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Everything posted by Calax

  1. I miss CoV/COH
  2. I played it when it came out, wasn't overly impressed with it, but I'm betting it's changed a LOT since then... if I get bored soon I'll try it out again
  3. I'd argue the new Fords (especially the Fiesta eco-boost 3 cyl engine) are better for the environment.
  4. So, you go from anthromorphic to helping anthromorphic people with their costumes? That's quite the transition. Bought the V70 btw.
  5. BF4. I'm slowly getting the hang of it but I feel like it's trying to be to dusty and movement heavy for me. I don't mean mobility, I mean everything moves and explodes so it can be harder to pick out an enemy that's fighting you. I'm sure this is realistic but it's frustrating to say the least. At the same time I'm not sure I like the unlock system. It feels like they spread it out to much, in order to unlock guns you need to kill with that type of gun, and in order to unlock other things you just need the package. It feels like I'm being penalized for not showing up at the very beginning because my terrible weapon can't hit a gnat point blank, while the guys with more advanced weapons are hitting gnats from across the field. I've gotten most of my kills with a pistol (of all things) and a sniper rifle. And I'm usually a TERRIBLE sniper, so I don't know if that's a good or bad thing overall. On the positive side I like the fact that they've made the SOFLAM into a binoc-style thing instead of "Point and forget" which cuts down on outright bottleneck camping, and makes it so that things you target can't just get at an odd angle and kill your SOFLAM. Which brings up another thing for me. It feels like the maps don't have proper... choke points. Admittedly I've only played for a few days but it feels like the maps don't have anything to really funnel the fighting and create "Fronts" like in previous games/maps. Instead it's much more spread out and thus the teams leak like sieves so you're often just outright killed by a guy you didn't know existed who managed to just walk around behind your entire army/squad and shoot you. I donno, maybe what I'm feeling is from me going into larger servers that are rife with cheaters (at this stage I'm betting the security teams haven't quite caught up to the cheaters) but it just feels like I'm outclassed and won't get myself back into my class until I find a smaller CQ style map to fight on (even though battlefield is built around armored combat, I still prefer up close and personal as it's a lot gentler to learn with.
  6. It's become bimonthly hasn't it? Last post before yours was 2 months ago.
  7. Really? Over here, the Wanker factor is universally the highest amongst Porsche owners, then it moves down to Audi/BMW tie, with the SUV owners being the king of the hill of the respective brands. Merc owners are owners of pizza shops here, and they're pretty nice guys actually! I should say that my impression is based primarily on the degree to which drivers pay attention to pedestrians while in a relatively urban environment. Highway behavior might well be very different. The Land Rover drivers that I most often find myself at odds with tend to be trophy wives looking for parking spots near the nail salon. Round here there's a strange dichotomy between worn down rusted, trucks, and luxury vehicles. With a young chinese student who's got a bloody nissan GT-R.
  8. What the hell does "lesbian car" even mean? That it dates other cars? WTF? I guess this is some sort of weird twist on the car as a status symbol - now it "tells people who you are, really" or some ****? I showed it to a friend and apparently it's a car that lesbian soccer moms use (her exact words). I'm probably gonna get it, as it's everything I need/want in a vehicle. And the only issue is something I'll have to deal with down the road. But I won't have any money to visit home and collect it.
  9. So, I may be getting a Volvo V70 instead of a truck of any kind. One of my friends is declaring I shouldn't get it beceause it's a "Lesbian" car, but I'm thinking more along my dads lines in that it's a "Family" car.
  10. Does this mean that I'm concave?
  11. Too bad. Ros and his multi-make out night would have had nothing on that! It'd be two women who are currently "rebounding" off bad breakups. I don't think it'd end well.
  12. Went out, worked, saw "Ender is crying", hung with my ex-roomie and her sister (no GD we didn't sleep together) got told that another girl wants to see dark world with us, checked my account and realized that I still don't think I got all my tips for last month properly.
  13. No and it's often a strong contributor. If I need to be social and don't want to go to a club, I go to danceclasses, yoga or some group activity thing. It's very important to remember being around people and especially the opposite sex. Things that really help with having a get-out social life - disposable funds to pay for travel to and from locations, and to gain entry into clubs, pubs, dance classes, etc. I know I have some slight issue because I pretty much grew up with that core group of friends through school, but where I've been at home looking after mom the last decade I haven't really encountered many "new" people. While that core group have all gotten jobs where they meet new people, are out doing various hobbies that have expanded their circles of friends, and the natural evolution of doing "other stuff". Thus what used to be meeting up a couple of times a week has turned into more like once a month or more.. Heh. Half the people I know nowadays are in other countries that I've only chatted to via the internet. If I'm not careful most weeks, the only people I talk to verbally are family members, the pharmacist when I'm picking up mom's prescriptions, possibly tellers at the supermarket when doing the groceries, and the occasional person on "work-related" matters whose trying to help me get my cv in order. basically this is my issue, it's just that my job is right at the times when everyone else is to be social. So nights and weekends. I've finally given in and started asking for at least one day to be free of any work what so ever, but it doesn't help that much.
  14. Went back to ME3 after AC black flag. started brotherhood but just got absorbed my ME3. Debating picking up BF4 from what everyone has said. If I did I'd get the premium package too because (quite frankly) that stuff is usually worth it. Also watching blizzards announcements closely
  15. I just like the fact that it's revisiting the Beyond the Dark Portal stuff from War2. Although their decision to say "IT's not time travel" is confusing. Are we officially in an alternate reality Dranor? Also auto 90 on the install is nice for everyone involved I think. Allows people to get a class they couldn't stand at low levels up to the high levels that they need to be social.
  16. *sigh* depression is getting its claws deep in me... it's insidious in that it strikes when I'm not in a position to do anything about it. Although being a-social doesn't help in the least. And nobody give me the trite "Go to a bloody bar!" BS that's always spouted off. It's to loud for me to go there, and I feel I can't get out of my current cycle of doom that is "Work or class every goddamn day of your life BWAHAHAHAAHA!"
  17. Is that the demon with hands made of marmite? The world is never that nice to me.
  18. Today Is one of those days where I can feel the worst of the demons scratching at my mind trying to let itself in.
  19. My life the post... It's getting harder to finish that last sentence however.
  20. Assassin's Creed III allows you to jump through the branches of trees, on top of the rooftop hopping. Black Flag has you jumping about in the rigging of ships. I still maintain that Brotherhood was probably the best in the series, followed by Revelations. 3 just got weighed down to much within it's story, and 4 is to much "yay boat!" stuff.
  21. At work currently. Think I can get me a Ranger from California and dad swears he'll drive it to Iowa if I put 20% down on it.
  22. Looking for a new car, but may take a bit because I want a Ford Ranger with a stick, hard to find in Iowa.
  23. I can be your brother! Workin all day, and got an angry email from my brother/mother about the possibility of me flying to California then driving to tuscon, because "It was supposed to be a me and dad thing" (From my brother) which led to her giving out a round of apologies. I am kind of ambivalent on it overall as it is because I don't want to fly, spend two days in a car, hang out for a day, repeat. I think after today I'm just gonna call and say "I decided to flop sides of the family for my summer/winter trips" even though NY is gonna be friggin COLD.
  24. Part of it is that I'm rather hard to numb up, no idea why. So they numbed me up locally for my wisdoms, but one of em was so dug in that it was right on the nerve which wasn't quite numb when he was yanking. Just about broke my moms hand when he did it which made him realize "Probably not quite ready for that yet..."
  25. Well, the way I could see it is that it's more akin to dead island where your team starts at it's own server and slowly can allow itself to be either dynamically inserted or allow an insertion from another server to create PVP
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