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Everything posted by Calax

  1. heres the wierdest thing about Tank gear, at 77-78 you can easily get to 540 defense. However as my gear has been upgraded I've been having to resort to other means to KEEP my gear up because most of the epic gear acutally has less strait defense and more of dodge and parry ratings.
  2. Ok, I recently updated my drivers on my good computer, and was having a ball with the thing but while playing Left 4 dead the drivers had a fatal error (they had had errors before but never bad enough that the computer locked up) I have to practically pull the plug to get the thing to shut down and when I try to restart it doesn't boot completly. It boots to the windows screen with a "loading" bar and locks up. From what I can tell the drivers for the graphics card won't load and when I tried to load off of my windows disc it errored. I'm wondering if anyone has any knowledge about how to recover the system so I can use it rather than this old computer.
  3. I have problems with squirrels in that they hide acorns under the roof tiles at our house and i often hear them fighting or just scampering across my wall at 5am and am forced to wake up.
  4. I could easily MT the thing where my gear is atm. http://www.tankspot.com/forums/f97/40966-p...-gear-list.html that's a list of everything you need to go to naxx without really entering a heroic. The hardest part for me at the moment is that I get a better piece of gear and my defense drops 5 points. so I've got to juggle trinkets and ring to try to keep myself above the cap. I'm probably one of the better tanks on the server, my biggest problem is I don't use my panic buttons enough.
  5. as they say in general forums "wall of text crits you for 99999999, You die" as my sig states I'm a tank. Gearing up outside of naxx it's possible to get fully purple before you head into naxx but it's REALLY difficult and requires you to run every single heroic instance and get alot of rep up. I'm easily able to tank naxx but I'm frustrated with my guild atm because they seem to have it in their heads that about 15 people HAVE to go to the 25 man raid dungeons (the 10 man and 25 man content only really requires 2 tanks, or one REALLY geared tank unfortunatly) We had a yelling match where two of the officers ranted at me for about 15 minutes before I restarted my system. Violet Hold is probably the easiest instance I've encountered yet. it's kinda like Black Morass in the caverns of time but the bosses are pretty much tank and spank (well one is a problem, but it's luck of the draw about which ones you get). I also got told by healers that I was too squishy for naxx (which isn't true, they're just used to running with a pair of tanks that are in Naxx gear rather than pre-naxx gear) and I should deal with it before my next attempt to enter the place. Problem is I can't really get better gear without being IN naxx so the healers are just talking out their ass. I donno, I might leave I might not, depends on how a follow up discussion with the two intelligent raid leads goes.
  6. except that origionally Red was eaten and no woodsman came along to help her, Sleeping beauty woke up only because of the pain of child birth after she had been raped by prince charming... etc etc.
  7. Never played the previous MGS games, but let me say that MGS4 is a piece of art and does not deserve your scorn. MGS is normally a very serious game, but the devs do like to put funny moments in there (looking down naomi's blouse for a psyche bonus, the ever diarrhea afflicted johnny sasaki, a merc relieving himself on you in MGS2)
  8. I'm reminded of the Billy beer for some weird reason.
  9. This except that maybe you could get heavier weapons for limited amounts of time (like you take it from an opponent and you can keep it until the alert is over then he throws it away because stealth is easier without the heavy weapons)
  10. Who said anything about playing as Revan/The Exile again? A new character would be a must, just make them an ex-Jedi Knight from the Jedi Civil War who was in hiding in KotOR2 and by KotOR3 has returned. I mean you can't just have some new kid off the block, especially since it took the "Chosen One" years to become powerful, and what, some nit wit is going to become elite in a matter of months? I think not. Anyway I agree with you, no Revan/Exile as PC for KotOR3 thanks, but this is irrelevant, there won't be one. That argument about the whole power thing and levels is invalid. Its easy to start over... Just look at these points: 1. Mandalore in KOTOR 2, depending on KOTOR I, he should be level 20 when you meet him in KOTOR 2, but however, depending on WHEN you decide to go to Dxun, he could be much lower with many abilities he already learned in KOTOR 1, that he now doesn't have in KOTOR II. 2. Sith in KOTOR II. Can we just say the Sith you fight on the Harbinger SUCK compared to the Sith you fight in Korriban or on The Ravager? Not an accurate guess... they are the same faction, and they COULD'VE been trainees, but I doubt it. 3. My knowledge on T3-M4 is limited, but I don't think he received a memory wipe at hte end of KOTOR I. Its possible he did, but idk... He should be uber gear head at the beginning of KOTOR II. Like serious 20 intelligence and 20 in repair, computer, etc. 4. Whats Bao-Dur's reason for being weak when you meet him. He wasn't a force user, he couldn't have been "cut off" from the force. He did go in exile after the war, but that doesn't mean he would all of a sudden become useless... and he was fighting Czerka on Telos long before you got there.... Ok ok he lost his arm, but he replaced it with a better one, one that packs a much better punch and can disable shields. 5. Mira? She's been bounty hunting along time, although she doesn't kill her targets, she was certainly experienced in the art of bounty hunting. Depending on when you go to Nar Shada though, she could be a really low level like yourself. 6. Sion when you meet him in Korriban compared to when you face him in the Trayus Academy... He is harder in the Trayus academy. Why wasn't he that tough in Korriban? He certainly wanted to kill you there. 7. In general everyone you fight in the game... You fight that assassin on Telos, false Batu..... Say you go to Onderon LAST, you fight bounty hunters there. Are they just "better" bounty hunters? Sounds like a lame explanation to me. You can see my point here. Ofc, correct any of these points if they are wrong. Fighting Game Mechanics with Story... this isn't going to end well. Heres a simple rule, characters will always be powerful enough to fulfill their plot obligations in the story, beyond that they are powerless.
  11. isn't heavy rain supposed to be out in 09?
  12. Most likely instead of jedi as his batteries he'd just weed out the week Sith and force them into the stasis.
  13. Probably because the characters as they were wouldn't fit into the game. Or they change things to make the game move smoothly. For example Too Human tried to give an updated version of norse characters. Problem is that sometimes trying to make a character sound like they're from the mythos while still telling a story that's styled contemporary, leads to some REALLY weird lines. The Medusa thing is terrible imho but then who knows what's going on in the minds of the devs during THOSE decisions.
  14. I once had a history teacher that said that the anti Israel groups in the area won't stop attacking because that would cause the eye of the world to move away and thus they would be forgotten (and thus lose leverage on their opponents diplomatically). Probably one of the few ways to stop the violence would be to make Jerusalem an independent city and have one ethnic group to the north and the other to the south, but that'll never happen because everyone is soft on the jews because OMG they were ethnically cleansed 70 bloody years ago.
  15. longest single gaming streak? I donno I think I clocked in at about two days. I did beat MGS4 in one sitting in about 18 hours strait (the next run through dropped to about 10) MGS2 I used to be able to run through in about 8 hours.
  16. On fable 2. I didn't like it, the player is a blank slate of the worst form, you don't speak, you don't really have choice in how things happen (except for once or twice in the story where you either picked your direction by action or a simple thumbs up or thumbs down). I can understand the "no speaking" rule on one level, your trying to make the character belong to the player, the problem is that your also making the emotions you show seem useless. Also people somehow know when you accidentally killed that one civilian out in the middle of nowhere and will often start calling you a murderer and then accept a proposal of marriage within the span of a few seconds (which to me really broke the experience). I was also bugged when they said your actions manipulate the world, except that in the main storyline you can't really change things except the very beginning where they decided to show off the concept to show it worked. Social interaction is handled in that you can perform actions (unlocked through feats of strength and alignment/purity levels). You can fart, fist pump, flirt, kiss, dance and so on and so forth and anyone watching will react. Except it gets very stale when you do the same three actions over and over again to get one person to like you (so that you can explore things like marriage) and all of a sudden the entire town is trying to bed you. Also your alignment and purity level will automatically raise you in the eyes of the populace (if you're a saint, you don't really have to do anything to marry somebody EVERYONE loves you). I didn't play with the social interaction much (my first "husband" (I was a female character) left me because I didn't visit him enough) and overall it felt like you were having to work too much to have fun.
  17. ... Do I have to pull up a printout from work and put it in manually?
  18. I was over Nevada when 1200 hit for the third and final time... CURSE YOU JFK INTERNATIONAL 25 PLANE TAKEOFF LINE!
  19. I'm not saying Generals is a bad game, What I'm saying is it had nothing to connect it to the C&C franchise other than the name. It had a completely different money scheme, different build menu, no live action cutscenes. NOTHING that was a C&C trademark until the expansion came in that added live action cutscenes. At least TOR is a storyline sequel to the Kotor games. IMHO a game must have one of two things similar to it's predecessor, the style of gameplay, so an FPS is an FPS with a similar control scheme, Strategy games have the same interface, RPG's have the same rules set and interface, or the storyline is the same/set in the same universe. If you don't have these you are either trying to zap life into a monstrosity that seemed to have died years ago (weather it works or not depends), or you're trying to milk the franchise name for cash (Generals gets a leery eye for that one) Ah, but Generals was made by EA too, so it was bound to be uber different. Well, IMO, TOR isn't really a sequel, it has almost nothing to do with KOTOR. The only thing it has to do with KOTOR is these "sith" have attacked. There is ANOTHER WAR, or is it like, a "Cold War" so to speak? I can't remember. Also, I disagree with having a lot of time for the Sith to lose badly, see the Star Wars timeline. And I agree with Dawuss. It would be really hard to change a world where there are players that are DS, Light, and maybe Neutral, all in the same environment. Its physically impossible, unless they make it based on PVP, in which case it WOULD be like Star Wars Galaxies. Except that C&C3 and Red Alert 3 were also made by EA and they retained enough connection to the franchise that fans liked em. Generals was an expirament that got people to buy it by cashing in on a name. CnC 3 and Red Alert 3 were like the previous games in the franchise yes, but thats because its easy to get people to buy sequels. Generals was not necessarily a bad game because it was a new world. Well, maybe in your opinion it is. But back on topic (since we are not really supposed to talk about RTS' here): Referring to your earlier post, you said, "IMHO a game must have one of two things to its predecessor, a similar style of gameplay (like fps and fps) and have the same rules/interface/be set in the same universe." This is true... for sequels. K2 is the sequel to K1. TOR is an MMO and does not NEED these things (except of course be set in the Star Wars universe because I mean you can't have it called Star Wars and its NOT in the Star Wars universe. And because its an MMORPG, it will most likely have a similar interface and rule sets to OTHER MMORPGs, unless they really become amazingly innovative. Part of what Bioware is banking on with TOR is that the people who liked K1 and K2 will pick it up because it's set in the same era, and I would think that Bioware isn't that stupid so you'd find there are story connections that largely link it to the two previous games (Jediphile liked the quote where they said it was the be all end all sequel to Kotor.)
  20. Somthing really telling about SWG was that it was reviewed twice, Once when it came out (which was broken and wasn't very fun to most of the players), and a second time 2 years ago when they instituted a series of changes that deleted half the classes and made the game more combat oriented rather than crafting oriented.
  21. ... It's not exactly 2D... Regardless, the art direction is consistant, but it's a horrible look that I personally cannot abide, I also think WoW look dreadful... So *shruggs* it's mostly a matter of opinion. WoW looks cartoony because thats the only way they could get it to keep running on systems that were not "tricked out" games. It's probably what keeps people playing because even with new expansions they don't really have to upgrade to keep going.
  22. I liked the tech for GTA4, but I was frustrated that the game didn't have the more heavy mocking of society, I mean there was some but for me most of the humor was stupid stuff. I don't play GTA to have a serious storyline, I play it to have fun. I haven't tried saint's row yet but I think I'll like it better than GTA4.
  23. so DownWiththeilluminati is the architect?
  24. I'm frustrated, My parents got a prepaid phone for me. I couldn't figure out its number or how to activate it for about 20 minutes, then we called to activate it, messed up and got sent to the stupidest customer service rep I've ever had to deal with, I was on hold for a total of 20 minutes, I had to repeat every number I gave her three times, I had to fight with her over my birthday, and then she gave me a number in the wrong area code. When I tried to get her to correct the area code she put me on hold then the phone just hung up.
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