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Everything posted by Darth_Onivega

  1. your character will be in this to but i dont think Jedi believe in a God rather that they believe that the Force is their god
  2. ok we will begin now look for the new post
  3. to the ppl who think Kreia is Kae. Kae was said to be beautiful and if im not mistaken Kreia is not one that is what i would call attractive
  4. acutally just one more char and we will start
  5. You mean Geonosian? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> bah yoda was not geonosian....he was this
  6. personally i dont think Nadd should be on the poll Freddon Nadd's spirit went kaput by Exar Kun
  7. Malak Dark Lord of the Sith (Dead) Revan Dark Lord of the Sith Exile Dark Lord of the Sith (if gone DS) Me Ultimate Dark Lord of the Sith
  8. Hey, Old Lady Manny is the most honorable person on this planet!
  9. there is a RPG that is about after Jedi Academy if Jaden goes dark side and he comes back with a imperial remnant link is here
  10. btw we need a Jedi char before we begin
  11. btw i will be playing Magnus, Adol, and Reborn Nihilus (anyone who wants to be one of the characters pm me now)
  12. alright instead i just going to get this on way, i'll post a new post that will be the rpg it self
  13. Name: Adol Rozzes Age: 24 Homeworld: Unknown Weapon: Red Double-Bladed lightsaber Appearance: Correlian Power Suit, Rebreather Mask Force Side: Dark Side Affilation: Magnus' apprentice Powers: Battle Meditation, Rage, Life Drain Lightsaber Forms: Makashi mixed with Ataru Backstory: Adol Rozzes is the grandson of a Dark Jedi who served in the Naddist Movement. He was found as a stowaway by 2 Jedi, Dorak and Vandar. They took him to Dantooine and was trained untill he reached the rank of Jedi Knight. Eager to join the Mandalorian Wars he defied the Council and left for the war. It was on the battle of Duros when he gave into his passion for battle and fell to the Dark Side. Slaughtering 25 Mandalorian vetrans he gained a power the Jedi Council feared he would gain, Rage. He then fell to insanity and slaughter everything in sight. Mandalorians, Jedi, civilians, and other Republic soldiers. After the war he joined Malak and fought in the Jedi Civil War. By the war's end he barley escaped the destruction of the Star Forge when he heard the voice of Darth Magnus calling to him. He took the nearest escape pod and journey with it to the Unknown Planet. He met their Darth Magnus and wanted him as his apprentice. Rozzes sensed much power radiating from Magnus and accepted his offer. Unlike much of the Sith's rules, Adol had no wish to slay Magnus and deeply respected him. When Magnus learned of the events of K2, Lord Magnus and Lord Adol Rozzes would soon journey to a war-torn Republic....
  14. when ur about to enter Iziz and the guard asks ur bussniess, dont use force persuade and find the one which says "Im a powerful Jedi and im with a leader of the Mandalorians" i got a kick out of that one
  15. Nihilus should have been hell to kill yet he was more like the most forgotten part of Canada
  16. also if u cant make up one here is a few u can try: Carth Onasi Mandalore HK-47 Reborn Nihilus Bastila Handmaiden Disciple Jolee Bindo Atton Bao-Dur Hanharr Mira
  17. im thinking about starting a rpg that is during Revan and the Exile go fight the true sith blah blah blah. well im going to need......15 ppl for this. Well the chars will be in the Republic. this here is what i want Name: Magnus Age: 26 Homeworld: Korriban Weapon: Silver lightsaber Lightsaber forms (if any): Juyo mixed with Makashi Appearance: Dark Jedi Robe with hood, Force Mask Force Side: Dark Side Affiliation: Sith Order Powers: Force Storm, Heal, Force Rage, Deathfield, Force Jump (6 force powers max.) Backstory: Born on Korriban, his parents died due to starvation and the heat at age 5. He fended for himself till age 8 when he was found by a Sith Master named Darth Aven. Darth Aven took the young boy (named Ekken at the time) to the Unknown Regions on his Basalisk War Droid. Aven trained the boy for many years until he was Ekken no more. He donned the title Lord Magnus. He than slew his former master and took his ship and drifted towards Republic space with the intentions with bringing the Sith to the galaxy again.......
  19. they all sucked but as far as jedi go Vrook was my pick
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