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Everything posted by Calax

  1. You didn't play starcraft? that had heroes and pulled it off PERFECTLY!
  3. Well part of the general dislike about it is that a single hero could turn an army into nothing with good micro. (I've seen a friend use a lich and a death knight to dismantle an entire base without support. Your average hero ability is able to cause TREMENDOUS damage when used properly. The strategy part of the game changed from Use a massive army to murderize your opponent to Use a itty bitty army and a trio of powerful heroes to turn your opponents army into cheese and then kill his base. yes it is strategy, but its strategy that fits more with an RPG's minigame than to a out and out RTS. Add to this the fact that the army size was shrunk from other games by a HUGE amount and the game is generally disliked because it didn't play like it was hyped to be (four MASSIVE armies battleing eachother to save/end the world). And strategies depend. generally they can be pretty complex because of the fact that almost every unit has an ability that you can activate. Blizzard tried to take what was already good and make it perfect with the heroes violated the old adage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" and they got bitten in the rear for it (ie they got taken over by vivendi) and so now we won't see the end to the Warcraft story because WoW will go until it's no longer profitable, then they'd probably try for another SC or Diablo.
  4. I loved the Extras on the Kane Edition DVD. :Kane starts to dance: You can't kill the messiah :poses: the two answers to the question "how did you become Kane?" 1) he won the lottery, got a ticket at kmart and scratched off three Kanes" 2) he won a special election against paulie shor and john malcovich
  5. Then make a game that is pure love. pr0n: the game. I'd release it for PC and the wii. lol play with my wii - 2 player edition!! would you do it like the vgcats strip?
  6. a few wow shots.
  7. They did that in a PS2 game called Kessen. Basically it went through the end of the Warring states period and a series of fights between the Toyotomi and the Tokugawa and you were one of the major lords. Now when you lost a fight you'd usually loose a major character and be forced into another fight that was much easier. The devs used this to WONDERFUL effect.
  8. a game where instead of being the "chosen one" you start out as a peon and slowly work up to a minion... you never take the lead, instead you play as the guy who appears out of nowhere and gives the king intelligence reports. so that the hero can continue on his quest using your report.
  9. meh... you know colleges now a days.
  10. ... Force unleashed Raven
  11. You can't have freedom when your economy is bunk, but even then, freedom isn't always completely desirable. Western society it's crumbling at an alarming rate exactly because of the excessive obsession with freedom. Duty, obligation and civil conduct are going down the drain and what does that spell for the future? How much decadence and self indulgence can a society withstanding before you start seeing cracks in the system? now is this just the US system or most of the european systems as well?
  12. [stereotyping] But where will all the rice come from?[/stereotypeing]
  13. for the love of balance? :dancing moonkin:
  14. except that WC3 is MADE for things like "UMS" maps What's that, Cal? It's term me and my friends use as a holdover from starcraft UMS stands for Use Map Settings. In Warcraft they changed it to "custom Senario". Warcraft is made for that sort of thing because of the hero system it has. You can make anything a hero and give it insane stats and lvls.
  15. Azgalore... we're named after a pitlord who only ever appears on the last mission of War III
  16. Her Royal Highness Kithsara Meanwhile one of my allies minion is a box with an arm and an axe.
  17. I think that a good example of well done unwinnable battles is in Xenogears. You'd get into a fight and if you were good enough you'd cause your enemy to expend more energy than he wants to. Thus you get a certain amount of benefits from it. If we were to use the "there's to many of them we should go around" problem you'd probably set up a point that if a character killed X amount of opponents he'd cause somthing that would either make the reinforcements stop or would somehow cause yourself to get where you need to be without much effort (for example you kill to many and a general appears and kills you, but you wound him so the portion thats attacking you pulls back).
  18. You lump Starcraft into SUCK! BLASPHEME! I shall string you up and give you the punishment of Prometheus!
  19. ... why do you only have frosbolt on your bar? You SHOULD have at least fireball on there too. And your racial (mana sucker ftw!)
  20. Just got back from a Memorial turned family reunion... the family part was fun but the flying was horrible. First the plane I'm about to take gets bumped on the wing hard enough to knock the light cover OFF the saftey light on the wing by a Fuel truck. Then the plane doensn't have AC and we end up about 2 hrs late (it's a 22 minute flight). On the way BACK we get stuck on the runway for 30ish minutes with me and my brother sitting next to eachother (we're both over 6') THEN we learn in the layover terminal that the plane to take us home is going to be 2 hrs late setting down. So what would have been a 9:30 landing time turned into 12:30 landing and a 3 am go to bed. But I did find that one of my cousins has one HELL of a nice small house.
  21. except that WC3 is MADE for things like "UMS" maps
  22. Calax


    LAUNCHIE!!!! :pounce:
  23. War3 was too hero centric to actually have much in the way of a "war" feel to it... It felt like D&D with a skillion hirlings cluttering the battlefield. If they had pulled heroes from multiplay there'd be alot moreo strategy rather than "Get my hero to max level so he can one shot an army"
  24. no offence but could we get the topic a little more on target? I came in here thinking that this was a thread by a disgruntled employee only to find that it was actually a poster with a well thought out post (which can be a rare thing now a days)
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