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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Fun fact, the reason it's titled that way was because Squaresoft was about to go under when they released FF1, so they titled it that way as their sort of "this is our last fantasy we will probably be allowed to show you" then it became MASSIVE. Waiting for the FFX and X-2 HD remakes that are getting worked over... I bet they'll do VII soon after.
  2. PSH! Ceaser would beat em all... or Trajan.
  3. Had a nothing day where I just went to class, went and changed the paperwork for my car over to Iowa, then went to work... and I'll be working for ANOTHER 8 ish hours because of stupid reasons.
  4. Snapped up AOE2 HD for five bucks. Worth it for the amount of gameplay it can provide.
  5. I feel like Octavian here.
  6. Would Payday 2 be worth it? I know Last Light is (although I own it), but from the look of it, Payday would need for me to have a few friends to properly play.
  7. Been working because I am in the travel industry. Got about 7 hours at time and a half yesterday before going to a friends place for thanksgiving. Today while waiting for passengers I've been on TV tropes and got a little sad that I'm not mentioned in "Contest Winner Cameo". Stupid reason? yea but hey, when you win something you like it to be recognized. I guess that means my name looks like it belongs in a video game?
  8. Picked up the DLC to Dishonored. Was only 7 bucks for each so I don't think I had a bad bargain. Only other thing that looks appetizing right now is the Prototype 2 flash sale but even that's a bit "eeeehhh".
  9. Finally am back home, drove 1600 miles in two days in my new car. Cat is extremely loving.
  10. Huh, just as the guys over at Extra Credits were talking about CM's, we start talking about em here... HHMMMMMMMMMMM.... *glaring* Saw hunger games, Prepping for a work day from hell (start at 8:30, only have about 3 hours off between then and 1130 pm at night), then sleep and fly to California to pick up the new Car. Then drive back here Then work a 7 hour day on thanksgiving (woo! Time and a half!) then have dinner with a friend Then it's off to the races at work again. Yaaay for working in the transit business...
  11. So I step through the office at work on my way to class, come to learn my boss just got annoyed and ended up terminating (I think) one of the old guys because he ended up making a huge rent in one of the vans sides... while the owner was in town no less.
  12. Either it will or I will on this pharmacy of meds before me.
  13. ... You realize I'm fighting with the school about health care right? Take the incompetence of the VA, throw in a lack of deference because we're just students, and slather on a huge pile of "we don't like to diagnose anything because then we have to pay for it" and you've got what I'm fighting through. And yes, I've been an involuntary patient of the VA system for 72 hours in Chicago.
  14. "He who defends everything defends nothings" - Frederick II You do not have the mental strength to fight every single thing that opposes you in life.. and if you try, then you loose most of those fights.. Growing up is learning that for most gains, a lot of sacrifices had to be made. If you cannot come to peace with this fact, then most of your life will be regret and struggle. If I don't fight these battles, who will? I won't survive without winning a few, and I won't survive well without winning em all.
  15. Well, I looked at my grades and the wheels promptly came off the mental express. I've spent the ENTIRE time at a college technically one failing grade away from being ejected (which I was, against the rules technically), and right now I've got classes that are showing **** for grades and I feel like I don't have much hope overall. I'm never the fastest, smartest, first option, best option, or even desired option. I'm always the "Well ****, we gotta talk to him" option. Even my parents view me as a disappointment (with my mom laughing and asking if I wanted to stay a toddler for the rest of my life when I mentioned that sometimes it's nice to focus on other peoples problems rather than my own). Strangely the best connection I have with anyone is the yahoo's I've been back and forthing on these boards with here for what, seven years now? And yet I'm sure some of you just judge me as the emo man-child who can never grow up or take responsibility of the actions within his life. I don't have anyone who really can advocate for me anymore. Nobody who's willing to give the "it's all right" speech before going off to fight for me with whoever it is I'm tired of fighting. All my life has been dueling with various "authorities" who think they know how I should operate. Be it my parents, my schools, my employers, my doctors, my psychiatrists... And I'm just tired of it all. I don't like having to personally fight every single battle in the constant war to get my needs taken care of (and stay alive), and yet here I am trying to get my back sorted out in a way that's not just "Oh here's perscription painkillers, have fun with physical therapy!" And ensure that my academic record looks ok, AND ensure that I stay in school, AND fight off the STUPID "academic standards committee" who ignore you out of hand because they have more important things to do. And then there's the fights with my parents over everything else financial. I just have to wonder, is there any silver lining to this excrement that is a "life"?
  16. Started a new heart of the swarm game on a whim, been trying dcu:o but just can't get into it that easily. Also Wow and a few other things
  17. Hit the bars with my boss and a few co-workers. Still a wee bit drunk and no "action", got flat out over stimulated for the last hour (to much noise). Tomorrow is a maybe. Also, maybe it's because I haven't used my kidneys/liver that much, but I'm apparently able to metabolize and deal with booze way quicker than anyone else I know.
  18. Donno if we can even do it as freebies.
  19. ...http://amestrib.com/sections/news/ames-and-story-county/time-needed-healing-after-police-shooting.html http://amestrib.com/sections/news/ames-and-story-county/suspect-police-chase-shooting-dead.html http://amestrib.com/sections/news/ames-and-story-county/autopsy-shows-chase-suspect-was-shot-twice.html Was on my campus.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7Nf-m6WGl4 Don't forget this thing
  21. Hero
  22. Ya'll made me break down and re install this mother forker!
  23. Technically Treyarch did the World At War, Black Ops and Blops 2. The games even connect story wise.
  24. The problem is everyone tries to keep restarting Superman. But his origin story doesn't really leave that much room for new stuff so the movie flops because their "different take" on it just comes off badly. If they pick up with the current movies ending and play with what killing another human would do to superman, you'd end up with a phenomenal movie without as much punching. Batman is easy to write for, he's a human and thus, vulnerable. Break his arm or leg and you've got a story. And he'll just magic his way out of any predicament by having anticipated and prepared for whatever the **** is thrown at him due to the nature of his stories. I mean All batman stories seem to kinda boil down to "oh no, crime occured, Batman is looking into it and checking underworld contacts, Batman kicks a guy, batman gets captured and/or damaged, Batman wins Because!!" It's the same with superman admittedly. A lot of his stories have him either punching when he should have been thinking, or somehow depowered by the enemies. It's due to the nature of their characters. The team books, and/or the "side" characters are where the fun is, with GL being awesome, the Titans being a fun book because of how they bounce off each other, and Geoff Johns deciding that the 80's were perfect and we should all pine for those characters again
  25. I've always been more of a Marvel guy myself. The only DC character I've ever been into was Batman and his stable of villains. That changed a bit when I got into the Green Arrow TV show Archer, and now that I'm playing the game, I'm really surprised how much depth there is to the DC universe. It's actually kind of nice getting some details on all these characters I only had a cursory knowledge of. Yeah, the problem with DC is that it's "Main heroes" are a bunch of icons so they can't change that much. But the "backups" like J'onn J'onzz, the Lanterns, and a myriad of backup heroes is what makes the universe more fun, mainly because they bounce off the heroes so often. Although the batman fangasms is what's the worst IMO.
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