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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Because there's no Yuri taking power in Russia.
  2. but it's late and I could be misreading it. Speaking of PR, aren't they supposed to be voting on what direction they want to take as far as status quo, statehood, independence? From what I can tell? not really. It's a topic constantly debated but they prefer to just stay as a commenwealth.
  3. Think the US Army is going back to diesel engines in their tanks, better fuel economy I suppose. Well that and infantry can follow the tanks without getting burned. Figure five gallons to "turn the key" is a wee bit high.
  4. Did they flip The Americas when I wasn't looking? This is WoD, who thinks that 1/10000000000000000000=0 someone had mentioned Puerto Rico when talking about American colonialism in the Pacific I don't think anyone specifically mentioned Puerto Rico was in the Pacific... I mentioned that Guam (which is in the Pacific) was a point from which the US could project military power into the Asian hemisphere, and I think we mentioned that Peurto Rico was in a similar spot in terms of their ability to effect mainland politics.
  5. Its not as... crazy as the first one (particularly in terms of the "I'ma kick your rear" difficulty for beginners)
  6. Calax

    New York

    Coney not Connie Oh God, did she get mad? No, it just reminded me of my Aunt.
  7. If I thought I could get away with it, I'd be an installer/matinence guy for a building. Simply because I'd feel the fact that I was completing tasks rather than chasing a dream that's never gonna be reached.
  8. Calax

    New York

    Coney not Connie
  9. Calax

    New York

    http://www.parkermeridien.com/eat4.php DO IT! Best burgers I've ever had. Also you might want to hit up china town for the more odd shops and such. ANd don't worry about transit... the subways go EVERYWHERE.
  10. Did they flip The Americas when I wasn't looking? This is WoD, who thinks that 1/10000000000000000000=0
  11. Thinking about it there does need to be some power in the world that can realistically check America. It can't be china because those in power are to scared of losing the business it provides, and most of european political bodies either don't want to actively antagonize America or are buddy buddy with the two american regimes
  12. Soooo... to all the hopeless guys at the party Gingrich is pulling a train in the back?
  13. It's the "winner takes all" system, not the campaign costs which result in that. Actually, you're both correct. The US electoral system (first past the post) ****s over new parties and candidates who want to change things, and the fairly non-existent limits on political 'donations' ensure that, generally, only the parties and candidates favoured by the big corporations stay in or take power. Maybe... I get the feeling it might turn out to be a bit of a "tainted well". Assuming that people actually vote how they feel (to a greater or lesser extent) I can see a political fight between the two parties going badly for the one thats taking the most Super-PAC donations. Right now the republicans are sucking up to the various corps just to get a pile of money in order to attain enough funding to duke it out with Obama... the issue is that many of their more recent initiatives have been... unpopular to say the least (SOPA and PIPA being two examples) and will probably come back and bite them in the ass when the general election comes around. As much as the "reds" may hate Romney, he's really their only chance to even try breaking Obama's presidency. Santorum is winning right now because he's SO far right. But when the general election comes around and being a moderate canadidate actually matters, he's gonna get killed faster than McCain did post-Palin. Gingrich is just being turned into 10 types of crazy by his own speech and the media. And Romney, is more moderate, but he's also the one who is most awkward about everything he does (basically, he's trying to hard). None of them have the Charisma that Obama's got... nor do they have the charisma that let Gee Dubya get put in as president twice. The entire primary system is bullox.
  14. Well santorum seems to be replacing Gingrich as the non-mitt option, And he's leading. And no offense but if he does become the nominee then the republicans are going to be outright murdered in the general election
  15. Going to point out that in any event, the US should be trying to kick out the Brits from the Americas as part of the Monroe doctrine
  16. And would they do the same to protect the British citizens who have immigrated to Spain (in such force that there are kids growing up who have never spoken spanish, or even seen an actual spanish citizen)?
  17. I think from about 35 on they have a rediculous increase in the amount of XP required for you to jump to the next level and it ends up suffering that "doldrums" issue that is so common in games that have a distinctive point they were supposed to end (City of Heroes was ending at 40 for about 3 months, so the 30s were HORRIBLE to level through... same with 55-60 in WoW etc).
  18. Not bad, not good, they're both looking out for national interests although I think that's a thin justification for the brits in the Falklands, while Guam provides a stable base to project power into the Asian hemisphere
  19. Except that there is no other local government that had control of the land at a time in the recent past demanding the land back
  20. So countries are like witches. They can't cross water? Well, either way, it still doesn't make sense given that the Falklands is across an ocean, and an entire hemisphere. Unless there's some form of "island hegemony" in play. Kind of like Guam, eh? Is a nearby government saying "It's ours you prick!" to the USA? No? Then no, it's not like Guam. So colonialism isn't controlling a foreign territory and not allowing them participation in the democratic process but denying Argentinians oil? Ok. Guam is welcome to join the political process... they have a rep in the senate (among other things) and are relatively autonomous. Federal Taxes collected on the island go to the local government, rather than the Feds. They have enough people that if they they could go and become a state, but they don't want to.
  21. So countries are like witches. They can't cross water? Well, either way, it still doesn't make sense given that the Falklands is across an ocean, and an entire hemisphere. Unless there's some form of "island hegemony" in play. Kind of like Guam, eh? Is a nearby government saying "It's ours you prick!" to the USA? No? Then no, it's not like Guam.
  22. I've seen a fair few Knights and Scoundrels when I've played today. I also heard a few complaints from people in full pvp gear complaining about the upsurge of "newcomers".. so maybe things are starting to balance out now. I think most of the "causals" are finally starting to make it to 50 after a variety of characters have made it to the 20's
  23. Just gonna say, as a mentally ill person myself (had 2 trips to state-run mental institutions for various reasons) I must ask:
  24. So countries are like witches. They can't cross water? Well, either way, it still doesn't make sense given that the Falklands is across an ocean, and an entire hemisphere. Unless there's some form of "island hegemony" in play.
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