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Everything posted by Calax

  1. you said he was reporting the news, he does not. if you are going to pretend to be impartial yourself, you should at least understand why that makes a difference. this is a pretty silly statement. nonsense. lying? isn't this just your "opinion?" sometimes you people really amaze me. You can't STAND IT that other people have their own opinions, and you regularly make your opinions out to be fact. wow. taks He reports his opinions as if they're the news. Thus he's (in his mind, and in the minds of some of his mindless fans) being a true newsman rather than just a commentator or opinion person. As to the lying, You yourself stated that the commentators have opinions, and thus are allowed to be partisan. However O'Reilly's show has been advertised as the "No spin zone" when all he is is a conservative spin machine. At least he doesn't try to sell his religion like some of the others on his station (who ostensibly ARE newsmen). I'm fine with Opinions, but represent your opinions as opinions. I have opinions, you have opinions, but to simply discard them, and the fact that my opinions are different than yours about what the news is and how it should be handled, and effectively call the other person an idiot isn't exactly the greatest debate strategy. I gotta say, you're basically being hypocritical here. You're saying that I'm having opinions that I'm making out to be fact and thus I should be put to the torch and burned as a heretic of knowledge, and yet you defend the commentators who do the exact same thing as if they're unable to do no wrong because some guy in a suit came out and said "Well, they're not news, technically" three months ago in a memo to the presses because they got yelled at about not presenting news, or truthful news or something in the past. Similarly you can present opinions that are dead wrong (see: young earth creationism), and even in the face of facts you can basically put your fingers in your ears and yell to drown out what you consider to be the blithering of idiots but that still doesn't make your opinion correct. Are there liberal pundits? Yes, Keith Olberman (or however you spell it) is probably the most obvious of these, I can make no comment on the other gentleman that you mentioned as I don't actually watch his shows/networks. As I showed in the other thread, Glenn Beck in particular is fairly good at taking opinions, making them sound like facts, then twisting those facts to make the folks who he dislikes into demonic entities of some kind. He took a jestful statement by Anita Dunn (after she called fox the research and PR arm of republican party) and twisted it so that she was a zealous follower of Mao Zedong who was going to transform america with her boss into a totalitarian communist state and then effectively tried to link her to Hitler in peoples minds by saying that she loves Mien Kampf. I'm sorry, but even if that's his opinion, he's wrong, and yet you're here defending these actions and others like it because "it's opinion", when it was clearly presented to the audience as facts that Ms. Dunn was a communist follower of Mao Zedong and Adolf Hitler.
  2. beck is a conservative opinion analyst, no different than chris matthews (on the left). i was right, you don't know the difference. taks I know the difference, but that doesn't mean I have to say "Oh, well he's an opinion commentator" (I'd hardly call him an analyst given he doesn't really analyze as much as manipulate) and simply let anything he says go fairly well unchecked because "It's his opinion". If you have an opinion, you should at least try to back it up with facts if you're going to represent the idea as fact. Also outright lying in your advertising campaigns (No spin zone anyone?) doesn't exactly speak well of programs.
  3. You can't. I use western media (much like any other, including local ones) for basic facts. From the basic facts, other more detailed knowledge, previous experience and educated guesses (because there's only so much available information) you formulate your own opinion. The problem with "humanitarian" interventions or any other sort of conflict is that they turn the media into a cog of the war machine, and everything becomes suspect. Although I must say the media portrayal of the Iraqi war was much more critical than the one of the Balkan wars. Its probably due to the relatively weak international backing the Iraq war had in the first place. Media manipulation was thoroughly analyzed by George Orwell in his day, and not much has changed since. The internet could be a better source of information, (and it is in general) if only it wasn't so chaotic and suffocated by amateurism. Thing is that mainstream news can twist the facts totally to the point where it's unrecognizable. Fox News is particularly good at this, evidenced in the other thread where we discussed Mr Beck. (of course they say that their lineup between 2 and 11 pm is just commentary which is odd but)
  4. Ok, I'm trying to find a way for me to take pandora radio and transmit it back out over a program (Ventrilo to be exact) and can't find a piece of software that'll do that. Anyone got any ideas how to do this?
  5. I've looked over his quotes and I'm not seeing anything that says "I hate the US" He clearly has major issues with the way the government is run, particularly foreign policy. But you aren't a fan of our current president and you have been very vocal about that, and no one has accused you of anti-Americanism. Critisizing the President when you disagree with him isn't the same as constantly siding with our enemies, especially the scum bags he's been siding with. And a lot of them aren't even on trial, like the Iranians, so why's he defending them? Honestly, you don't need to have something on trial to defend it.
  6. Good lord. I wonder if you could find the footage on youtube? I echo wals sentiments. If something was THAT badly mistranslated it'd have probably been thrown on youtube with the real translation and a commentary on the translators idiocy.
  7. I've looked over his quotes and I'm not seeing anything that says "I hate the US" He clearly has major issues with the way the government is run, particularly foreign policy. But you aren't a fan of our current president and you have been very vocal about that, and no one has accused you of anti-Americanism. Interestingly I think that Dagon Would probably jump on you for being anti-american if you'd expressed "I don't like the current president" sentiments a year or two ago.
  8. Ahh the glory of incompetence. That said, I need a translator of russian to let me figure out wtf this means:
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuwYM3HsaAQ...feature=related It's not the political stuff, but the rapid fire insults that's just bloody funny (I laughed for five minutes when I heard this on the daily show)
  10. Books are just as fallible as people, it's just that books have a fact checking and editing process designed to pull as much misinformation out of the book as possible. To prevent things like the "Founding fathers hated guns" fiasco from a few years ago.
  11. Yes... yes you can.
  12. Not really. *grumbles something about being wrong* I said it was me before the edit, it wasn't. It was Lare http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=53776 I need to find the article again. Also this explains where dark matter is, rather than just being a huge amount of mass that's invisible to everything the calculation was better towards the mass of everything we can see (stars planets etc) with no need for extra mass from dark matter.
  13. I wouldn't say ever personally. But then I like a more strategic look at things so R.U.S.E. or whatever might be more my speed.
  14. The standard endgame run is that you have dungeons or some way to increase your character as time goes on. In WoW and most MMO's this is handled with equipment and getting better and better gear as you progress through raid dungeons. I will say something, Cryptic (STO's devs) are VERY good at crafting universes with fun storylines and fantastic leveling. However they usually fall apart when they hit the end game because (at least with their other two MMO's (City of Heroes and Champions Online)) they don't put as much work into an item or stats upgrade system. The closest thing to "endgame" in City of Heroes was a "hamidon" raid where you got close to 100 people attacking a giant amoeba-like creature that was effectively a god. champions, I didn't get to the end, but from what I read on the beta forums it was kinda just running random quests until your brains fell out your ears. Star Trek would be difficult to add endgame to I think because there isn't really dungeons you can put out... It'd be more like EvE where you just never stop increasing in level.
  15. Thing is, after serbia we actually prosocuted the leader for genocide UNDER the aegis of the UN. In iraq the trial was under the iraqi peoples. I seriously doubt if that many people could be part of that conspiracy given they're all part of different nationalities and probably don't speak the same languages.
  16. Sure I do. But drooling on game characters breasts, especially in a game like Bayonetta, is like drooling on Barbies breasts. I leave that to jaguars4ever Well, she does get more naked with the more powerful abilities that are used.
  17. walked sideways in rain... got soaked. Came home and found this: http://kotaku.com/5452997/the-lawyer+mans-...elp-a-gamer-out
  18. Bayonetta, which is even more over the top than DMC with a woman who's able to shoot guns with her feet. Honestly, as I play through Darksiders, I'm enjoying myself. Does it take things from the other games? yes, but that's fine becuase they do it well.
  19. ... wasn't there a series of aerial attacks carried out by the US on Iraq in the span of four days during Dec 2000? Mainly because Saddam kept doing stuff to the UN weapons inspectors.
  20. ... screwed up and somehow managed to sleep for 16 hours and miss an appointment and a shift at work. I think it's the fact that we've had a storm the past few days that makes the outside the same bloody light level be it noon or night. ... I feel like an idiot. I'm off by 12 hours somehow... probably because I friggin went to bed pretty damn late and my clock isn't the easiest to read.
  21. 1 Number two the story goes flying out the window
  22. Sounds like something somebody says when they're trying to get pregnant.
  23. uh, are you quoting the news reporters, or folks like bill o'reilly? either way, that still doesn't make them what everyone in here wants them to be. i'd recommend you spend less time reading the huffington post, btw. taks Well it was most of the commentators which palin would be one of. Generally you loose the impartiality of things when you show that sort of hypocrisy. Also:
  24. Well, she is always bugging me for attention (coming into my room and yelling at me then headbutting my legs and attacking my power cords) but this is the first time she's decided to jump on the chair.
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