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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Probably yes. the reviews I've seen have been generally favorable, but people still expect to be playing the stereotype with Commissars screaming and shooting deserters, and "one man gets the rifle, the other gets the ammunition!" Basically "Enemy at the Gates"
  2. Man O' Steel. Honestly, it's not really a Superman movie. It's a movie about the Archtype sure, but not the actual character of Superman. I feel like the guys at the WB studio are sitting there "Well, we mettled and got superman four, we arthoused and got Superman returns, we got the 'realistic' view with Man Of Steel... WHY DOES IT NOT WORK!?" IMO, if I were a suit, I'd drag Bruce Timm in as a consultant. He's worked on Superman before, and could give you a better view of what Superman is about. This feels like it'd have been fantastic as an adaption (would need the R rating though) of Hyperion from Squadron Supreme. Who's first super powered fight involved his opponent throwing cars (full of people) at him, and then just the people (in a shopping mall). The individual being fought was a serial killer who had the exact same powers.
  3. I sense a HurlWife standing over Hurlies shoulder with a cooking spoon in one hand watching.
  4. Got my totally unoffical grade from my prof for the last CC class, another A-. So I should be able to get back into the "real" college and finish this blasted degree finally. Just have to dig out and re-do my appeal packet (it's on my other computer) and hand that in by the end of next month.
  5. I've beaten the campaign. Over all I'd say it's MUCH better than the original, mostly because there are far more "slugging matches" where you're not given a strict time limit and instead are just duking it out with the Germans. You know, like the original Cherbourg. I do miss the fact that there aren't many defensive missions anymore. Understandable overall, but I still think that they're more fun and are more chaotic than offensives in this game.
  6. IIRC they don't let you go into the actual mine, just kinda wander the outside buildings and down a wee bit of the main shaft.
  7. We're all just strands of Eldar.
  8. Coloma is by FAR closer than Empire. It's about 15 minutes from Placerville (along 49 I believe), empire is... an hour or two (?) probably less. If you go to Coloma, you're gonna have to match that with Sutters Fort in Sac proper.
  9. Hurlie, if you have a chance hit http://www.empiremine.org/ and Coloma Ye olde Gold Country Yes, these are things I did while growing up in that area
  10. dese chicks?
  11. What I'm actually more interested in right now is what's been going on down in Texas. http://blog.zap2it.com/pop2it/2013/06/wendy-davis-filibusters-texas-state-senate-over-abortion-bill.html A legit filibuster and fight over if something actually happened or not.
  12. Just did mission...11? and JESUS that was a slug fest. Although I did self impose challenge by deciding I was going to use Conscripts for basically everything. So I had five troops at 3 stars by the time of the final assaults.
  13. well, do those that thing it's appropriate think that because they actually believe it, or because they were taught that it's the only way?
  14. Red Horde would imply I had more than 6 units on the field at any given time.
  15. So, in 3 days, I got the better part of 25 hours at my new job. Most of it on Saturday/Sunday. And did my class so now I'm just waiting for my grades to return, so I can truely get back into school and finish this degree that's been almost 12 years in the waiting. *checks* Oh joy, I get the minibus that has no AC in it tomorrow for a quick charter in the morning.
  16. Game comes out tonight yes? At some point we should try to do at least one game together, even if I'll fail harder than a mormon at a strip joint.
  17. And the x360 didn't have even that... The price quoted above for the 360 was with a memory stick, which was all of 500 mb(?) of saving or something stupid. The "real" price which included a hard drive was 100 bucks more expensive (400 instead of 300, which still beat Sony's launch prices) It took until sony removed the backwards compatibility to get the price to the point most households would buy it.
  18. Drove a grand total of 8 people over the span of 7 hours (as a shuttle), basically spent most of it indoors waiting for them to show up. Then drove a very short wedding party back to their hotel (nobody was drunk at all) Got home to find my computer freaking out, to the point that my CPU was properly overheating (it kept trying to reboot which wasn't working). Open the case and find that, unlike my previous computers, this one actually needs to have compressed air blasted all over it's insides (it was starting to look furry). It's working now but I'm keeping the case open until I have the time to pull it out and re connect the fan in the removable side of the case.
  19. Should be noted that the PS3 posted up there was the most basic model. for 50-100 bucks more you could get a 60 or 80 gig hd instead of the 20 (which didn't have enough room for much more than game saves).
  20. When I originally looked it up on the map i just marked "Iowa", and that dot popped up
  21. Well, I will still have a few charters, Who knows, maybe I'll net a lonely bridesmaid on saturday.
  22. Because every movie star wants to go here! And would use a generic van service rather than a car.
  23. Started today, did my run. Came out with my saturday being 13 hours of driving a minibus. Including a run from a wedding to the hotel.
  24. ... Wait, the girl in jeans was that strawberry from a halloween? O.o
  25. Expect to be doing a LOT of micromanagement. I played a bit of the beta. I feel like I'll never be able to play the Soviets because their AT gun and MG are very one direction.
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