the facility, crashes the meteor into the relay, kills 300k batarians, delays Reaper attacks for at least a few months.
  23. Any Australian household should come with a +1 Claymore of insect slaying, really.
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