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Everything posted by julianw

  1. Nice work, pixies! Your pictures are always pleasing to the eye. Btw, Surreptishus - When did Flatus turn into such a mellowing nice guy? Is there some life-changing event I am not aware of? Birth of a child, finding your soulmate, or winning a lottery?
  2. The term 'race' certainly has multiple meanings. I guess saying that we humans have different subspecies would be more accurate. As some one else mentioned, these classifications are already out of date since countless migrations have taken place since divergent evolution and these classifications were based on the geographical regions that are the various subspecies' area of evolutionary origin. As for the definitions of races culture wise, even those are getting blurry through interracial marriages. Maybe one day we could be truly free of prejudice based on race... 'African American' is still the most used 'politically correct' term. I guess a newer and more accurate term 'American of African descent' is gaining popularity and perhaps would replace the former very soon.
  3. Welcome back, Lidda! Don't know if you still remember me, but... And DL - No more Carth fangirlism? Looks like my sis is all grown up. :'(
  4. Sure, but encouragements could lead to greatness. One day, we may all bust in the garden of Authority's turbulence.
  5. Never knew things could be misinterpreted to such a degree. I should be more careful with words in the future then. All humans are equal doesn't mean we are all the same. Celebrating cultural diversity doesn't mean celebrating cultural superiority. If we can all be identified as one group, don't you think this world would be awfully boring? p.s. Akhan225 - You probably want to read the thread a little more carefully. Many have posted in a joking manner.
  6. We need an Authority appreciation thread.
  7. That's exactly my point and your point is...?
  8. Define an American cultural wise for me. You can't.
  9. Also America is no longer a melting pot but a tossed salad. The cultures no longer get absorbed into one but complement each other in separate ways.
  10. We are culturally different, hence the different labels. I step on a basketball court, some nickname me Shaq while others use Yao. It's all part of basketball culture so either is acceptable. Terms like 'Asian brothers' or 'white brothers' have nothing to do with racism and do no harm whatsoever. Of course, an actual racist person using such terms might be dangerous, but it's also ridiculous.
  11. It's more of an expression of love than a political label. People enjoy doing it so why not? I mean many Asians are born in US too. They certainly have no problem being called 'my Asian brother' by anyone else.
  12. You know that could be seen as an extremely offensive racial remark. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A little lesson on US pop culture: when Blacks say 'brothers', it means Blacks. For an Asian boy to express the similar feeling of love, he must say 'my African American brothers'. (An elaborate handshake at the same time is recommended but not required. )
  13. Those would be the brothers we try to lock in cages.
  14. Yes there are different human races. Three major ones: Mongoloid, Caucasoid, and Congoid subspecies. But we as humans are distinctively different from animals. It's not a matter of arrogance but a matter of fact that we are more advanced both intelligence wise and spiritually than animals. Mankind is not a term defined biologically. It's the sense of duty and love we have for each other that linked us together as humans. Of course, when our animal nature takes over, we do terrible things to each other but at least we should be willing to admit that we are all essentially brothers and sisters stuck in a not-so-perfect world.
  15. Now that I think of it, Bush being the first president appointed by the court actually shaped our nation's course for at least a few decades. Quite remarkable...
  16. Most enlightened words I read all day, though I have only been reading this forum and an anime forum so...
  17. Your choices of colors are very soothing. It gives my heart a sense of peace and serenity. I think I should print it out and meditate with it...
  18. Darkside pretty much covered all the suggestions I could think of, so nice job overall!
  19. I am curious, Eldar. Of course, you might not be cracking jokes with a bunch of teenagers and 20-year-olds in real life, but I always thought that I have a good understanding of your beliefs and ideologies on many issues. Sure, we all change our personalities a bit on the Internet, but I still think this 'Eldar' reflects your mind fairly well. No?
  20. I thought you could get a fairly accurate read on many people here just from reading their posts. I mean don't you think we know more about Eldar or Ender than perhaps most of their coworkers?
  21. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that a bigger Numbers just joined the forum... (Alt?)
  22. Give me a 'F'! F! Now give me an 'I'! I! Give me an 'O'! O! Give me a 'N'! N! Give me an 'A'! A! Give me a 'V'! V! Give me an 'A'! A! Now give me a 'R'! R! What does that spell? FIONAVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Numbers - Your karate kid is dancing in slow-mo...
  24. But now it's me who's desperate, so know anyone? Moms okay too.
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