I'm not sure if this is a jest or if this is fact. Mainly because it's Jack Thompson....
On computers and Education in the past two years the local highschool here (I went to it when this happened) decided that, because students were downloading Zsnes and a gazillion games on each computer (because they had nothing to do), they would change the computers from having their own hard drives to having "terminals" linked to a server that would be processing for about 20-25 "terminals" at any given time. needless to say this wansn't very efficant because if one server went down there would be a cascade failure and nobody could do any work, even though the were entire classes base around the computers and all the Attendance and such was done by computer. so basically all the "terminals" did was add more work to the teachers load and cause a lot of grumbling by the students.
What did they do with all the old PC's? they simply tossed them in the garbage. I got two free speakers from the Librarian...