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Everything posted by Darth_Onivega

  1. Ancient Jedi Killing Technique used by the Sith.....: Orbital bombardment
  2. ...the Exile will don the Beast's mask...
  3. Kreia: i like pudding Atton: i like pudding Bao-Dur: i like pudding Sion: i like pudding Exile: i like pudding HK-47: Statement: i like pudding, Master Nihilus: i like pudding Visas: i like pudding, mi'lord Handmaiden: i like pudding Mira: i like pudding Hanharr: i like pudding Mandalore: i like pudding T3-M4: i like pudding Disciple: i like masturb- er i mean pudding Vaklu: i like pudding Talia: i like pudding Zez-Kai-Ell: i like pudding Vrook: i like pudding Kavar: i like pudding Azkul: i like pudding Terena: i like pudding Dopak: i like pudding Zeron: i like pudding Revan: i like pudding Bastila: im a hermapha-wait this isnt the confessional Carth: I r gay Jolee: i like pudding Juhani: i like pudding Canderous: i like pudding Mission: i like pudding Zaalbar: i like pudding Malak: i like pudding Bandon: i like pudding Carath: i like pudding The One: i like pudding Elder: i like pudding Uthar Vynn: i like pudding Zhar: i like crack Vandar: i like heroine Dorak: i like pudding Trask: i like pudding
  4. a possesion of a incarnation of the dark side...hmmmm maybe its because it would have some power of the Force flowing through it
  5. Those Sith in the temple on Dxun were trying to resseruct Freedon Nadd through sacrificing one of their own Dark Jedi. The energy realeased would get the mida-chlorians in his mummy moving again and the dark side would fuel him and they would use his knowledge to destroy both Talia and Vaklu
  6. 3 made me feel evil the whole make zaalbar kill misson the experession of my DSM Revan (i chose the face with hair that looks like mullet) and the oblideration of teh Sand ppl
  7. find a quote and post it here (if u want just make up one like im doing now) (Exile after defeating Revan in K3) Go to your higher plane, Revan. The Republic and the Jedi are dead! The Galaxy is mine now...! Exile: You are nothing but a mockery of the Sith, Sion. Return to oblivion and become lost in the power of the Dark Side. I am the true Master. Kreia: I know you served in that final battle. It must have been a terrible thing. Atton: I like pudding. Revan: I will bring the power of the Dark Side to the Galaxy now.
  8. oh well, would just like to see how dey look though
  9. could somebody find a picture of the following: Arca Jeth's robes, Nomi's robes, Jolee's robes
  10. the Disciple says that the Mandalorians did not decide to attack for the sake of conquest but they had no choice. Im thinking the true Sith somehow force the Mandalorians to attack the Republic so it would be weaker for them to take over and bring the power of the dark side to the Galaxy
  11. Kreia says that Revan came to her to learn how he could leave the Order. And there are some sources (though i dont remember) that say that Kae was killed during the war. And when Kavar says they thought she died during the war, he didnt mean she was in the war, he meant they thought her death was during the time period of the Mandalorian Wars
  12. The reason why they chose the name Nihilus was due to the fact he was in fact nothing. The only way he became nothing though is because of the wound in the force crap. Exile and Nihilus are both dead spots in the force. we all know why Exile is wound in the force but Nihilus its different. Nihilus was on the planet when it was destroyed, when the echo (the wound) completed Malachor was a planet of the dark side, the echo must have past into Nihilus and killed whatever was living in side of him. His force sensitivy actually kept what was left of him alive and the dark side energy from the planet corrupted him
  13. what facts do you base that on? ( the only time republic ships looked like star destroyers or other sith type ship) was during Episode III
  14. Palpatine is old, so he could have been Plaugies's apprentic. Sidious kill Plaugies in his sleep, he even says so
  15. u talking about zonos or what....? well the reasons for the sith ships in Malachor's orbit is probably due to the fact that there is Sith soldiers in the academy, so the soldiers must have went to Trayus academy on those ships, and Nihilus must have pulled one from the orbit and took off
  16. Leviathan class warships are of Sith fleet designs, the only thing the Rakata did was create the Star Forge
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