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Everything posted by Calax

  1. ... Now I'm half expecting that anyone turning 30 on the board who has no significant other will be sent a mail order bride.
  2. Yup that is true. They were introduced by Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.) and Sen. **** Durbin (D-Ill.) in 2009-2010 when the Dems held the cards. Obama mentioned his support of the Durbin Bill in his SotU address in 2010. Since the Repubs took over the House in early this year those bills are Dead On Arrival, thankfully. But Obama would have signed them had they passed before the 2010 elections. And it would have caused the cost of food to go up even more, hurting people financially even more. Obama and others in the government are not evil people. They do not sit around and dream up ways to harm the people financially or otherwise. But they often do out of sheer ignorance coupled with good intentions. They biggest part of the Libertarian political philosophy is that a smaller government will hurt you less. The problem with career politicians is that they lack any real understanding of what they are governing. The biggest problem with the US political system now is not Republican or Democrats, or even the choice of one or the other. We have allowed the creation of an entire class of people who do nothing but govern. They have no concept of how an economy works because they do not participate in it. They have never had a real job, had to meet a payroll, had to manage a hosehold on a limited income. This is where I could trot out the term limits argument but that is futile, they will never pass it. The political class really has become the tail wagging the dog. Just look at the whole Jon Wiener debacle for an example of how out of control it has become. Question, which bills are you talking about? The only durbin bill I found via google search was the more recent one that's designed to crack down on privatization of government assets, and one that forces the Fed to put in rules on swipe fees for debit cards that are reasonable. And on the topic of "Small Government=better" Thing is that without a larger government intervention within the financial sector (at the very least) the government can't do the job of defending their citizens from being defrauded by the companies that would end up (basically) controlling the economy. I mean you look at it right now and the entire financial system acts like the smaller investors/non-investors are complete trash, and when they loose their money it's their own fault, not the fault of the person that they trusted their money to. Decreasing government in this capacity would allow those companies who ripped us off and sent the global economy into a tailspin that (under Obama) is finally starting to level out, to keep right on ripping us off and supporting the upper 3% of the population of the US in terms of income. Understand, I'm not saying that the government needs to intervene in every situation, but there needs to be an understanding that the government is supposed to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic who don't always shoot at us as much as steal from us.
  3. Can you get them without another player or do you need to play with someone? You can do it without another player, but you gotta play through the game at least once.
  4. Wouldn't the entire game just be "Gosh darn it to heck, Cleetus just killed Jessup in a duel, guess I gotta go play clean up... again!"
  5. Iiiinnnteresting. Apparently, there are multiple endings to FEAR3 depending on Coop scores.
  6. more like "head vaporizations". It also likes dismemberments.
  7. Not really, if they wanted to open a new account (as you probably know) they'd have to buy every warcraft product up to the current expansion, and register them all on a new account that may run for 5 days before it gets shut down. Compared to hacking open old characters where they have the character already set to start farming from the get-go and don't have to pay the 100ish bucks to have a fully active account.
  8. They still fly and get pinned to walls Tale... you just have to be using the right weapon (the 20mm nail gun). Also, I think there's more environmental destruction than you're thinking about, it's just that the guns don't really do it anymore (the smaller calibur ones)
  9. He didn't, the farmer did. If he ever decides to go back to the game I think he'll have a small heap of gold on his toons but *shrugs*
  10. Apparently the kid was charged with Bot related crimes. And it looks like Lulzsec is gonna go ballistic with their copy cats on friday.
  11. GD, you cite two bills on the congress floor, and yet Obama himself can't (technically) control what gets put on the floor and voted up or down. This is one thing I think that many people forget, the executive branch can't introduce and work bills over in congress, so you can't say he personally is to blame for those two bills. Also the current congress is republican controlled so *shrugs*
  12. freaking out a wee bit because apparently my Yahoo email got cracked and somebody sent out span to that address list. I ran a safe mode virus scan on my main HD and am now running a "normal" on my secondary HD to figure out if I've got anything. I can only really think of one incident recently where I picked up something small on my anti-virus. but I donno.
  13. According to Lulzsec he's only "At best mildly related to [them]"
  14. Gotta say I am kinda frustrated that Armacham went from basic defense contractor to "Umbrella corporation without zombies but telepaths"
  15. A bit more FEAR3. Just saw a cutscene with Beckett from the previous game in it, and hey actually sorta dealt with the whole "I got raped" thing pretty well all things considered.
  16. You loose any "activist" connection when you say "Oh, we're sitting on 200k players data from Brink, but we won't release it because we like the devs". Also they apparently just threw a guy under the "partyvan" last night.
  17. Gonna be intersting if the threat is genuine and carried out
  18. http://kotaku.com/5814214/you-dont-have-to...anks-to-freedom Wow! I wonder how many slots I've got on my servers.
  19. I'm of the opinion that it's an ok game, not gonna go blowing any minds away. But it's VERY obviously based entirely on co-op, just single player makes you feel a bit to overwhelmed in firefights sometimes.
  20. Played the first interval in F3AR. Honestly it seems fairly solid gameplay wise, although I haven't tried it with a co-op partner (I'll probably drag Tale into it at some point). Doesn't REALLY have a story quite yet as it basically starts with you escaping a prison with help from the "family" to find Jin from the first game (who was offed in the expansions which aren't continuity according to monolith)
  21. It'll probably be console exclusive. I really wanted to play RDR and LA Noire - but I refuse to buy a TV and PS3 just to do so. I don't own a TV. I just have a second monitor with an HDMI port.
  22. In other rockstar new GTA V SON!
  23. Note from about the recent DNF insanity and reviews, from Tycho of Penny Arcade
  24. One thing about Lulzsecis that they're not really showing that much vulnerability in most of the stuff they do. All they did to several of the sites was a simple DDoS attack, not barging into the server and yutzing around with files or anything.
  25. It's Monday?! ****!
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