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I want to say Hawthorne but I don't think that's it.
I've actually considered giving WoW another shot because of this, and how I keep hearig that casual gamers are having a blast playing it. Well, that and Jeff Kaplan, the lead designer, is gone now. I really didn't like the direction he took the game in. With a new guy or gal in his spot, maybe WoW will return to its roots of being a PvE game first, with PvP mini-games acting as both a different aspect for players to explore and experience and as an alternative form of end-game. Get away from this e-sport crap. leveling till lvl 80 is awesome, also all the lore about the quests, but raiding is a joke... after we put our feet first time into 25 manned content we cleared it all in 3 raid resets, and we are guild who killed Kil'Jaeden two weeks before release of Wrath of the Lich King... Hell my old guild (who's officers are probably having to deal with a lot of infighting due to a couple of the officers being to worried about their raid spots than they are about the guild itself) killed Illidan 2 weeks before Wrath and they've cleared 25man naxx.
Speaking of 'not getting it', I really don't see what all the excitement about the upcoming Street Fighter IV is about. Grew out of fighters over a decade ago, and SFIV just looks like the old arcade one, except in 3d, yet everyone is going ape over it. I think it's because it's basically an updated version of Street Fighter 2. All the other series seem to have just gone to hell in terms of mechanics and balance. SFIV is put together to be good for all players.
Just gonna say that Alma did to Beckett what her daddy did to her (also beckett was fighting for a LONG time in his mind to get out...)
I'm pretty sure male full frontal leads to a NA-17 rating. Anything between the belt and the thighs is offlimits on R rated films. As far as most people are concerned those objects are only to be seen in porn.
I've actually considered giving WoW another shot because of this, and how I keep hearig that casual gamers are having a blast playing it. Well, that and Jeff Kaplan, the lead designer, is gone now. I really didn't like the direction he took the game in. With a new guy or gal in his spot, maybe WoW will return to its roots of being a PvE game first, with PvP mini-games acting as both a different aspect for players to explore and experience and as an alternative form of end-game. Get away from this e-sport crap. They tried something different in the new expansion. They created a story line that's got three acts to it, Act one starts when you get there and ends in the only ingame cinematic. Act two starts right after and goes beyond the end of the current content. Wrathgate and the Battle for the Undercity have got to be the funnest parts of leveling thus far.
On your back you've got your line of health and next to it is a little semicircle, the semicircle is the amount of time slowing "ammo" you've got. those packs refill that meter. As to gunz all I have to say is that you should probably just stick with the basic plasma cutter and upgrade the hell out of it. It's best for cutting off limbs and it gets beastly later on. Also if you use only one weapon you only get ammo for that one weapon.
This game was one reason that I believe that if you're going to have people interact with your main character, or give them a freaking name, you either have to make the interaction seem somewhat believable that this guy wouldn't talk back, or you've got to make the guy talk and give him a personality. The other game that makes this is the Half Life series... I mean Alyx must spend HOURS in front of the mirror talking to herself about anything that comes into her head.
2 things One Project Origin wouldn't exactly make sense if two of the delta operatives just abandoned their mission to rut in a destroyed building like a couple of animals, that said I think kaftan will be oddly surprised when he sees the ending Two, I think the major reason has been mentioned. Usually the characters are in situations where it wouldn't make sense if they had sex. I mean we point out that uncharted and it's ilk but usually the games are placing character in such situations that they wouldn't have the opportunity much less the inclination to stop in the middle of a dangerous situation and start going at it. Maybe after they were done and safe they'd do it because of the combat letdown (it's proven that when the adrenalin gets out of your system you get really really ... lustful), but during a situation where the world/whatever is at stake people usually don't stop for a moment to make sweet sweet love. Add to that the fact that most women in action games are very very shallow in terms of characterization (even if they weren't a woman in the military would probably be a complete alpha who fights with the men over the "pecking order" in terms of social status and who's best at what etc), and thus they would probably butt heads with their male counterparts rather than get along. All in all I'd probably think it'd make sense IF they had stronger characterization and the situation made more sense. I will however give that the relationship between Tidus and Yuna in FFX (don't tell me you didn't think they were in love) probably should have been consummated. It would have made sense if they at least tried a little teenage fumbling right before heading into the fight with Sin (mainly because teens aren't exactly paragons of self control when it comes to sleeping together), even if the rest of their party figured it out, they'd be embarrassed sure but probably wouldn't regret doing it (I would wonder if a dream could reproduce )
in the navy it's (and this was drilled into me at boot before I was kicked out Seaman Recruit Seaman Senior Seaman (? not sure on that one) Petty Officer 3rd class Petty Officer 2nd class Petty Officer 1st Class Chief Senior Chief Master Chief (with a few permutations like Command Master Chief) and finially Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON)
Agreed. Also, by the time you'd leveled that supposedly strong class up to 80, it probably wouldn't be among the "strong" classes anymore. My own class, warlock, was one of the best classes in TBC, but in WotLK we've been one of the weakest classes in pvp, it's all about the burst damage now. In TBC I was usually around 1700-1800 rating, now I can't even get over 1500.. I don't know about PVP but in PVE the focus has been shifted from damage over time to massive amounts of damage in a short period. They're trying more technical fights in the raids and dungeons. The mana changes they're putting in (have put in?) are designed because they were finding that in dungeons the mana for healers was becoming a non issue, and thus the only way they could start putting pressure on healers was to force them to heal a LOT more damage (meaning the bosses had to hit like a truck, train, and airplane, all at the same time in the same spot). Naxx itself is easier because they don't force gear checks as much as they force the raid to not be asleep. In Kara/gruul/Mags lair usually the biggest thing preventing you from continuing on in the instance was that your raid's overall gear level wasn't high enough, Naxx you could run in there with half lvl 70 gear and kick the crap out of the entire thing if you knew what you were doing. They're constantly retooling classes, and often the OP character from yesterday will be the underdog the next day. In the beginning of BC Arms warriors were the kings of the arenas with Holy paladins because Mortal Strike + heals + Plate= murder. Then we got nerfed (by we I mean warriors). As to viable tanks they only really made protection paladins worth it near the end of BC, prior to that they didn't have enough Umph to get through half the fights. Now Warriors and Paladins seem to be getting punished for having shields, and lower life pools to draw on. The hardest fight in the game (Sartharion with three drakes up) can only really be tanked by a druid or DK because they have a very high base health to start with, and their overall mitigation (I mean complete mitigation, where the hit doesn't touch them) is higher than a warrior or paladins.
Two things about this. In America medical records are sealed to anyone except the health care provider, and the patient. So if I a woman got knocked up and wanted to hide it, she could pretty easily because of the amount of legal work and force required to get those things open. So it may exist, but it won't be in anyone's hands (if it does get out you can sue the doctors pants off for releasing confidential information and probably defamation of character)
Well watch this:http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/36-God-of-War-Chains-of-Olympus And the fact that it's a very POLISHED hack and slash that also has maturity about itself (it's not screwed up "mature" title that's only trying to sell the sex). It redefined parts of platforming... I don't know it felt like i was playing Prince of Persia but instead of finesse and agility I had brute strength. I have seen that video a few times already, but thanks I didn't know it had any platforming in it. So compared to games in general, it is the Halo 3 of Playstation? Polished to perfection and using the system's power to the max? EDIT: Oh and does the maturity come before or after the sex minigame? yeah it has platforming and puzzles in it. For example there's one puzzle in GOW 2 where you're confronted with a door that turns you to stone, what you need to do is run off brutally beat somebody into giving you the golden fleece and come back. then you use the golden fleece to reflect the beams back upon the mechanism destroying it's internals and letting you enter. Yeah, they're aiming for GOW3 to be the game that takes the PS3 to it's max. Both GOW1 and 2 pushed the PS2 systems abilities to new heights (GOW2 being the only game that has a tendancy to freeze my first gen PS2 because the laser can't make it all the way through the disk to the right information) and it helps that the people who made the system are also making the game (SCEA... well I would guess they know the limits of the ps3 anyway) I saw a preview in the most recent game informer, and one of the things that they showed the guy from game informer was a digital version of one of the titans (who are taller than skyscrapers) with a little white dot on the chest. They zoomed into the chest and that white dot was kratos, fully rendered. He's about 20000 polygons (I think, I may be missing a zero there) where his previous models were somthing in the range of a quarter of the quoted number. They also had a boss fight between zues and kratos where they explained that during the fight you go from being on level ground beating eachother senseless, to having gaia pick up the location and turn it on it's side, so the fighting goes to their wall climbing style, then gaia starts bashing the temple causing the terrain to change and finially the entire building to flip so that kratos is hanging upside down. ... you know what? **** it just read it yourself http://godofwariii.co.uk/gallery/god-of-war-iii-scans/
Well watch this:http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/36-God-of-War-Chains-of-Olympus And the fact that it's a very POLISHED hack and slash that also has maturity about itself (it's not screwed up "mature" title that's only trying to sell the sex). It redefined parts of platforming... I don't know it felt like i was playing Prince of Persia but instead of finesse and agility I had brute strength.
The first one should be like 15 bucks now. try IT.
Actually they're doing all the cutscenes and everything in the games own engine rather than having better graphics for the Cutscenes. Game play is basically the same but now you can control Cyclops and Harpies to kill other things and make your way through obstacles.
Just a few things I'm going to throw out, Alliance v horde populations are generally pretty balanced. Who's got the more people is based on the server/battlegroup (if you're doing battlegrounds). And Wintergrasp is ALWAYS taken by the offense because it's SO FREAKING HARD to defend. As to class, Paladins are probably the most balanced class, but lower levels it's one of the most BORING classes you'll ever play (auto attack is where most of your damage comes from). It really depends on your style of play, Warlocks Mages and Hunters are all strictly damage. Locks have demonic pets that you summon and you rely on the creation of soul shards and Damage over Time spells. Mages are glass cannons, all direct damage but can really beat the bejesus out of most anything in PVE. Hunters are a pet based class but also rely upon their ranged weapon more than their melee weapon. Priests and Shamans (from what I hear) are both pretty boring. Shamans get interesting in their forties when they get duel wield and windfury. Priests I haven't seen anything on really. Warriors are probably the worst class to run solo with. This is because they don't have ANY ability to crowd control except a stun (which is defense talent only). If you get in a fight on a warrior make DAMN sure you can win and you won't have him running off and grabbing eight others to beat you up. Druids are based around shape shifting and a little bit of magic. As you gain levels you also gain new shape shifts (the total grouping is Cat, Bear, Cheetah, SeaCow (I'm not kidding) and if you spec for it Moonkin (aka Boomkin)). Each form has a specific role to play, and the mechanics of each form differ, Cat's have the same play style as Rogues, Bears run similar to Warriors, Cheetah and Cows are used for travel (land and water) and the boomkin is used to blow stuff up with magic. Finially Rogues are a melee heavy class based around stealth and stunlocking. Rogues use energy rather than mana and do damage, unfortunately as it stands right now they are probably the least useful class in raiding because they don't bring any utility to the table. By utility I mean crowd control and buffs of some type, rogues can crowd control humanoids with sap but with Wrath's current dungeon set up you probably won't be using that at the endgame. They do put out impressive numbers in terms of damage, but they're still beaten by Ret paladins, and the better mages in the groups. Then there are Death Knights but we won't get into those guys because you wouldn't be able to create one right off the bat.
Project origin. I've stopped being frightened when I'm supposed to weirdly. I think it's because in FEAR you were scared because an 8 year old girl was blowing everything to kingdom come, while in FEAR 2 she only shows up as a static character (most of the time) and then you probably miss half of her appearances because you aren't looking the correct direction. They also have you running around shooting at ghostly apparitions (which makes them not scary because you're not vulnerable to them) and other toys. Probably the only thing that gets me even emotional is the freaking undead guys who are puppet masters for corpses and take a heap of ammo to put down, and then I'm simply frustrated rather than scared. I think if they had more Alma actually DOING stuff (like ripping people apart or making them melt) people would be more scared.
Maybe this will help: http://user.services.openoffice.org/en/for...f=10&t=3032 gracias.
I don't know, I always thought that getting laughed out of a dungeon group because you didn't have your abilities trained was a bad thing, which is why it's good to have a sugar daddy for at least a little gold to get you from being so poverty stricken that you can't fly from Stormwind to Westfall or Orgrimmar to Ashenvale (had both happen on different characters.)
true on the level 30, but with the rate you progress in the levels it's impossible to keep up with the leveling of skills and abilities to the rate that you are increasing in power (I've tried trust me). I ended up sending my horde paladin 40g from my deathknight (who I made AFTER the paladin, but earned 200g by the time he hit hellfire) just to make it so that I could keep up with leveling.
PVE servers tend to be more focused on community and raiding at endgame. PVP servers can however have a greater feeling of reward because of the fact you made it to the level cap while having to slog your way through certain areas (glowers at Stranglethorn Vale) with characters griefing you left and right. Admittedly my connection is very minimal on PVE, but on my PVP server (central standard time Azgalor) you find a wide range of people from the standard children, to people who are actually pretty normal and friendly. PVE and (I think here) RP servers allow you to roll characters in both factions on the same server, PVP servers completely disconnect the two sides by forcing you to have only one faction on each server (probably to prevent people from putting out "hits" if you know what I mean). I haven't tried an RP server, but from what I've heard people CAN report you for playing "out of character". How prevalent this is I don't know but it's possible you could get hit with a suspension for being "OOC". Server transfer I think only costs 10 bucks, unless you are on the sort of "server of the week", by this I mean that blizzard always has postings of servers that are offered free transfers to a fewer number of destinations to balance out the populations (ie a server packed to the gills every day will probably have a free Xfer to the newest and lowest population servers in the time zone). Usually on start up of the game, the game asks you your time zone and type of server you want to roll on (PVP PVE RP RPPVP are the four types I believe), and then will suggest a server. I'm guessing the suggestion is the lowest population server that's within the criteria specified by you. Also if you don't like the server you're on, you can create as many as 50 characters per account across all servers, rather than transfer (this is better if you're lower level because you don't have the gear and money yet). I would however suggest that you roll on a server of somebody you know who could help you. I say this because with recent changes to make leveling faster from 1-60/70 you will often find that you don't have enough money to train all the spells and abilities that you get every other level, much less trade skills and secondary skills, thus if you have a friend or ally on the server with a level capped character you can have them throw something like 50 gold to your character and you're set to get almost everything for a good long while (if it's the trial however they may want to limit it to 10 g as there is the chance that you won't pick up the full game). To put the gold numbers in perspective, A person can make upwards of 1000 gold per week by playing between 1-2 hours per day total. They'll earn more by raiding and going back and doing low level quests, but people have already put together 15k gold to get a mount that's got freaking vendors on it and a passengers seat!
I've noticed that the armor can take a lot more than it used to. I guess the combat didn't get easier, just you took a heap more health to kill.
SEGA Announces New Aliens vs. Predator Game
Calax replied to funcroc's topic in Computer and Console
They did the first one that they did, got confusing for me (particularly the levels where you were an alien running over walls) and it was brutally hard, but it had one of the best Mutliplayer modes (you're predators and marines fighting off waves of aliens)