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Everything posted by Calax

  1. or you could have somthing like at the end of Kotor 1 where they give a very difinitive ending with medals and soldier's and everything
  2. It's really possible. Carth goes on a drinking binge after lady reven leaves him he meet's bastilla and becomes the typical white male with 1.7 kids (this is the new stat for familys in america, donno about the world) he retains the fat and get's his hair a little darker. And i really think that kurt russel would work lovely as canderous. If you really wanted a pretty boy for disiple you could try Orlando Bloom
  3. on the force wound. From what I could get from it is that the developer's were trying to rationalize the fact that you could go to all these planets almost depopulate them and not get a single dark side point. Extrappolating from this the best I can come up with is that the exile is doing is taking the life energy from a creature that he as killed and storing it in himself. Basically he steals a targets soul and adds it to his collection. The hunger is from the fact that Nihilus uses his force so much that he is constantly running low so he has to replenish it. If he was a car he'd have a small tank. Best guess for the reason that he spared Visas is because she can obviously find force users' that get lost in the chaff, he would need these to replenish his strength... the only problem with this would be that the exile never gets hungry. So we try another approach along the same lines. Nihilus uses the souls as a drug. to stop feeding would be like a Meth user trying to go cold turkey. it just isn't possible. Exile doesn't have that problem because his "wound" that he's trying to fill in is not self inflicted. (at least not on purpose) since we don't know all that much about nihilus this is the best we can do for the time. Feel free to disect me considering that I don't know all that much about this sort of thing.
  4. personally i hated the deviation from star wars lore ie the sith lords, there are but two, the master and the learner, the learner always kills the master when the learner is strong eanough. This was prevalent in Kotor 1 but they kinda snubbed it in 2. Nihilus was just a world eating school boy, Sion was a lerner who seemed to be able to change the foundation of his personality at will and treya was............... i don't know, i suppose i could say obvious because from what she says while she's with you. and then there was Atris. She's stronger than Nihilus but not an official sith lord and she has a love interest in your char (if male). And finially, the famine of lightsabers, crystals, and other parts. I would have loved to be able to fully outfit my char's with lightsabers and a preferred color but.... also i hate the break down and make items. it's useless unless you are like god at your skills. ummmm sorry for the ranting
  5. But he has element's of both and he's changed from blond to dark with a gotee......... ::runs off griping to self in little corner:: I suppose if you wanted a fat admrial carth you could say kevin smith with hair dye
  6. the tiret's syndrome and bounty hunter's galore on nar shadda happen's alot to me. Also for those of us who cheat or just use the console, (please don't kill me) i can't even see the bloody thing and whenever i try to use "giveitem a_medium_15" or anyother item cheat i get a sonic detonator with no name and no use but it say's that i have upgrades on it so i can't break it down.
  7. I thought the end just left too much open. A horrible little thing about kreia telling the future, Nihilius is a panze and Sion keeps coming back for more.... and you never figure out if your friends really survived or if they all died for you in the hawk, i know it's all been said before but i find it insane that you survive soo much stuff without a scratch.
  8. why nobody has mentioned that Jonny Depp for Carth or Atton is beyond me. he's possible for both. Pirates and From hell....
  9. Exile: Kreia Kreia: what Exile: get off Kreia: what? Exile: I don't like you, you cryptic and evil Hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Kreia: but Exile: I don't care just get off and eat your jello.
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